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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Ethylphenidate - Big Crystal Batch

HB Pencil

Mar 6, 2009
BG Info.
Well versed in all the usual standard chems plus some more exotics.
Was a heavy ketamine user at one point years ago, can't see that affecting this TR though.

Previous use: Day before stupidly dosed 82mg of methoxpenidine "just for the fun of it" and got very little from it for the exact reason i dosed it i spose, cancelled that trip with 8mg flubromazapam and had a good nights sleep.

Set: At home with a bunch of errands and things to catch up on, read that EPH can be used as a study aid and thought why not, my batch is the shardy crystal type, looks a lot like meth shards before grinding it up.

10.00 Dosage 40mg oral, mild chemical taste, nothing near as bad as MDMA just licked it straight from my scales.

10.30 chemical active. Notice slight mood lift and very slight euphoria/rush but nothing to write home about, was actually what i was hoping for as functional was the order of the day.

9:40 onwards, chem high settled down. very standard weak amphetamine type quality, increased concentration and improved sociability so all very standard. very minimal body load and not enough to bother me either way, was very maneagable.

Outwardly i appeared normal, very slightly pie eyed but not so much you'd notice and maybe a little hyper but again not so much you'd notice.

Went about sorting out my errrands and did notice that one thing seemed to lead to another but it was all productive and not of the "lets clean the toilet for 4 hours" type of crap and actually got a lot of good done.

Redosed another 40-50mg oral at about 6, come on was basically exactly the same as before, managed to eat a lovely chinese cashew nut stir fry with an egg roll and it went down fine which is unusual with stims for me.

The second dose had a very similar profile to the first, i wrote an essay and the stimulation was on the right level to get the job done.

Finished up my essay, poured a glass of whiskey and here i am now, don't know if sleep is possible but it could be, this is about the most 'vanilla' amphetamine i've ever tried.

As far as recreation/euphoria go i imagine you would have to ramp up the dose a fair amount and insufflate/vaporise but i imagine this has been verified and tested eleswhere anyway.

small side note on more-ish ness, yes i did feel the need to re-dose but the urge wasn't overpowering and i could easily ignore it i do think setting helped here as i had shit to do and was doing exactly that, sitting around on a sesh though with a bag and a few caning buds and i'd probably be right in there.

Nothing close to the more-ishness of mephedrone though, but thats obvious.

Have a nice weekend BLers


I have decided to dose 8mb flurorzapam chased with a touch more whiskey as i feel the slight stimulation is gonna keep me up all night, however YMMV, my tolerance to stims and particularly side effects or are weak to naught as in i can never sleep.
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it doesn't become more euphoric at higher doses IME, just more fidgety and irritable... nice TR