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ever think you were born in the wrong time?


Bluelight Crew
Apr 12, 2000
it's weird. ever since i was a little kid, i had this thought that kept bugging me. i should have been born forty years ago. maybe it's just cause they were so free, and i took a liking to psychedelic rock when i was really young. but, i feel so fucked in our generation. i was just wondering if anyone had/has the same feeling. or am i just weird.
D-You're not weird at all. I get that feeling sometimes too, like I should have been born into another generation or something. Watching old movies makes me nostalgic for a period I didn't even exist in. We are lucky to be living in the times we are though, so I try to focus on that instead. Heck, just think about this...we're able to communicate on the net and that wouldn't have been possible a few decades ago. (By the way, my best friend also says she feels she should have been born earlier than she was.)
ya i totally understand what u guys mean.. i felt that i should of been born back in the 20s with prohibition, womens rights, film etc.. cuz im just a complete radical in the way things should just be free (maybe thats a little of the 60s in moi`.. hehehe).. well that and i just adore the silent films from that era as well as the fashions (flappers) and tastes
I feel ya brother. I so wish I was born around the Med Evil times or back in like the early 1600's or so. I wish I was more so Native American ( 1/16 as it stands .. woohoo! ). More so I wish that I could have been in part of a tribe and such. The Native Americans got totally hosed. I wish I could have all of there knowledge about the Earth and such.
- Shinobi
I feel the same way very often. I feel that this is just not the right time for me.
I wish for so many experiences that I know I will never have, but I also try to look at what I do have where i find myself. It sometimes entirely to easy lose sight of the present, to go through the motions without feeling your life.
I feel that our society is poised on the brink. Never have we been so technologically advanced, look at the things humankind as a whole has acomplished, with only 10% of our brain being used. We are also more disconnected than ever. So many of us are mindless drones that believe any crap told to them by thier parents, their mate, friends, media, politicians. Yet no one is really happy.
So do we continue going down the same path, hiding from our true selves and gloating over our accomplishments, both negative and positive, or is a change coming. I feel that it must, I cannot stand the suspense, and I dont like what the world is becoming for our children. Yet all the time I feel completely and utterly powerless to do anything.
There is so much potential in the world, but so much of it goes unrealized. So much is wasted and corrupted, and in my apthy I am as guilty as the rest.
You have been listening to the ramblings of one hella ate-up fool. We now return you to your regularly scheduled brain patterns.
I'm not half as think as you dumb I am.
I so should have been born in the late 60's so i could have gotten all the fun of disco and the 80's. damn those wonderful platform shoes and feathered hairstyles.. bring them back i say, BRING THEM BACK!!!!!!
I don't know about you Miss Kitty, but I'm feeling MUCH yummier.
Hell yeah!!!! I shoulda been born 30 years before my birth date! I know I shoulda... *pout*
"Shine on you crazy diamond....."
Believe me, everyday I look at my parents and wonder why they were blessed to grow in the wonderful 60's and me in the tacty 80's and even worse the technology-obsessed 90's.
I would do anything to cast myself back to that beautiful time of exploration, movement and discovery.
I surpose dressing their way and listening to old music is my way of trying to re-capture the past I can never belong to - sob!
I sooooo wish I was born in the future. I can't wait for people to be easily commuting between different planets and galaxies, exploring new horizons and coming up with all sorts of new stuff in all realms.
I sooooooooo feel like I was born at the wrong time...arrgh. My whole life I felt like I walked into some movie theatre after missing the first hour and spending the rest of the show catching up. I keep having to remind myself to be thankful that they still had tickets left! :)
Love and hugs,