Favorite things, now bring me no joy. Wtf happened to me??


Jul 28, 2006
About 2 weeks ago I kicked my 2 month long h relapse and got back on suboxone.
I got my dose back fo where it was before the relapse (2mgs) last week

But I feel really off now.
I love music and am a dj. Love bangin my dubsteps n mixing n putting together mixes n just usually get enjoyment from my craft
Im also an artist and get happiness from putting together paintings n random art stuffs

But lately it just hasnt been the same. I somewhat gotta force myself to do eather
And its just not the same I dont really get that happiness it used to bring me and there usually my 2 favorite things in the world

Honestly nothing lately has really made me happy..

I dont know what to do I dont remember feeling like this on suboxone before (i was on it and clean for 7 months b4 the relapse)
I switched to sub and went through the feel like shit, mild chills depression adjusting faze and passed that already so I dnt think its the adjusting... But idk...

Please help! :'/

It's still early days, and you're probably still adjusting to relatively sober living. Give it a bit, the creative juices will start flowing again soon enough. Keep practicing, just to keep your chops up, but if/when it starts to get frustrating or really boring just drop it. If you try to force it too much, a negative association will develop.
This is very common and seriously not something to worry about as a long-term issue. Do a search for the Suboxone Withdrawal Megathread, or the Suboxone Megathread and read up on people's experiences. A lot of people find that they reach a point on subs where they hit a depressive plateau or rut. Honestly my only prescription would be to get yourself off of subs. Yes this will make you depressed initially (look up anhedonia as a symptom), but soon you will start to build back that natural dopamine mechanism in your head. You will find yourself slowly, note this, slowly, flickering back those lights of interest in your old passions. Just dont expect to have it happen overnight by remembering that when it does happen, it will be a part of you, which chemical happiness will never be. Best of luck.
It really is common to feel like this when coming off heroin and moving onto suboxone. It can hit people at random times too.. you are not alone. Perhaps other circumstances were different this time? Perhaps it is because you are back on it after a relapse, so you subconsciously (or not so sunconsciously) are beating yourself up for relapsing?

It is also possible that this is a seperate issue and you are becoming depressed.. do you think that is possible? How are you feeling on a day to day basis? How's your mood, appetite, sleep etc?

Do you have people you can talk to about this? Especially people going through similar things, or at least familiar with addiction - or any good friend/family member who will listen to you and support you.

Things will improve, I am sure of it <3

edit: a few threads that may be useful:

Suboxone megathread in Other Drugs (covers a variety of questions, it may not be what you are after but there is a lot of knowledge in there and a lot of experience in Other Drugs in general so it's worth a try I would say)

Other Drugs Social - Now with Info and Support - it's a social, so there is a lot of off-topic stuff, but one of the ideas behind starting it was having a place for people to get support while coming off heroin etc - this could be a really good place for you to find people going through the same thing.

Note that the Other Drugs forum is an absolute goldmine of information, but doesn't have "no triggering" rules like we do so that's something to watch out for.

Good luck <3
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