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Family Hospitalized by LSD-Laced Beef (or "which walmarts?!?" :D )

^hah thats what i thought at first. It was probably something else they ate. Very odd story indeed. And i hope someone follows up on this, if it is a scam its a pretty crazy one. Also i wonder if the lsd had any effect with the woman going into labor. Sounds rough, giving birth while on lsd.
to the above posts... if they just ate a fungus or whatever I don't think they would be testing positive for LSD
I don't think LSD is even detectable in the blood. We're talking micrograms of a substance. I could be wrong.
I have to fathom that lsd drug test kits exist, and as article says they tested positive at the hospital for this (so unlikely random ergot breakout)
Would also imagine that by now, the meat itself has been tested- would be interested in hearing about that (was it injected into the bottom round steak? was it smeared on the outsides? etc)
It's all bs guys, read article carefully and note absolutely zero conclusive evidence of anything.
It's all bs guys, read article carefully and note absolutely zero conclusive evidence of anything.

I'm gonna have to agree. After what you pointed out to me last night the article really doesn't make any sense. Admittedly I hadn't really read much of the article. Just mainly the title and the quote in this thread.

It wasn't clear what caused the mysterious illness until Friday, when officials say they received test results from the medical examiner that pointed to LSD as the meat's contaminant.
It wasn't clear as to how they got sick but the examiner pointed to it being LSD.
How do they get to that conclusion?

And who gets sick from LSD?
I would assume "sick" means tripping for someone who hasn't experienced those feelings. Who knows maybe it was a massive dose?

Police retrieved what remained of the steak and yanked the oven out of the family's home for forensic tests — which the Hillsborough County medical examiner said Friday showed the presence of LSD.

The steak was traced to a Tampa Walmart, which turned over all of its meat of that type for testing.

Police praised Walmart for its cooperation and said that "at this point, it appears this is an isolated incident."

Dianna Gee, a spokeswoman for Walmart, said it wasn't clear where or how the meat was tampered with or whether it was contaminated before or after it was bought. She confirmed that the company had "pulled the remaining product from the store."

The company is "deeply disturbed about this situation" and is "committed to working with officials to get to the bottom of this," Gee said.

So far, a review of store security video hasn't found anything suspicious, she said.

Semi updated info
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It's all bs guys, read article carefully and note absolutely zero conclusive evidence of anything.
Your post on p.1 was just as hollow as this. "Conclusive" is what, exactly? The hospital says they tested positive last night for lsd, that is actually 'conclusive' at this point IMO, unsure if you need them to mail you the lab work to convince you they ingested lsd? Or you theory is this must be intentional lacing of lsd by a family member as some kind of ploy- something that, if that's your stance, is 'conclusive evidence of [some]thing', namely the silliest DiTM story in a minute ;)
[edit: the claim is that, yesterday, a 5y/o and 7y/o girl, the pregnant chick and another iirc, all went in tripping face and testing for lsd at the hospital. While I won't rule out intentional shit by the family- it seems just as likely as it being a single, random, lsd-tainted bottom-round on shelf at walmart. Am wondering if there's teenagers in the house? Would be my 1st instinct for the obvious.. this is my county's thing though, so it's been on allll day on any local channels and the interest (hopefully) makes it more likely it'll be solved.]

I'm gonna have to agree. After what you pointed out to me last night the article really doesn't make any sense. Admittedly I hadn't really read much of the article. Just mainly the title and the quote in this thread.
So you don't care to verify anything, and you agree w/ his unfounded conclusions? lol, read more / post less, ya?
("after what you pointed out to me last night" - if he doesn't edit that post, re-read it: he pointed out jack shit. He said "it's a fraud, it's someone's old lsd" ;) )

It wasn't clear as to how they got sick but the examiner pointed to it being LSD.
How do they get to that conclusion?

And who gets sick from LSD?
This is half funny and half ridiculous, but Bo'C bit..
I would assume "sick" means tripping for someone who hasn't experienced those feelings. Who knows maybe it was a massive dose?
it'd be interesting to define the line between 'sick' and 'consumed hard drugs you did not choose to take' There's zero difference in my eyes (off-topic: as of late, I've been checking out the DSM(go-to book for defining psych "disorders") book, which my library was cool enough to have/lend :D This is it's 4th edition, and its 1st (from mid1900's) was tiny in comparison. The amount of 'disorders' now overwhelms the original. My understanding is the recently-new one, dsm5, includes addiction or alcoholism)
"Sick" and "Disease" are not fixed terms, and they're changing so fast it's getting hard to be objective about them.. like, is the woman's forced, tripping pregnancy "sickness"? Are little sisters, 5 and 7, tripping face w/o warning or help, 'sick'?
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its going to be really interesting to find out what happened here.. so bizarre.

1. Crazy vegan doses a steak at Walmart?
2. Rouge chemist breaks into family house to make a batch of LSD and forgets to clean up?
3. Man doses his whole family as a new baby is coming so he can sue the greedy Waltons?
4. Cow was fed only a diet of morning glory seeds?
5. Man with LSD vial becomes paranoid while at walmart and doses a steak which they plan on buying latter, accidentally puddles himself in the process and can not figure out what steak it was?
6. Pork producers plan to cause a beef scare goes dramatically wrong?
7. Mad scientists test run works and his plan to dose the world are moving into the final phases.

EDIT: little johny have we ever told you the story of when you were born:sus:
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The duck l'orange is poison!!!

Anyway.. This probably is a scheme but good for them... I hope it works.

If not then the only answer is such:
Hippies dont eat meat and hate that others do, hippies are illogical and dangerous and all of them take LSD. Some silly hippy shot up a roast with some liq and giggled all day about the square that will end up eating it.

Thats just a joke but I used to work in a grocery store... poisoning meat is stupid easy. If I got a 250mg sample of 25inbome (which I could) I could easily dilute that into a 5ml syringe and quietly inject all the cornish hens in a store without anyone knowing. People who have done work in the name of the animal liberation front have done silly things such as this which I dont agree with.

Everyone should take this dire warning as a chance to stop eating meat... < I truly believe that.
[edit: @neversick:]
right? but the only two holding decent likelihood are 3 and 7*, and they're both hard to believe:
- #3. Possible in walmart-steak-buyers' nature, but still so terrible a plan it's hard to believe. Probably where the smart money is, and I wonder who's the dumbass there that went for that. No teenagers afaik, so the older guy? and,
#7*. Test run of..what? a way of infusing decaying muscle w/ precursors to synth lsd, like the way you can feed funny things to mycelaeum(sp? "stringy-spore-beds?") to get different alkaloids then psylocybin, in preparatino for a larger, beef-as-substrate, mass-market "psychedelic attack"?

/*clearly this is a joke, as wtf reason would there be to use a single, contaminated product via means of putting it back into walmart shelves? clearly you'd just trip on it yourself or offer it to a dumb [edited]
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The duck l'orange is poison!!!

Anyway.. This probably is a scheme but good for them... I hope it works.

If not then the only answer is such:
Hippies dont eat meat and hate that others do, hippies are illogical and dangerous and all of them take LSD. Some silly hippy shot up a roast with some liq and giggled all day about the square that will end up eating it.

Thats just a joke but I used to work in a grocery store... poisoning meat is stupid easy. If I got a 250mg sample of 25inbome (which I could) I could easily dilute that into a 5ml syringe and quietly inject all the cornish hens in a store without anyone knowing. People who have done work in the name of the animal liberation front have done silly things such as this which I dont agree with.

Everyone should take this dire warning as a chance to stop eating meat... < I truly believe that.
You sound delusional and dangerous.
The mad world dosing scientist would need to know if he dosed a steak weather the people who eventually consumed it would trip.. they needed to know if the LSD would remain active with exposure to the beef, the oven, etc.




Everybody here is wrong except Bmxxx. 8)

Honestly i did read it. "...examiner that pointed to LSD as the meat's contaminant. "

What does 'pointed to' mean? Hence, nothing conclusive. Also how the hell do they know it was from eating the meat? THey didn't drink or consume ANYTHING ELSE at dinner?

The policewoman also states "Some kind of substance" and refers to hallucinations as a physical symptom. The whole thing is wishy washy as best.
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The mad world dosing scientist would need to know if he dosed a steak weather the people who eventually consumed it would trip.. they needed to know if the LSD would remain active with exposure to the beef, the oven, etc.
Yeah but that only requires whether knowing whether an infected steak would work Xhrs later on / Xppl / @Xgrams/person. Actively seeding a test-dose to a random consumer at walmart would be irrelevant to that type of poisoning.

Everybody here is wrong except Bmxxx. 8)

Honestly i did read it. "...examiner that pointed to LSD as the meat's contaminant. "

What does 'pointed to' mean? Hence, nothing conclusive. Also how the hell do they know it was from eating the meat? THey didn't drink or consume ANYTHING ELSE at dinner?

The policewoman also states "Some kind of substance" and refers to hallucinations as a physical symptom. The whole thing is wishy washy as best.
I'm posting this b4 re-reading what's in my history tab.. I swore I read something conclusive (ie "they tested positive for lysergic acid") and not- as best proof- what you just posted. brb.

[edit: I'm not trying to be a dick 'crashing' i just haven't seen anything worth posting from you and it's very clear from my posts that i don't think i'm right, I haven't ever said what i think this is because I'm not sure myself. An entire family tripped, including 2 young kids and a pregnant woman who went into labor during her trip. The media ensures us it was from a contaminated, bottom-round roast from the mabry walmart in tampa. nobody else has tripped outside of this household(/this purchase). All in all, it makes zero-sense at this point, and your posts so far have been space-waste.]
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Yeah but that only requires whether knowing whether an infected steak would work Xhrs later on / Xppl / @Xgrams/person. Actively seeding a test-dose to a random consumer at walmart would be irrelevant to that type of poisoning.

I'm posting this b4 re-reading what's in my history tab.. I swore I read something conclusive (ie "they tested positive for lysergic acid") and not- as best proof- what you just posted. brb.

[edit: I'm not trying to be a dick 'crashing' i just haven't seen anything worth posting from you and it's very clear from my posts that i don't think i'm right, I haven't ever said what i think this is because I'm not sure myself. An entire family tripped, including 2 young kids and a pregnant woman who went into labor during her trip. The media ensures us it was from a contaminated, bottom-round roast from the mabry walmart in tampa. nobody else has tripped outside of this household(/this purchase). All in all, it makes zero-sense at this point, and your posts so far have been space-waste.]

IMO the LSD Bottom Round media scandal in it's entirety is 'space-waste'. If you read something conclusive, please share it.

My argument is that the most conclusive evidence i've seen is that the hospital tests "pointed to" LSD. Well my question is, what exactly pointed to that, and what aspects of LSD did 'it' point to? I think my point has some validity outside of wasting space.

Why attack my post, if you read something conclusive by all means.. share it. Everyone wants to know what happened here and it doesn't seem to make any sense.
I've read nothing that you haven't- provided you've read what's been posted in this thread, which (presumably) is requisite for this type of arguing.

WRT something 'conclusive', the post directly abover yours gives very solid grounds for something crazy going on here, from "crazy vegan attack" to "insurance fraud"; I've already stated i'm unsure where my guess is, as it's so ridiculous a scenario that it's hard to make a good bet/guess. BUT the facts stand: a hospital says they tested for lsd; a woman gave birth prematurely on lsd; 2 little girls were tripping. I already entertained the "perhaps" when it came to 'conclusive', but at this point I can only say 'agree to disagree' and let's wait.
[edit: I just went to google, to double check that "tested" was said, not just "pointed to", and the results I got didn't warrant me wasting time to bring you what was readily available. Go google it and read up, it's not just "pointed to" assumptions, am unsure which post or report gave you that idea but it's very clearly not the authoritative stance of the media at this point. I don't doubt incompetency on the part of the tampa medical professionals, media, cops, or you- but the fact remains that the current record indicates they've been tested positive for lsd by professionals. At this point, let's just agree to disagree because it's wasting space.]
lol bmxxx are you really in a position to tell people not to post? Who would you argue with if we didn't post responses like you wanted us to?