Exercise 4 Health, Mental Health, and Addiction vs. I worked all that out

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Day off today... on my leg days I've been holding a 45 pound weight and just standing on my toes repeatedly to work my calves... I had been doing 30, then 25, then 20, then 15, then 10, then 5... 2 days ago I started at 35 instead of 30 and went down by 5s, for a total of 150 reps within just a couple of minutes (instead of 115). My calves are still a little sore. :)
^nice X

Tomorrow gym at ten am as I have a meeting first.. been summer slacking, it stops now.
The only exercise i did was running around the office trying to get some rush items out but hey better than nothing right? I plan to go to the gym tomorrow but might end up going to hot yoga Instead
Got a good workout in today... increased several areas by 5 pounds including my chest and upper and lower back/shoulders. I've been increasing pretty frequently lately. Maybe almost time to start doing free weights, I hear they're the best for increasing bulk and also for full-body workouts as you need to use many more muscles to stabilize.

I'm up to (in pounds):

Chest: 120
Upper back (inverted row): 135
Lower back: 170
Abs: 115
Triceps: 75
Biceps: not sure as I just work them out with the other exercises
Lower lats: 105

Quads: 180
Inner thighs: 180
Outer thighs: 140
Calves: 205 (160 pounds of body weight + 45 pound weight, 150 reps last time in 7 sets in a row)

Not the highest but over double (almost triple in some areas) from when I started 3.5 months ago. So I feel good about it. :) I lifted ~21,500 pounds total today just on the machines that record that. Plus 20 minutes of cardio with 175 target HR on the elliptical.
Wow xorkoth i believed you have passed my craziness when it comes to workin out although...

Did full blast gym workout then im waiting for hot yga right now 15; min and im in!! D
Today officially will see me getting back into my routine. took it easy this summer as I was busy and wanted my shoulder to heal. I have not really put on any weight, but my muscle tone has faded a bit. I don't think it will take long to get it back. So off to the gym I go this afternoon.
I went river hiking Saturday and Sunday... which by the way is the best calf exercise ever, and a great full-body workout and balance training as well. Anyway, I hurt myself for the first time doing it on Sunday, not bad or anything but I was trying to climb onto a rock that was a little too high of a step and my foot slipped (I always go barefoot) and I slammed the side of my knee into the rock and scraped up my leg... today I've got a serious limp and it hurts quite a bit every time I get back up after I sit down. In a few days I should be good, if not sooner, but I didn't do cardio today because all of that involves running or doing other things that push against my knee. I did do the upper body machine circuit so that's good.
Wont be back to workin out til tomorrow. Had to do work overtime again last night and have dinner tonight afta work
My knee still hurts but it's significantly better. It's weird because I don't even see a bruise, even though it feels very bruised. Maybe just on the inside? I decided not to work out today because I didn't want to work out my legs and I did upper/middle body yesterday.
Hit the gym and walked, jogged, lifted legs, arms, and chest.. I feal great, so much better than I have for the last few days.. onward and up ward. lifting back shoulders and forearms tomorrow.. going to jog as well.
Yesterday I did a nice long jog and lifted wrists, fingers, and forearms instead. Going to go in for back and shoulders today with just a little warm up run.

I didn't really loose to much strength or endurance taking it easy this summer, so I should begin to plow forward nicely.
I had little time today so I did only 5 minutes of cardio but I went hard on the rowing machine at maximum resistance and got pretty winded and got my HR up. Then I did legs (all parts) on the machines and kept my heart rate up the whole time (~20 minutes). Weighed myself at home after "emptying" everything (and hadn't eaten yet today) and it read 161.7 pounds... almost 2 pounds more than a couple of weeks ago when I weighed myself. :) Also I increased my inner thighs by 15 pounds since last time somehow (5 days ago), I guess all the river walking/rock climbing. And every other part of my legs by 10 pounds.

I don't specifically work out my ankles or wrists or fingers, but I do climb a lot (scrambling, not vertical) so they've gotten pretty strong. My best workouts are always river walking, especially when I go to this place that's pretty steep uphill with constant waterfalls and boulders.
I did hot yoga last night and off tonight cause of the interview and then tomorrow baby shower so wnt be back until Sunday because Saturday is another work day sigh....
Tore it up today, lifted back and shoulders and did a short warm up run. easy day tomorrow I think.. maybe just run a few. :)
Another strong workout, jogged a bit then lifted legs and biceps with allot less reps and allot more weight, wrists. Probably going to hit it again tomorrow and then take sun off. Felling damn good.
Very powerful workout comeback today full body workout but surprisingly the strongest is cardio.
Very powerful workout comeback today full body workout but surprisingly the strongest is cardio.

6 Bear Crawls so far (set of 3,2,and 1) down<--->back the living room floor.

(trying something new now) = 1 Bear Crawl every hour goal :? = I want to see how my body responds to this.

Edit- yay... did 1/hour ... so i guess i did 14 bear crawls today total. Going to keep this up. It was pretty easy, I do feel "up" even though I haven't had much coffee. Plan is 1/hr for a week or so, then 2/hr........
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