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Ex-officer: War on drugs 'far worse' than a failure

sorry man didn't mean to rustle ur jimmies,
If you truly dont intend to do this.. you may consider eliminating the comments that are or could easily interpreted as derogatory put downs of the poster personally and stick to attacking the concept or idea you disagree with. This may decrease the chance that people take offense and get ruffled.

I maybe wrong here but does the constitution even say anything about the right to pursue hapiness as i think that came from the declaration of independence.

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence.[1]

Im not aure if it apeares in either the consttution or the bill of rights..

But with the sate of the nation I found that when I read the initial line to the constitution I got a little sad.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
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Life liberty and pursuit of happiness is in the deceleration of independence which is not a legal document thus it is basically meaningless from a law standpoint
The right to pursue happiness is in the constitution. Along with the right to make money, grow marijuana, and train ninjas.
"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

You have to read the rest to figure out why the government can make laws that limit those rights.
the current law, is the law. sorry to rustle jimmies (haha, had to), but it is what it is, regardless of what your interpretation of old docu's happens to be. We live in reality, not in what you think it should be, no matter how much I agree w/ your premises or the ideas behind them.
I'm rewatching the wire right now, on season 3. Guy sounds just like major Colvin: drug arrests get in the way of REAL police work.
seeing all the examples (presumably fake) of drugs behind a glass display a DARE officer bruoght to my class as a child, is my earliest memory of drugs, and I still remember being fascinated that day they introduced me to them. They literally had a display, like the size of a posterboard, w/ physical models of different drugs.. i know they were trying to scare us but it certainly didn't have that effect.

I may be mistaken, but isn't there data showing that DARE increases drug use?
Propaganda is a derogatory. You could call this a campaign, an advert, a message, a program, they all mean the same thing as propaganda, but without the accusation that there is something evil and wrong afoot, a shaming of the innocent.

The DARE had real drugs, but not all of them, because some would be pointless. It was 'show and tell' and the kids asked if they were real. The message was pretty much, these can damage your life and possessing them was against the law. The kids were like, "So why do you have them and what if we had them?" even though they just explained that to everyone.

From that day forward everybody knew what illegal drugs were. TV shows had messages about the sleazy drug dealers and the loss of control to addiction and the loss of interest in trustworthy friends and healthy activities. The message started out negative and became more positive, you can have as much fun without them and touched on the social dynamic of using drugs to fit in and how things turn out in the long run for people who try hard at school and work.

That was about all I remember. I would need to watch a video recording of the DARE program, there must be thousands of them.

Happines in life seems to be about matching yourself with a positive role model. Which is why creating one can be such a powerful thing. The drug abuser who turned their life around became a sort of hero.
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if you're referring to my usage of 'propaganda', i used it w/ quotes to signify that, in the eyes of true-believer prohibitionists, this is as much propaganda to them as their work is to me. I want to note, however, that a massive amount of ppl who spread the prohibition agenda are not true believers and have a plethora of varied motives.

and yes i can only remember, at that age, making some kind of mental association like 'okay, so they're bad, but ppl love to use them... so, are these things to adults, what candy is to kids?' (a comparison i still find quite apt. I still remember being a kid, going to the convenience store w/ friends in the evening and hanging in our town's center, gorging on candy. Several years' later, it was pot and alcohol)

Positive role models, and positivity in general, are powerful phenomena for happiness in life, i fully agree w/ you. And while i do see the 'hero', as you say, in someone who had abused drugs and turned around (presumably you mean 'went sober'?), i see a bigger hero in the person who used drugs, never messed up, and integrates them into a fulfilling life in a proper manner. I believe a full life can be fuller w/ drugs than it could be w/o them for most ppl (plz understand i do not necessarily mean any sort of regular usage; for some, that could be integrated, but i still think that ppl who generally stay sober would have richer lives from the occasional puff of pot, or an evening of mdma, or a trip, etc etc. Regular usage of most drugs doesn't integrate easily w/ what most consider to be a full&balanced 'happy' life)
A number of heroes and villains received their powers through some incident with radiation or chemical contamination.

The freaks and mutants of comic books and movies that play the part of role models. Tons of these guys have powers beyond normal human capacity given to them by some drug, essentially. Irregardless of the exact substance, either genes mutated by radiation or some natural toxin, the accidental and mysterious introduction of some alien material to make them unique. That is a kind of role model and is strongly positive. If you are looking for some positive role model of a drug user, they are everywhere as long as you filter out the obvious vices society scapegoats.
Wow, you should write a paper on the prevelance of super-heroes in today's culture and how they're destroying out youth. You could have it titled "Won't someone think of the "superhero" children?"
I've read statements showing correlation between D.A.R.E. and increased adolescent drug use. As far as happiness and role models go, I was introduced to drugs at a young age. I grew up a s*** head and both of my parents were pot heads. When early high school rolled around and my depression hit it's peak I remembered that the only time my parents weren't beating the crap out of eachother they were stoned, put two and two together and gave it a good run for years. Not as much telling my story here as I am agreeing with what you say and realizing how much sense it makes. And as far as addict turning his life around, I hope to make sense of that too after having a pretty rough road being 7 months clean of a horrifying benzo and opie addiction.. I like the way you see things :)
Drug prohibition, particularly cannabis, was fueled by big pharm and dupont. In the 1930's dupont had just developed nylon, which hemp was a direct competition.

The industry continued as federal law prohibited the use of marijuana fueled by racism and yellow journalism. It was a plague of the minorities... and i quote...it was what fueled the "darkies" in their criminal rage that they already had a "predisposition" for. He's are ignorant words spoken by (and i can't remember the names" elected government officials.

The war on drugs only protects the diplomats...it fuels their bank accounts. Big pharm and industry bankrolls their campaigns. They say, despite bat medical evidence i might add, that there is no medical benefit for marijuana. They refuse to accept that weed was prohibited on false pretense and would rather uphold an outdated law than to accept a mistake was made when medical evidence was not present.

There is period that marijuana is sager than alcohol... that when done in moderation it is actually beneficial to many people. .. and, depending on the mode of use, safer than smoking a cigarette.
