• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Exchanging drugs through bodily fluids


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
More of a weird thought, but perhaps someone could help me think about this correctly and it might generate some interesting responses. Considering the bodily fluids exchanged between people like semen, saliva, mucus, traces of blood and other secretions is it possible for a heavy drug user to get a non drug user high? In the extreme, could a heavy drug user cause a fatal overdose in a drug-naive user through say, sexual activity? I guess insufflation immediately prior to sexual activity could very realistically cause sexually transmitted inebriation.

The thought occurred to me when considering some of these super potent fentanyl analogues that some are using. With heavy usage these users can develop massive superhuman tolerances. Could a heavy IV and IM user of fentanyl analogs, for example, pose a sexual activity risk to an opiate naive partner?
Tolerances don't get high enough to make overdoses due to fluid exchange possible. Fentanyl analogs are lipophilic and they tend to be concentrated in fat, so there wouldn't be a lot of unmetabolized drug in semen, mucous, or saliva.

However, even if you assumed homogeneous distribution throughout the body and a whopping 1000-fold tolerance, there wouldn't be enough fentanyl analog in 5 mL semen to produce effects in a non-tolerant individual.
This can happen, but rarely. I have heard reports of people taking sublingual buprenorphine and making their partners high while kissing.
This can happen, but rarely. I have heard reports of people taking sublingual buprenorphine and making their partners high while kissing.

This example is more of a "direct exchange" from the residue of contact of the drug itself; mouth to mouth; not first dispersed through the body into the composite fluids.

I had a girlfriend who'd insufflate cocaine, wipe the end of the line/rail with her index finger, and dab her lips for the numbness, and when we kissed my lips would go numb. That was my "first contact" with what has become my largest chemical obsession. :p
I read somewhere that you can get "high" if you drink the urine of someone else taking certain mushroom's (fly agaric for example). Isn't it a procedure for to eliminate toxic byproducts of those mushrooms, too?
I came across this article, where people were injecting themselves with anothers blood to get high. that's hardcore

"Desperate heroin users in a few African cities have begun engaging in a practice that is so dangerous it is almost unthinkable: they deliberately inject themselves with another addict’s blood, researchers say, in an effort to share the high or stave off the pangs of withdrawal"
50% of methamphetamine is excreted in the urine unchanged. I had a boyfriend who had a guy who was high on meth piss in his ass so he could absorb the methamphetamine tainted urine in his rectum.
Reindeer eat muscimol mushrooms and in some arctic-dwelling groups collect & drink it... and someone drinks their piss.....
my gf has gotten sick from AP withdrawal semen. If i came inside her it would make her nauseous and sick to the point of vomiting. it happened enough times that it would be highly coincidental. Withdrawal semen...good stuff.