• Bluelight

    A memorial
    to Bluelighters
    who have passed away

Evad - RIP <3

You were a fantastic guy, and I'll never forget our chats at dodgy hours of the morning.
that used to be quite a regular weekend thing, with about 7 people talking bollocks and winding up the person who was the most out of it. good times.

even though i have a nominal amount of 40 contacts on my MSN list, there were only ever a couple that i could be fucked speaking to. dave was in that fiercely guarded inner circle and i'm just realising that i've lost a very rare & trusted confidant. not just someone to chat to, to pass the time, i mean someone to open up with and be honest with. you don't get many people like that in life.

this has been another strange and sad day.
I'm absolutely devastated to hear this, even if he did like shit music. :(

Remember when we first met at the green fest in Newcastle. Same day I randomly met Felixonapedastal and guessed his name - causing him to hit the deck with shock. He introduced me to Dave and seeing as we'd spoken on msn for so long, it was like we'd known each other for years. We became good mates fast.

That lead to such classic experiences as when me, him & Kate went to a beach party in Northumberland and met the couple that were dubbed "the shit hippies", en route. Led to the classic exchange which was:

Shit hippie: "So, what type of music will they be playing"
Us: "Techno"
Shit hippie: "Techno?! Ohh... well I don't think I like the sound of that..." in the most twee, ridiculous accent ever. And they were being escorted down a deserted country road by us buckled cunts. Next day was lush as well - right scorcher.

It's dark to say but we'd talked many a time about bluelighters dying on us. I just never, ever, ever thought it would be him next.

effie I don't mean to bring yet more tears to your eyes, but just to say how much he thought of you and admired you for everything that you did for him.

You always had me down as a little trance fairy, Dave, so I'll just finish by posting the final words of the many msn conversations we've had over the years.

I raise my can of taurus in tribute to you surferdaveydude


Rossy said (23:10)
fucking love you man
Rossy said (23:14)
hope you were wrong about heaven

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Hmm, well I've been round on bl for ages, and this is the first bl shrine post for me, I always enjoyed his posts I'm gutted we have lost another bl member stay safe .

Evad you made me smile when I was down, you always seemed to be upto something.
Oh no :(

Effie, and his other friends, I am so sorry for your loss. <3

Evad was such a great guy on here - knowledgeable, informative and friendly, as said above. Even though I'm not around much he was one of the people who stood out here and who I definitely wanted to meet.

If we have to change the forum's theme once we move the thread. Evad wouldn't have wanted Black - I'm sure I remember him telling me that a psychedelic theme would bring about a natural energy from the earth and that alone would cure members of their sorrows. He'd always learn so much at the psytrance parties he attended. PLUR!
a psychedelic theme could certainly do this forum good.

this thread is such a wonderful testament to him, so many people who've known him for such a long time sharing great memories. just wish it didn't have to be this way.

love again to all those close to him.
Gutted to hear about this :(

My heart goes out to effie, and Dave's family and friends..
Okay - I know not all of you are into hip hop. This is just bizarre though. Just listen to the track and read the second comment's username. Odd. Odd. Odd.

Great track and yea.... That's a very strange coinkidink...
This is going to turn out being one of my favourite tracks <3
Jeez I've only just realised it's the same guy who does "On My Ends". That's another of my fav tracks of all time :)
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Hey baby, you'd love this thread so much, 4 pages of love and shock and remembering your awesomeness. Like the avatars too? I always knew you'd take over BL one day with your ridiculous dancing clown :)

I feel like I should write you the longest tribute ever; I lived with you for a year, I spent every second when I wasn't at work with you. But so many people have captured the essence of what made you a wonderful human being, and that is one of the main things.. people loved you Dave. You were shy and quiet and thoughtful in person but you were also hilarious, master piss-taker, loved fun and laughter. Your sense of humour was amazing and in constant presence and I loved you all the more for that, you know I did! You opened my eyes up to so many things - I don't think you realised quite how many. Your breadth of knowledge and interest was amazing - film, hardtek, punk, history, politics, philosophy, drugs/harm reduction, literature, life in general - you were an expert at all and it is the latter which has caused so much shock at this happening.

You were a magnificent cook - you made the best curry I have ever tasted, and I've been to India! You baked cakes (who else knew that Dave baked??) superbly and although you were the messiest cook I know, you were so happy in the kitchen and the food was so incredibly delicious every time, I was happy to let you take over.

You were my rock. You cared and looked after me through some of my darkest days. You saw through all the depression bullshit to the old me inside, and I appreciated you for that more than I ever told you. I hope I helped you through your bad times too baby. I tried my best. <3

Dave loved his "persona" on here - it evolved over the years and reflected both his sense of humour, love for piss-taking, anger at people posting anything that could potentially harm someone else and endless drug knowledge and experience. He was a moderator for all the right reasons - he loved the power and the glory, of course, but ultimately because he believed passionately in harm reduction and in this website, and because he loved EADD and it's inhabitants.

Dave had something indescribable about him.. the tributes here reflect that better than anything else I can add.

You will be so, so missed and I will always love you baby <3

edit: DS posted this on your fb, but I know you'd want it on here too - have hilarious wonderful memories of you miming along to this <3

Goodbye Horses

That is just beautiful. Really did bring a tear..
this is such sad news. bluelight has lost an incredible contributor. my thoughts to his friends and family. <3
this is very sad, got a proper feeling of dread seeing that thread title despite not knowing him personally. A huge part of EADD and clearly a top bloke, would never have expected this
First can of K opened. I started drinking this stuff on his recommendation. It's much nicer than Strongbow and the likes.

To Dave.
It's not nicer than Tennent's and he knew it. Just never admitted it. Which he's not around to either confirm (not likely) nor deny (very likely) now.

Makes me wish he could turn up out of nowhere to deliver a lecture on the virtues of K cider vs. Super. :)