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Family Bonding - Who else smokes with their family?


Bluelight Crew
Oct 25, 2008
I come from a very liberal family. My mom was a flower child of the 60's/70's and my dad was a surfer stoner. Although they quit when they started having kids, my parents are now starting to smoke again. Mainly my mom, she now smokes a nightly bowl with me. I have yet to get my dad back on board, but as of now I have my brother and my mom and damn does that feel good.

I find that getting high with my family members has brought us closer together in a way, and its definitely made us nicer to each other.

Anyone else lucky enough to get to smoke with their families?

I was too lazy to search for a similar thread. Deal with it. <3
Yeah buddy!

I've smoked with my dad quite a few times, it's definitely bonded us. My parents smoke by themselves everyday in their bathroom, and I do downstairs... I've been trying to convince them to buy a family vape so we can all smoke though... we'll see.

I haven't smoked with my Mom though, and I don't feel as "bonded" to her as I do with my dad... I guess lol
I smoke with my little brother all the time, pretty sure I got him high for his first time (he claims he had done it once or twice before but I call bullshit, anyway) and have been smoking regularly with him ever since (8+ years now), have had many periods of several months where we would blaze together atleast once nightly. Unfortunately none of my parents get into it at all, and even though my little sister is older than when I first smoked out my brother I am now old enough to realise it isn't beneficial to start smoking so young. Maybe when she is a little older it will happen, I don't think I would get her started the way I did my brother though, but if she was smoking anyway and I knew what was up I would definately have a toke with her.
I am blessed with an amazing hippy family. You need to come meet them Bombo!!!!

But the only person in my immediate family who doesnt smoke weed is now my mom. She quit when i was maybe 8 or 9, but smoked through my early childhood. I actually have quite a few memories from my early childhood of my folks passing a joint, and sometimes the smell of a swag joint reminds me of my childhood.

My sister was my stoner mentor growing up, she trained me how to pop my first blunt. My brother might be the only family member who could keep up with my smoking these days, but my dad still smokes almost daily(been a smoker for over 30 years).

But there really is nothing like sitting down and having some stoner family time. Glad your mom had rediscovered the green!!
Heaps jealous of you guys!

I've only ever smoked with two of my brothers. Both older, we shared a doobie on Christmas day a couple years back. That was the first ever time I had smoked with them and it was great. Never smoked with a family member before then so that was an awesome experience. :)

I have only smoked with once of them since then, a few times while I was visiting Victoria last year. I definitely am closer with that brother... hahaha.

I know for a fact my father use to smoke, and I definitely know for a fact he knows I smoke as well... All those nights coming home at 3am with red as fuck eyes, making ridiculous amounts of food... He's made so many stoner references to me before in the past and I've always just gotten so embarrassed and just acted like I didn't know what he was talking about.. aha. I want to smoke with him, but I'm just not sure how I should bring it up without looking like an idiot.. I probably wouldn't make it something we did a lot though, probably just a every once in a while kind of thing to keep it special.

Not so sure about my mother, she's older than my father and grew up under some really strict Catholic parents..

I remember when I was probably like 7 years old.. I asked my father if he had ever smoked Cannabis before. He said "I did once, it didn't do much though. I use to live with a couple of people who grew it and their rooms got raided by the police. Not mine though."

Yeah buddy, only their rooms......
my parents dont smoke but dont reay try to stop me from doing it. Which is a fair compromise id say.

Growing up id always hang out with kids who's parents didnt care and some of them were almost too open about their smoking. Like walking around outside with pieces in their hand or talking about it really loud in public places.

Idk, I feel like even if weed is decriminalized Id still keep my smoking on the down-low.

But im a pretty private person
My parents were foreigners so they viewed Marijuana in the same light as heroin. All throughout high school and up until today, I had to hide my smoking habit from them and they were always incredibly susipcious. Lmao, I remember when I first got my medical marijuana card when I was 18, my dad called me on my cell phone while I was inside a dispensary (I was buying some weed). I picked up the phone and as soon as I hit answer, the stupid budtender lady yellwed at the customers in line that "WE ARE OUT OF OG KUSH 1/8TH SPECIAL FOR TODAY, SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE!"

My dad surprisingly never confronted me about it.

But yeah, I had to hide up my habit from my parents.
my cousins and i used to smoke a bunch, great family bonding experiences, and my grandpa used to give us all weed since he grows it with one of my cousins (the best weed i've EVER smoked i might add) but doesn't smoke it. my cousins and i are the only ones who have ever smoked pot, though im pretty sure my grandpa has toked his product in secrecy lol
My Dad and I have smoked together several times. It was a good bonding experience for us too. I don't think my mother would ever consider smoking mj though.
When she had kids my mam stopped smoking for 20 years, but when i told her i smoked and with (very little) convincing, picked it up again. Now we smoke together most days :) I don't really hide anything from her anyway but Im especially glad i told her this :)
I'm the only one right now. My dad smoked for 25 years but quit when my mother got pregnant. My home had a pretty anti-smoking policy when I was growing up, but as an adult I learned my dad was a pot smoking hippie in the 70's so who knows what else he did. So now all bets are off. :D
i've always thought it was fucked parents smoking weed with their 13 year old kids or whatever. probably better than my over-protective ass parents invading my privacy and always fucking with me and shit though.
Well that's awesome for you. My older brother is the first family member i smoked with and he was hesitant to smoke with me, still is. First time i smoked with my dad was right after my 18th birthday, i came over to his pad and asked if he cared if i smoked at his house, he said no and i proceeded to roll a blunt on the kitchen table. He'd never seen a blunt before! LOLOL. So i smoke it to my head and come inside and he has this sick ass pipe sitting on the counter and asks if i wanna smoke some hash with him and his gf! I didnt even know he smoked! LOLOL. I took too big of a hit and i was a 10/10 on high level and i laughed alot, i may have made a fool out of myself but it's whatever. We had a good night and we've smoke a handful of times since. He doesn't like our visits to be defined by pot smoking and thinks i shouldn't do it so often so we don't do it that often together. Anyways ever since that first time my dad has taught me to roll joints like a champ, i still can't roll one as fast as him but whatever.
My mom just got married about a year ago and we moved in with her new husband out of nowhere, didnt even know the guy really. Turns out he is a hardcore stoner and before i knew it we were smoking together every other day. This didnt last long, i ended up moving out and i just moved back in and he claims to not smoke anymore. I've been trying to get my mom to smoke with me but she doesnt want to and says the smoke hurts her throat too much. I've tried making pot brownies and getting her to eat one but she doesnt wanna. Maybe someday...

Anyways pot isn't exactly my favorite drug, it often makes me paranoid, and i wish my dad would do more with me but i know it would corrupt our bond so why bother...? Who would wanna associate their dad with their favorite drug anyways?
^^ Wellllll My dad is a mega stoner, like not just in his smoking habits these days, but his whole attitude. He has always been super chill, laid back and fun. I take after him in many many ways, neither of us have ever been able to drink alot, and both love to smoke. I love that i can enjoy this habit with my dad, and the rest of my family, and i find it in no way corrupts your bond. I mean if anything as family I'd think you would want to be able to share anything with your close family members...

But! This also has to do with one's personal relationship with their family...and if they naturally associate an open minded attitude with their family or a close minded one.
My dad (mom is 3000 miles away, who knows what she does, she use to be a crack addict and I distinctly remember her smoking hash when I was like 6) does not smoke and is kind of condescending and against my drug use, because he is **AHEMAHEM crushed up oxycontins and a few uncrushed 80's in a morrocan lock box) clean. ;) i.e. a hypocrite seeing as he an opiate addict but won't admit it. He is pro-legalization tho, and does not harp TOO HARD on my use, just the occassional "Son, cut back on the weed/amphetamine/opiates/ketamine/whatever I am on at the time"

I do sometimes blaze with my 2nd cousins tho. They are really cool guys, and we going fishing together and blaze up out on the lake while we catch the food for our munchies. Nothing like a freshly caught trout, some brews, a blunt, and the star filled country sky.
I smoked a fair bit with the old man before he passed away, was sick with cancer so it helped him. Smoked with him before he got sick too, just not as much.
I guess I was brought up in a very moral and strict way, which made me liberal. Which over the years have gave my parents the perspective from a liberals understanding. from listening to my views, there smart enough to think about what others are saying. Even though they don't partake themselves, they understand my use. I respect that, so I keep my smoking relatively private.

For me, it would be 'weird' to smoke with my family. Not in a negative sense, just for me it would be uncomfortable, but that's my personal feeling toward it. Though I think its pretty cool that you can chill with each other an smoke a joint(all those who mentioned smoking with there family's)
I feel like its just a generation gap. My parents were growing up just around when drugs were really starting to get cracked down on (mid 70s - mid 80s) and I think they subliminally bought into a lot of the misinformation and sterotypes.

Like they know weed isnt really a dangerous drug, but they look at it as something that burnouts and teenagers do.

So I guess in the back of their mind they think if I smoke weed I wont be as successful as I could have been, which is probably true to a certain extent. However, once they realized I could handle my shit while smoking they backed off about it.
Yes and Im grateful

I moved in with my parents (I'm 26-yeeep, not what I expected) May 31 in attempt to become free of Heroin. I went on methadone for a week... then quit cold turkey. Dropping off the amount of H I was using to nothing (basically -though the methadone dose was low enough to lower my tolerance a LITTLE), dropping my benzos (parents took and disposed of them. Also, no alcohol. Still!) cold turkey as well as my oxy script was painful. My parents GAVE me weed to smoke to get through the first 3 weeks. I could smoke as much as I wanted.

Cannabis helped me not kill myself, gave me the capability to cope with my thoughts and believe it or not-think more rationally. Many days I'd wake up and want to say FUCK this. Somehow I didnt... Certainly tge pot wasnt even close to the sole reason I am still 'clean' today but it suuuure helped. Still does. Me and my Dad smoke together a lot. Just now! My Mom? Sparingly. ;) Thanks Mom and Dad... haha. Seriously though, we are way closer as a redult. No more hiding. Just be you(rself). Maybe my longest post yet-must be my sober mind purging some shit;)