Completed Experienced users of psychoactive cacti and psilocybin mushrooms


Executive Director
Staff member
Mar 12, 2002
I found this advertisement at the MAPS Volunteering page. Although it looks to be a decent time commitment, I thought the topic may interest some of you :) I recommend a careful read of the informed consent info and/or emailing the researcher for more information rather than posting questions here, as I won't be able to answer them. Please post if you decide to complete the survey though as I'm sure others are interested in your experience with it.

Researchers at UTC are looking for participants to fill out an online survey assessing the psychological, physiological, mystical, and cognitive changes and enhancements of psychoactive cacti and psilocybin mushrooms. We are interested in experienced users of these psychoactive substances.

Requirements for participation:

* You must be 18 years old or older to participate
* You must also have used one or some combination of peyote, San Pedro, other trichocereus cacti, or other psychoactive cacti OR you must have used one or more types of psilocybin mushrooms
* You must have taken one of these psychoactive substances at least 4 or more times
* You must also agree that you have no medical history of mental disease.

To help maintain your anonymity and confidentiality, no identifying information like your name and address will be asked of you. This survey is also located on a survey website that has a SSL encryption. IP addresses are not tracked. For additional security, you may want to go to a public library, internet cafe, or any other anonymous terminal to fill out this survey.

The survey contains three questionnaires which may take an hour or two to fill out, so please set aside enough time to complete the survey before continuing to one of the two links.

You may contact Shannon Campbell for further information.

For psychoactive cacti users:

For psilocybin mushroom users:

Both links now say "Thanks for trying to take part in this survey however we have finished collecting results and this survey is now closed."
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I've just taken the survey but it took ages!

They ask the same questions loads of times but this must my a method of surveys.
There's a lot of positives, ie You have experienced time and ... vs. You have NEVER experienced time and - bit confusing. Interesting that there's some def Mental Health questions in there in between the lines (well it its a questionnaire from psychiatric MD), does mushrooms contribute to schizophrenia, bipolar etc.

I got a nice tip tho for taking mushrooms that i havent thought of before - fasting!!


i found it a bit troubling in going back and remembering trips in that sense that I've had a wide variety of them, its not the same each time idk if the quiz really addresses that (or knows for that matter?) and theres a lot of subjective things in there (the level of experience), well I guess say if you experienced something "holy"
or some transcendental touch (which in hindsight may have just been the amount + quality hehe) that i don't really attribute to an sort of religiousity, see in between lines comment re: schizophrenia. There's a gap in what you experience, and in what you think you experience.

end stonerish rant, good fun
Done (mushrooms).

Couldn't fill out really intricate parts of it very well but tried my best. :)
I was hoping this was about taking shrooms and tripping out while people with clipboards watched... hahaha :p
please define "mental illness." i would bet that most BLers "suffer" from some sort of "mental illness", whether it be anxiety, depression, insomnia or even "drug addiction."
This paper is yet to be published (we hold out hope!) but you can find the abstract for the study here. There is also a video of the lead researcher discussing the study and its results here - it's really worth a watch. The study makes some interesting conclusions about the value of repeated use of entheogens, which I wager is good news for some people. Also, it looks like a vegetarian diet increases the degree of cognitive benefits and mystical experiences, so big ups for all the veggie people out there - your dietary choices are doing you good in unexpected ways:)