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Extracting THC (and other solutions?)


Moderator: EADD
Staff member
Aug 9, 2022
Hey, I am cannabis addict with weed allergy
Allergy doesn't manifest consistently but when threshold is exceeded, it is rather annoying for a while. Mostly my nose gets nuts.
I interpret it is not THC but rather some compound commonly present in bud, but maybe not even every smoke. It is such an odd thing.
Anyway, I thought about solutions; other than cutting down and doing cetirizin, hydroxyzine, mirtazapine and nose congestants, I wonder if it is possible to make some rough extract with less of allergens, what ever they are. 100 % stuff is not apparently possible without hexane, which I don't have access to AFAIK.
Over all people speculations, experiences and scientific data would be welcome.
Could make my life easier.
I interpret this is o.k. for forum guidelines for no new compounds are synthesized. We have coke purification thread, too.
i noticed when a hack too much. my sinuses get stuffy and my nose runs for a few minutes after i stop hacking up a lung.
@ OP Do you have access to Everclear where you live? That’s the simplest, safest route you can go.

Something as simple s placing weed in a hopsock (basically a small cheesecloth pouch used for whole hops addition to home brew fermentations), weighing it down with a few marbles and sink it in the Everclear. In a sealable, airtight container. Agitate the mixture once a day for as long as you are patient. I’d go for at least 2 weeks.

This is however, a non selective physical extraction > your Everclear will turn green; that’s the chlorophylls in addition to the Cannbinoids. You can easily end up with some hellishly strong Green Dragon (that’s the common name I know this by).

I don’t know which compound/allergen is affecting you. Tje extraction may very well retain some irritants.

The cleanest THC product I know of is water soluble drops made from distillate.

Does oral weed cause these symptoms?

The majority of allergens are proteins. Extracting with a nonpolar solvent like hexane or petroleum naptha and then mixing vigorously with water, and then throwing away the water layer (adding salt and changing the pH of the water layer would probably help get more crap too).

On the down side the body detects really low levels of allergens. You may need to get a level of purity that would be difficult for a home chemist.
I have not commonly used my weed orally because of the hassle, mostly smoking, sometimes vaping.
And I don't think I need to reach perfect solutions because I need to do fair amount and often consecutive days to get it really bad.
I googled about BHO and PHO and it seems like expensive and dangerous to make so I guess I am gonna just make some oral products and maybe mechanical extraction if I feel like that. What were you up to Skorpio, exactly?
Apparently almost anything in bud from hermaphrodite pollen to mold to LTPs to THC and whatever I didn't even remember of, is known or suspected to be allergens. I have no other known allergens so LTPs are not the most likely culprit.
I am just glad I can do it some amounts, I am not looking forward to be 24/7 stoner anyway so I guess it is okay.
I googled about BHO and PHO and it seems like expensive and dangerous to make so I guess I am gonna just make some oral products and maybe mechanical extraction if I feel like that. What were you up to Skorpio, exactly?
Apparently almost anything in bud from hermaphrodite pollen to mold to LTPs to THC and whatever I didn't even remember of, is known or suspected to be allergens. I have no other known allergens so LTPs are not the most likely culprit.
I am just glad I can do it some amounts, I am not looking forward to be 24/7 stoner anyway so I guess it is okay.
Try pot as edibles, separately, a few times, just to see if it still happens. Not as a permanent solution, just to try to figure out the cause.

Allergens, like as in hay fever stuff, normally don't affect orally. Desensitizing drops of allergens sublingually are a thing. I'm thinking that, if you do ok orally, it would eliminate THC itself at the very least.
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@ OP Do you have access to Everclear where you live? That’s the simplest, safest route you can go.

Something as simple s placing weed in a hopsock (basically a small cheesecloth pouch used for whole hops addition to home brew fermentations), weighing it down with a few marbles and sink it in the Everclear. In a sealable, airtight container. Agitate the mixture once a day for as long as you are patient. I’d go for at least 2 weeks.

This is however, a non selective physical extraction > your Everclear will turn green; that’s the chlorophylls in addition to the Cannbinoids. You can easily end up with some hellishly strong Green Dragon (that’s the common name I know this by).

I don’t know which compound/allergen is affecting you. Tje extraction may very well retain some irritants.

The cleanest THC product I know of is water soluble drops made from distillate.

Dang every day it seems like they have a newer stronger thc product, ok ill bite hook line and sinker, of course I will. How can it get better than the 99% THC-A crystals? and secondly, water soluble thc? That goes against so many decades of knowledge and truly raises some interesting questions. The first of which being; Do you know if any drugtesting windows for the water soluble drops remain the same or because of the water solubility does it clear your system in 3-4 days like it should. And Im sorry someone is gunna ask it, Why would a person not shoot water soluble THC? (BTW DONT IM SURE THERE IS A REASON).

this could change the game for drugtesting and cannabis as my understanding is that if THC was water soluble it would not get trapped in your fat cells?

My hypothesis is im missing something obvious and neither of those things can happen lol.
@smokeymcpot42088 Yeah I know, THC is fat soluble, right? Until science comes in 😎

They (science and biotech companies) use nano and hyper emulsification. Either blending THC and an emulsifying agent at an insanely high speed or using new generation emuslifying agents (Tocophersolan).

Basically the THC gets trapped inside of little ‘bublets’ and these are water soluble, effectively trapping the THC.

These water soluble THC’s hit very quickly, as compared to normal edibles. as quickly as 5 minutes and certainly by 10-15. Another benefit is that it doesn’t last say 8 hours. Perhaps 2-3 hours. And you can redose easily.

It’s a game changer for me. 10mg (20 drops) in my coffee or zero alcohol beer.

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I guess that green dragon could be the thing because I guess maybe alcohol disassemblies some compounds. And then I drink it and it disassemblies me, but what's the news? And stoner alcoholists have much harder time developing liver cirrhosis.
The easiest way to extract THC is what used to be refered to as QWISO hash. Quick Wash Isopropyl. Fill mason jar with finely ground flower, obviously the better going in the better coming out.....Fill the mason jar with isopropyl so it is just a bit over the level of ground flower. Throw it in the freezer. Go find a few coffee filters and a glass dish, pyrex is perfect. Shake the mixture every fifteen minutes for about 2 hours pour it through the coffee filter into the dish, filtering out your THC-less product and leaving only the THC and iso. Let the ISO EVAPORATE COMPLETELY scrape up your hash and enjoy. depending on where your tolerance is green dragon always leaves me drunker than stoned and as someone who doesn't really drink much is not optimal. (that shit is harmful..). Keep your area well ventilated and remember alcohol is flammable. idk that it can get much easier.

*EDIT YOU NEED 91% ISO at least 97 preferable.

FTR this kind of hash has been almost completely replaced by people doing BHO extraction as it well i will say in my opinion is simply better. But stay safe and don't do anything you dont feel comfortable with or understand completely.
Dang every day it seems like they have a newer stronger thc product, ok ill bite hook line and sinker, of course I will. How can it get better than the 99% THC-A crystals? and secondly, water soluble thc? That goes against so many decades of knowledge and truly raises some interesting questions. The first of which being; Do you know if any drugtesting windows for the water soluble drops remain the same or because of the water solubility does it clear your system in 3-4 days like it should. And Im sorry someone is gunna ask it, Why would a person not shoot water soluble THC? (BTW DONT IM SURE THERE IS A REASON).

this could change the game for drugtesting and cannabis as my understanding is that if THC was water soluble it would not get trapped in your fat cells?

My hypothesis is im missing something obvious and neither of those things can happen lol.

Well Thomas already explained the nano-emulsification part..

I’d also argue 99% THCA is actually quite lacking compared to a more rounded cannabinoid/terpene profile. THCA to me was pure mind, no bodily effects that I seek when I smoke cannabis. Also lacked any physical WD compared to most cannabis, I can smoke crystals of that til the cows come home and only be a little pissy when I stop. Actual cannabis I get physically nauseous.

yes, i am very glad you guys introduced me to scoence...(for real the nano emulsification was cool and new info to me though). I would agree with your description of thc-a, wouldn't want it as the only cannabis product in my arsenal but a great tool. This has a rounded cannabioid/terpene profile because my understanding would be that it would not?
I’d also argue 99% THCA is actually quite lacking compared to a more rounded cannabinoid/terpene profile. THCA to me was pure mind, no bodily effects that I seek when I smoke cannabis. Also lacked any physical WD compared to most cannabis, I can smoke crystals of that til the cows come home and only be a little pissy when I stop. Actual cannabis I get physically nauseous.

Interesting. I enjoyed the THCA, but that's likely not a bad description.
I was doing ∆9THCO edibles at the time as well, so my assessment, both during and when stopping was muddied, but it was interesting to hear your take. When I wade in again, it will be in my head and I'll try to differentiate.

What did you think as to possible tolerance increase from the THCA?
Interesting. I enjoyed the THCA, but that's likely not a bad description.
I was doing ∆9THCO edibles at the time as well, so my assessment, both during and when stopping was muddied, but it was interesting to hear your take. When I wade in again, it will be in my head and I'll try to differentiate.

What did you think as to possible tolerance increase from the THCA?

It’s not that I necessarily hated it, but was just interesting to feel just how different THCA was compared to the full spectrum profile.

Tolerance increase is a major problem I found. Essentially the more isolated a cannabinoid or concentrate is, the quicker I seem to gain tolerance. After a couple days if that’s all I had to smoke I’d probably be very tolerant to it.

I always have at least 3 strains around unless I’m really hurting for cash. This way my tolerance never goes up as fast as it would with just 1.

Thanks to Canadian labelling laws, we can get listings (complete) of product ingredients.

Here is the ingredient list for 1 25ml bottle of water soluble tincture.

Vegetable Glycerin, Ethanol, Medium Chain Triglycerides, Quillaja saponario Extract, Sunflower Oil, Cannabis Distillate, Oleic Acid, Natural Flavoring

With this particular product, it's probably hypersonification acting on the MCT oil to get it into shelf stable water soluble form.

Typically you're looking at ~$20 Can for 150mg water soluble THC (I put that as roughly equivalent to a 12 pack of beer),


Wanted to add that these water-soluble droplets carry a nipple dispensing mechanism that's puts out ~0.5mg in 1 drop. So, very accurate micro dosing.
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Well Thomas already explained the nano-emulsification part..

I’d also argue 99% THCA is actually quite lacking compared to a more rounded cannabinoid/terpene profile. THCA to me was pure mind, no bodily effects that I seek when I smoke cannabis. Also lacked any physical WD compared to most cannabis, I can smoke crystals of that til the cows come home and only be a little pissy when I stop. Actual cannabis I get physically nauseous.

in Denver real THCA crystals were going for 70$ a half gram, fucking insane prices
in Denver real THCA crystals were going for 70$ a half gram, fucking insane prices

Yup. That’s where I got it and for about that much too. I’m someone willing to pay for experience just once at least. The product also came with a vial of the isolated terpenes on the side from the same cannabis.

Edit- Oh actually it was about half that price. Now that I read closer.. Still stupid expensive.

In MI about 60-80 a gram. I guess I assume them to be real since they come from a dispo....no isolated terpenes on the side unfortunately. j