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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Favorite David Lynch movie?

only ones I've seen are blue velvet and lost highway and I loved them both but could someone please explain lost highway to me?? I used to own it and I watched it many many times, but I still don't get it. It really makes me feel dumb sometimes
^^^ i'd prefer to keep this poll-less, as he'll hopefully keep making films :)

plus, polls discourage discussion somewhat, too.
Certainly Elephant Man. I love movies that are like an hour and a half in the electric chair. It is so incredibly depressing, yet so amazingly inspiring. For the most part, I think that he neglected his stylistic, cinematic eye-candy approach and explored the more humanistic side of his artistic nature.
JungleBeatz said:
Muholland Dr.
Lost Highway

in the order.

I ditto this order.
I finally saw (and paid attention to) Lost Highway about a month ago, and fuck that was a great ride.
In terms of shock value and head fucking i'd say Mullholland Drive.....me and my mate sat and watched it, and needless too say didn't really say a word......
I also loved Blue Velvet....it's a little more accessible than Mullholland drive, but once again it's a beautiful piece of wierd art.....

But as far as Lynch's stuff goes, Twin Peaks is my all time fave and possibly my favourite tv series ever...
^After they cancelled Twin Peaks (and Northern Exposure), I quit watching TV.
Yeh the shit on tv today is wrong.....all "reality-based" televison, but where's the reality????
watching some fat gay slob bounce around a rat-infested island for 3 months hardly constitutes reality..
Originally posted by Roger&Me
^After they cancelled Twin Peaks (and Northern Exposure), I quit watching TV.

You were watching Twin Peaks when you were six years old?
Blue velvet

Mulhollands drives good but I wish I knew what the fuck it was about.
the best thing David Lynch has done is his short in "Lumiere and Company". He and several amazing directors take their turns at creating a 50 second short from a reproduction of the original Lumiere camera.

There are many good pieces, but Lynch's blows them all away. It is the most amazing piece of filmmaking I've ever seen.

btw- I've heard that Lynch is extremely embarrassed by "Dune". He thought he did an absolutely terrible job. I think it's a piece of shit too.
^I've seen parts of Dune and all of them horrendous. Alternatively, I've heard the newer releases of Dune are great, although I haven't seen those either. I have read and am a fan of the books.
I can understand why a lot of people think Dune is trash. Compared to his other work it's technically inferior. However, I think one of the reasons which people point out as a weakness, being cheesy, is completely invalid. That's a part of sci-fi filmmaking which is not at the fault of Lynch.

Although I see its weaknesses I still love Dune. It was played over and over again throughout my childhood and has great sentimental value. :)
Was Dune ever shown in 3D? I remember (as a small child) seeing a 3D movie that looks alot like it but have no idea what it was.
Congratulations to those who can make sense of Lynch's work without having to resort to some textual film analysis or e-zine spoiler. Personally, I can't relate or fully appreciate his out of kilter storytelling -- call me old fashioned, but by and large, it strikes me as contrived and often just assumed high art. I'm sure Lynch gets a right guffaw picturing his viewers sitting around in awe trying to make sense of the obscure symbolism in his films. I, for one, don't have the patience. It seems like the sometimes marginal acting and lack of cohesion in his work is overlooked simply because it's a picture done by Lynch.

In terms of cinematography, he has his moments -- but for the most part, I just ain't buyin' it. Like the musical offerings of Cecil Taylor (or late era Coltrane), Lynch has flashes of greatness in his work, but it's just not worth sitting through the abrasive weird-for-weird's sake tripe to witness them.

If I had to pick one, I'd say Blue Velvet is his best. Still not a great film, in my opinion, but I like the way he tears down the old white-picket-fences of Americana by exposing a seedy and unsettling underbelly. I also appreciated the film's loyalty to classic film noir.
Have you ever seen Twin Peaks, Sn2? The show, not necessarily Fire Walk With Me.
The show was better. For your sake, I hoped you watched it before Fire Walk With Me or you ruined it for yourself. :(
I watched Twin Peaks, it was okay. Fire Walk With Me stunk. Even Lynch's more conventional stories are just mediocre. Take The Elephant Man, for example -- I thought this film was incredibly sketchy and weak in it's message/philosophy on humanity, nobility, etc. It didn't leave me with any lasting impression -- it was just, blah. Sooo many better directors and films out there, I just can't understand the hype.

I'll quit my bashing now. ;)