Ever feel that your life has hit a dead end?


Dec 31, 2011
That it's just going no further, this is it.

I'm mid 20s and haven't done anything worthwhile. My life is just wasting away.
I've tried doing creative things, but no matter what it just doesn't matter, there is nothing.

Life is sooo empty.
Life is devoid of all meaning except for that meaning which we make for it. Mid 20s is still young-- keep trying new things, get out of your comfort zone, and you'll find something. :)

Everyone hits plateaus in life, but the only dead end in life is the literal one.
i feel ya man im 24 i just got off of the streets of skid row. the sad part is, sometimes i rather be on the streets cuz there is excitement , where am i going to eat next? where will i sleep? how will i score? you see so much diversity on the steets it makes it hard to live in a room by yourself left with your mind. some of my best times was on skid row. now life is a empty void of dread. atlest while im addicted to smack i have a reason to get up.
I agree with the posters above.

It's not that I'm ungrateful or unsatisfied with the family I've made or things I've got, I'm fairly lucky in some ways. I just don't see where to go from here.

All I do now is wait for my one hit each day.
I'm curious, what do you mean by "worthwhile" and "it doesn't matter"?
you sound depressed. you need a new perspective. the majority of people are in the same situation. "worthwhile"... this makes no sense. "wasting away"... everybodys life is wasting away. doesnt matter what you do in life, its all about being happy and content. things could always be a lot worse
@Sexfiend mid 20's is no age at all mate. You have still got years of yr life left to live and you can never know what's around the corner.
I will be 41 next month and I have felt the same way as you do in the past but somehow something keeps me going along.
Keep on keeping on mate cos you never know what might happen.
I feel like I hit a dead end especially after april of last year... I stopped going to school, my boyfriend died, I was heavily back into opiates, my depression was so bad. Then it went to shit even more I didn't get to walk with my class (luckily got to finish up the classes on online school) but yeah I lost a lot of my friends because I just totally didn't talk to them. I got accepted to 6 colleges and then enrolled into penn state but I totally unenrolled. Then I became homeless and now am in transitional housing... Yes I have a job and became sober for some time but now I still have the job but am getting back into drugs again... Now my job only is there so I can pay for drugs. I feel like my life is at a dead end right now and I'm going nowhere. I was suppose to be at college right now... No longer do I get we are penn state in the mail anymore and no longer do I feel like I'm going anywhere. I'm only eighteen on top of that and it sucks /: