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Fast methadone taper help

So you took 60mg today? Like somni said take as much as you need to get completely out of withdrawal right now. You need to sleep eat and rehydrate. If you do those 3 you will feel like a new person in the morning

I think she's only taken 40mgs so far and it has been almost an hr since she took the last 20mgs. I recommended she wait a few hrs more before deciding if she should take any additional. What do you think? but yeah I think she def. needs sleep and to eat a solid meal. She works Monday.
I think she's only taken 40mgs so far and it has been almost an hr since she took the last 20mgs. I recommended she wait a few hrs more before deciding if she should take any additional. What do you think? but yeah I think she def. needs sleep and to eat a solid meal. She works Monday.
Oh ok yeah I would think 2 hours between doses would give a good idea on how she's going to feel. My thinking is it's going to be easier to start titrating if she starts out from a dose that gets her 100 percent well. If 40mg holds her then she is in really good shape because that means she has taken 60 percent of her tolerance away in 2 weeks. That's pretty amazing..... Even if it takes 60mg then it's still good.
I fell asleep for another hour. Woke up the same as before. Heart racing and nightmare. This sounds crazy but I can feel my heartbeat in my head/ears.
I took 40 total today. I'm going to keep drinking. I may try some fruit but the nausea is still pretty bad. So it's been 6 hours since I took the last 20mg so I will try another 20 now. Hopefully this will do it. Then tomorrow is a new day.❤️
I'm sure your body is just a little beat up from the lack of nutrients
^^That's probably a big part of it. When I go through withdrawal I don't eat or sleep and a lot of the feelings your describing Barbie I go through for months after because I don't eat or sleep at all and that puts your body through so much stress that it puts your body into shock. Even after 6 months I would wake up sometimes with those same feelings you describe after only being able to sleep for a few hours. I believe a lot of it has to do with disruptions with the HPA-axis and excess cortisol. This kind of thing can easily cause the regular cycle to be thrown off and it is commonly referred to as adrenal fatigue. Of course this is only my opinion based on experience and lots of time reading up on the subject but what is important is that you get stabilized, eat, drink and sleep.

I hope the extra 20mgs finally lets you eat and sleep Barbie. You will start to balance out soon and I'll do everything I can to help set you up with a schedule that will see you through to your surgery. You made the right decision and you have enough methadone to do this and once you get stabilized and titrate down slowly your switch to the short acting opiods should go a lot smoother. Hang in there. You're doing great..

I slept another hour yay! It's weird how it's an hour sleep each time but I'll take it. I also had the same nightmare and woke up terrified, boo. I already have an extreme fear of the dark and I am alone and in the middle of nowhere so it took me bit to calm down and get back on BL.

I didn't take the 20 I took 10. Well close to that. All of it doesn't come out of the syringe thingy. I know I should have listened to y'all but I am alone and am overly cautious. I do feel better than the last time I posted. I really am trying to stay as low as possible. I want off this so bad. And I'm beating myself up for caving in the first place. My body is wrecked and yet my mind is still telling me I could have done it. Clearly not a character flaw of mine lol. I sent a couple of emails for work before getting in BL so I feel like tomorrow will be much more productive than the past few. By Monday I should be able to get back to kicking a** at work. Well maybe not kicking a** but at least showing up?
I think you made the logical decision. Why torture yourself for no reason .
I feel much better today. Prob 50% better already. I've already ate a bagel (it stayed down) and I'm now doing laundry and some light cleaning. Main issue today is I'm so weak. Every time I get up from a sitting/laying position I feel like I'm going to pass out. And my heart is still racing. I took the 40mg already. I forgot that you guys said I should take it later in the day. I'll do it that way starting tomorrow. How long do you suggest taking the 40mg?

Im pretty sure I can nap today because I'm so tired but I don't want to nap and mess my sleep up tonight. Main thing right now is getting to a point where I can work tomorrow. I work anywhere from 10-12 hours a day and Im constantly dealing with people. So I can't be/look sick. And even though I feel better I still look like death. I weighed myself and I've lost 12 pounds this week. I'm 5'7 with a small build so 12 pounds is noticeable. I may just call in sick if I have to. I hate to use an unpaid sick day but hopefully it'll just be one day.
What/how much of your meds are you taking now? I had a hard time telling if you have taken some methadone or oxycodone medication.
I started taking the methadone and quit the oxy. I took 30mg methadone today. I was off the methadone 9 days I think. I tapered from 100mg down to zero in 12 days. I thought 3 weeks off would be enough time but it wasn't and now I'm out of vacation days. I can miss tomorrow but that's it. If I don't show up tue I won't have a job.
You should be able to get by on lower dosages of methadone in the coming days. Glad to hear you are feeling a little better.

Normally it takes about six months minimum to taper off methadone comfortably. But with your recent attempted detox, you should be able to get by on a much lower dose than what you had been taking. If you can, try schedule any future methadone taper without dropping more than 5mg/week, and ideally no more than 1-2mg. If you have enough left try to plan out something akin to that.
Thanks TPD! I have some saved so this time I'm going to listen to what I'm told on here and not do it "my way" I really thought I was getting to the other side and Bam out of nowhere it hit me. I wasn't that sick when my pm dr skipped town. I went ct off of fentanyl 100mcg and 180mg roxi a day and that was easy compared to this.
The good news is you seem highly tolerant of withdrawal. The bad news is I don't see anyway around you being a little bit sick at work. You don't have enough to do a proper 6 month taper obviously so it's going to be bumpy going down but nothing like you just experienced. So my thinking is dose 10mg in the morning followed by 20 mg tommorow night rinse and repeat until Friday. Starting Friday cut out the 10mg in the morning and just dose 20mg at night.

At that point a week from today you should have roughly 250mg left. At that point you need to drop down to 15mg at night. Do that for a week and you'll have roughly 120mg left. After a week drop to 10mg a week for 1 week. That will leave roughly 50mg left.

At that point your in a bind because really you wanna go real slow from this point down and most people would say this is the most crucial part of the taper. Dropping 1mg a week for 10 weeks would be ideal but you don't have enough so I think your best bet is too drop to 5mg immediately for 1 week which will Leave 15mg left. From there I guess you can start taking miniscule amounts mixed with the remaining oxy and hope that you have cushioned the blow somewhat.

That's just a real rough outline I wanted to put down so we could start discussing the actual logistics of how your going to do this. It's by no means a perfected schedule and I invite everyone to rerun the numbers and critique or throw it out and start over.
^^ That sounds pretty damn solid right there CJ. I don't think you could make it much better than that. I would like to meditate on it for a day or 2 before I throw in any more input but I really don't think you could improve on it much from there. That should definitely make the transition to short acting opiods pretty seamless.
I decided to stay home today. I feel much better but the thought of driving all over showing houses pretending I feel great was too much. My body is just wrecked from the past month. I did manage to get about 4-5 hours sleep last night. And I took 10mg around 4am and will do the 20 this evening. Is 12 hours between doses enough time? Also I just noticed my Restoril has 6 refills. Which is great since I'm out.
I decided to stay home today. I feel much better but the thought of driving all over showing houses pretending I feel great was too much. My body is just wrecked from the past month. I did manage to get about 4-5 hours sleep last night. And I took 10mg around 4am and will do the 20 this evening. Is 12 hours between doses enough time? Also I just noticed my Restoril has 6 refills. Which is great since I'm out.
12 hours will be fine. It's good you have refills but keep in mind you still have to wait a month between fills Everytime.
While your home today try to get an exact measurement on how much methadone you have left and run the numbers on the taper plan I gave you to see if it is going to work out mathematically. You can't get too comfortable right now because you will blow through your reserves super fast taking 40mg a day. I don't want you to end up losing your job because your too sick to work.

It's really good that 40mg is holding you though. That means you have reduced your dependency by 60 percent in 3 weeks! Excellent job.
Well I've really screwed myself. I was trying to measure how much I had left and with this tiny syringe thingy I ended up dumping one whole bottle (the big one) into my floor. Carpeted floor! I was in the floor trying to scoop up the spillage but it wasn't happening. That sounds gross now that I'm seeing it written out. Desperation brings out the worst in me I guess. So anyway I now only have 1 smaller bottle and 2 sealed 100mg bottles left. Instead of using the syringe thing to measure I used a teaspoon and it was almost 3.5 teaspoons. So around 400 total left. I must have had a lot more than I thought because the bottle I spilled prob held twice as much as the little bottle. I can't believe I did that. Prob the only person in the world to do something so stupid.

Good news is my dr office called and they said they can work me in this Friday. So i need to ask for a lot more gabapentin correct? And any particular strength? And should I stick with the short acting Oxycodone or would long acting work better? I may can get both I'm not sure. He mentioned a long acting before but wanted me off MMT first. I think he can only prescribe for a couple months until I get in with a pm dr so this may be the last chance I have to get what I need. My guess is he's going off my old pm records where I took both a long and short acting. So if there's some anyone recommends that are easier to switch to from MMT I will ask him for it. Thanks everyone

Damn my stomach turned for you.... :(.

Do you think he would be willing to write fentanyl? It has a higher binding affinity so in theory it would hold you better.
I know, I cried for half an hour after. Still sick thinking about it. I had to have over 800mg because the prescription bottle was huge it held 120 800mg Ibuprofrin. You know how big those pill are and it was full to the top.
As for the fentanyl, I know he doesn't prescribe it because he told me last month "fentanyl is so dangerous & abusable" What isn't abusable? And it's a preferred drug thru my insurance so that would be great. The only other preferred ER is some new tramadol type drug. Can't remember the name but I think it starts wih an "N" Im allergic to tramadol so I doubt I could take it. I may just have to pay for my meds because I doubt he will give me fenatnyl.