Fake E


Jan 13, 2000
I just want to share tonights experience with all my fellow rollers real quick.
Let me just tell you all that I am spending my second night NOT rolling due to being sold fake e by a co-worker!! I thought it was bad enough that me and some friends got screwed over on New Years but tonight was the second time that we all got ripped off. Especially me. I am the retard who took two of these fake pieces of crap. Now I am out sixty of my hard earned dollars.
Anyway.. I just wanted to share my bad experience with you guys. Not to try and put a burden on everyone who has good hookups..
I hope that everyone else had a wonderful night, week, or weekend, rolling. Be safe!
That sucks that you were sold dud e's. It happens way too often.
But some good can come out of it. Go to your area's pill reports forum and let everyone know what sort of pill they were....colour, stamp, did they have a score etc. that way no one else will have to have the same dud pills.
doesn't help you know but it will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside

miss apple
I feel bad paying $20 for ok pills... that sux you pay $30 bucks each, you need to find another dealer...
I only have to say one word -
EZ-Test - Yeah I even shamelesly pulled it out once in a club - the smaller ones

Plurness ..
SpecialK - If you thought thats a hole wait till you see my flat :)
Ive got burnt a lot more than two pills but i still gotta say that your payin way too much for rolls. Find someone legit who will sell for at the most 25 and deals if u buy bulk. Another suggestion is that u lick the roll before u buy it. If it is bitter is usually real.
$30 dollars for a fake pill. Now I don't know much about U.S. prices coming from the UK but that seems a lot, even if the pill was real.
The problem, I find, with licking the pill, MDMARI, is that dealers can dip the stuff in strong sulphate and other chemicals which taste similar to MDMA. I find that the taste of real pills is a lot more unbearable. The only way you can really tell though (without and EZ kit) is to have a pill you know is real and reguarly taste it so that you know what you are looking for.
Anyway, sorry u got ripped off. At least now your more clued up :)
<~p-E-achy~> -=+PLUR+=-