• Bluelight

    A memorial
    to Bluelighters
    who have passed away

Evad - RIP <3

''we all leave footprints in the sand''
& daves wont be washed away <3
I didnt know him too well, i've been around on BL for a long time and he was a great person, theres so much love for him here even from those who never met him. I cant really say much else, i still cant quite believe it.

my deepest sympathies to you effie, to you and all of Dave's family and friends ~
RIP Dave

Life Love and Light

Thankyou for the Smod(s) that covered for us yesterday and today.
I fairly certain last night we did Dave proud and we left him a K Cider on the table <3
Thankyou for the Smod(s) that covered for us yesterday and today.
I fairly certain last night we did Dave proud and we left him a K Cider on the table <3


Good job somebody was there to cover because we were incapable of understanding what a computer was for most of the duration.

Great send-off, yeah. :)
Ahh just logged on to find this, what a shock! My heart goes out to you Effie <3<3

I never had the pleasure of meeting him irl but what an intelligent, witty and friendly person he was. His posts represented everything that is good about Bluelight and what brought me to this site in the first place. You will be sadly missed.

For anyone who missed it, and who has a spare quid or two, am raising money for Bristol Drugs Project in his name as he wanted to volunteer there. £725 now!

^^ Top cause shame I'm too skint to donate. Boo me. It'll get done though.
£725, that is truly amazing. I will be donating once my benefits are in place.

I'm drinking a can of K cider for the first time since I heard the sad news, this one's for you Dave, I booked my ticket to come and say bye bye to you earlier <3
Gutted :(

Only just found this thread, havent been around for awhile. Deepest sympathies to everyone affected by this loss.
RIP Dave.

I never spoke to him, but he came across as a sound bloke from reading his posts. My sympathies to all who knew him.
I been thinking what to say here for a couple days, still none the wiser. Evad/Dave was one of the few people on Bluelight I actually listened to, he gave sound advice and was generally worth listening to. I believe Cherry and DS had a saying "Daves always right" haha, which you weren't to know ;)

So many times with my head a mess Dave gave me sound advice and listened to all the utter rubbish going on in my life. I tried to do the same back if it was ever needed but it rarely was and I wasn't capable of it to the same extent as he was. He was always good for a chat and some witty banter if you were bored on facebook or MSN. He came across on here as being a bit sarcy, straight to the point and no nonsense kind of guy. Which in fairness he was, but he was also a warm compassionate guy who didn't really have a bad bone in him.

The advice he gave in general everyday life to me or the advice on drugs he gave on here was almost always spot on - although it sometimes took me a while to figure out he was right. Intellegent, funny, nice guy. One of the few people on here I really genuinely did want to meet.

I don't know what more to say other than he only takes the best. RIP my friend, you will be missed. Thoughts go out to everyone affected.
I was chatting with Perfect Haze last night, he was shaking and crying, he hasn't logged on here for a while as he forgot his password, it really hit him.

He wanted me to let you know, specially you Effie, how much he thought of Dave, as a person, creatively, as a source of knowledge and advice, and just as "a top bloke".

I'm not gonna say anymore cos I can't describe PH's feelings for him, but he asked me to post something here for him today. I'm sure he'll remember his password somewhere along the line and be able to write something more eloquent.

Hi, just wanted to say how lovely it was too read all these posts, know I haven't been on here for many years but reading these posts brought back a lot of memories, glade, xmess and all the many times BL people came and visited Evad in York.
My thoughts are with you all at this awful time, I know he touched a lot of peoples lifes on here.
All my love

I also want to say a huge thank you to Tranced for taking me home the other night, I was quite upset and quite drunk and I think I would have had a lot more bruises in the morning if you hadn't of walked me.
I met dave a few months ago at a ska/reggae night at nothumbria uni. The music isn't normally my cuppa poppy tea but I'm very glad I went as I wouldn't have met him otherwise.

He was a friend of a friend and we immediately clicked whilst chatting about opiates and laughing at the insane singer's dancing. That was when I asked, 'here, mate are you on bluelight?'
When he said yeah and told me he was the esteemed evad I totally shit! 'Wow, man, you're a fucking celebrity--my hero! Etc.' I think my gf was slightly jealous!

Since then we texted eachother reguarly and vowed to meet up for a sesh, which tragIcally never came into fruition.

Dave, you were a very cool guy. Only the good die young, eh? X
I haven't logged into BL for a while and I see this? I thought it was some kind of twisted EADD joke when I saw the thread title and passed on it until now. I'm truly gutted.
The funeral is tomorrow at 2.15, if anyone wants to.. dunno. Send us some good luck vibes for getting through it! Last few days have been hell. Got through it with friends and family though.. hope they can get me through the next few as well.

Then I guess this thread needs moving to the shrine..

Miss you so much baby <3 (still feel kinda weird saying that on here hah) xxx