• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Ephedrine and Some with a few 1MG xnanax


Sep 21, 2012
Hi Folks, 1st let me think your for reading my question.
I have been having terrible allergies this season, I am prescribed 350MG Soma 4 times a day as well as 4 1 MG Xanax a day. I was also given a decongestant that contains ephedrine that I am to take twice a day along with Norco 325/ 7. I asked my pharmacist and got blown off and was told not to worry about it.

Are the side effects to mixing these medications? I catch decent buzz from the Xanax and soma, will the ephedrine enhance this cocktail in a good way?
Thank you!
This is probably better suited for BDD. You will be adding a stimulant to a muscle relaxer and benzodiazepine which can be problematic if abused, but taken all as prescribed, you should be ok assuming no underlying health conditions. Why ephedrine though?
Ephedrine is what the doc gave me
What is BDD?
Strange. Not that it wont work but seems more taxing on the heart than pseudoephedrine. Just take as prescribed and you should be ok. But its not a great stimulant to go abusing so dont.