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"You should understand that you are divinities. Yes, divinities, and you live on a higher plane free of limitations, shadows and darkness, sorrow and suffering, in the midst of abundance and joy. Do you know what prevents you from manifesting the splendour of those higher regions here below?

Your personality - in other words, your lower nature. Your personality is too unadaptable, too self-centred to capture the subtle messages from those regions… like a radio that cannot pick up all the stations. The waves and vibrations released by Cosmic Intelligence in the higher spheres are swift as lightning, and the matter of the personality is too dense, too hard of hearing to vibrate in tune with them, and so it cannot seize divine messages. They flash by without making an impression and we continue to live in ignorance, far from knowing or experiencing the wonderful joy of our higher Being.

There are ways of changing this situation. If you choose to lead a pure life and become once again a child of God, then your heart will open and become generous, your mind will clear and your will become indomitable. The personality will become the willing instrument with which to express the divine life of the individuality more and more fully and correctly… until the day comes when both the personality and the individuality become fused with each other, the personality ceases to exist and becomes one with the individuality.

What I am telling you is very important. Even if you manage to control your personality, even if you force it to carry out your idealistic plans and projects and make it do as it is told, it will not be the same as if you had removed the old clichés and put new clichés into its head. It may bow to your will, but that doesn’t mean it has adopted your imprints. On the contrary, it still has its own, and is waiting for the moment to do what it wants.

In beseeching God to take possession of you, you are robbing the personality of its old memory and habits and from then on it will no longer be the personality that guides your life but the individuality! The form is still the physical body, with a stomach, lungs, brain, etc… but with new contents."

- Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
"No one can teach oneself as well as oneself.
No one can teach us what we do not already know.
No guru or teacher has the answer for another.
The teacher teaches him or herself.
The therapist aids healing by being evoked to his or her own self-healing.
The only skill worth teaching is teaching people to teach themselves.

Be content that there is no truth that anyone else can give you. And were it possible to be given to you, you would not be able to receive it anyway."

-Strephon Williams on self-reflection and building consciousness
I love how when you spell out guru phonetically it spells G.U.R.U (gee, you are you).

I keep reading how the guru/student relationship in the traditional sense is no longer the paradigm for personal mastery. Ones inner teacher is where we look these days, though nothing wrong with getting help and inspiration along the way from others.
I prefer to get my help from people who want nothing much from me. The ones not part of a system or organization. Schopenhauer would be a great example of such a person.
“Have you also learned that secret from the river; that there is no such thing as time?" That the river is everywhere at the same time, at the source and at the mouth, at the waterfall, at the ferry, at the current, in the ocean and in the mountains, everywhere, and that the present only exists for it, not the shadow of the past nor the shadow of the future.”

― Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha

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^You keep dumping this quotes in this topic with no context behind them or any attempt at discussing them. I basically just skim over them waiting for you to weigh in on this yourself.
It's meant for those who might find them inspiring.

I have weighed in myself, and am willing to discuss with anyone seriously interested. I just can't be bothered to reply to all these "You think you know what enlightenment is?" or "Have you heard about chop wood, carry water?" comments.

But if anyone are actually interested in any of the practices you can do they can just ask.
i don't know if this the thread with the Einstein - Deunov quote but it seems highly suspect like many of the quotes you find attributed to Einstein on the internet. i took an online course about General Relativity and the professor mentioned that most of the quotes you find online attributed to Einstein are things he never said. There is a shiteload of misattributed quotes online but i would surmise that Einstein is the most misattributed. he might have actually believed in Spinoza's God though.
They were both scientists, and Einstein was very spiritual and talked a lot about God, so it's not really that hard to imagine they could have found inspiration in each other. Mostly for those who imagine some kind of war between science and spirituality which they have to take sides in, and turn every spiritual discussion into.
It's meant for those who might find them inspiring.

I have weighed in myself, and am willing to discuss with anyone seriously interested. I just can't be bothered to reply to all these "You think you know what enlightenment is?" or "Have you heard about chop wood, carry water?" comments.

But if anyone are actually interested in any of the practices you can do they can just ask.

Fair enough, but it would be good if you explained why these quotes were relevant, even a few lines. Oh well. I'll live without your exposition for now. :)
Yes, I guess I can explain some things. One thing I've wanted to say. I see enlightenment as a process woth many phases and not just a state or final goal.

Stage 1. Purification phase. Releasing negative energies and getting access to more of your light or inner soul/presence. Many healings and transformations tend to occur here. New talents and higher intelligence and creativity can also be unlocked.

Stage 2. When someone has been taken over by their higher self, initiated into spirit, or achieved a degree of self-realisation. Here someone can disappear into the own world of bliss, peace, love. This would be more like the idea of enlightenment for most.

Stage 3. When the spirit, or divine self, is realised. Basically like a mini-version of God or the true Self. Here someone will be possessed by divine will and live to do God's will on earth or bring goodness into the world. The highest degree of enlightenment, although this has many stages too.

The problem with most is they don't think enlightenment is possible, apart from for a few mythological figures, and before someone has reached full enlightenment they have no business talking about it. I just meant starting the process which has value in itself. Even if you don't become self-realised, at least you've improved yourself, and your funtioning.
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“There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

- Carl Jung
^That's a great quote.

Carl Jung kept me sane when I was experiencing things that mainstream psychology had concluded were simply delusions. Jung took into account the psychic nature of man, and built his psychology on its acceptance.
Yes, it's a tremendous quote, but very hardcore and too much to take on for most.

Shadow work seems like the real key, and more effective than things like meditating on light, as it unlocks the light within you. Most have been conditioned to believe it has to be sought outside, which is a big obstacle.
I think so. Shadow work essentially makes a huge contribution to completion of The Great Work of hermeticism. Jung is brilliant in that he has an encyclopedic knowledge of alchemic practice, and combines this with the modern science of psychology. There are not many more lucid authors on the functioning of mind in my opinion.
In England, Jungian psychology is private practice, not afforded by the NHS. The prevailing reductionist zeitgeist essentially veiws the brain as a nuts and bolts structure, and fails to take into account a substance such as soul or spirit, when addressing problems wth individuals. Maybe they want us to stay sick. Either the way, the times are changing and hopefully soon a more holistic approach to our beings will surface.
There was a spiritual message on this subject today, which explains the basics quite well.

"You have a physical body as well as an energy body and from the time you are birthed into this dimension and reality, it is your physical form that requires the most attention.

As a child, when you begin to grow and experience the various emotional energies of discomfort, disappointment, anger, fear and any other misqualified emotions, you are not taught how to express, clear or shift these emotions. Many times these emotions are shut down so quickly that they are not even witnessed by others.

Most of these painful emotions and experiences are suppressed or stored within the energy body. Your parents did not understand how to clear these negative emotional energies. Therefore, you were not taught the importance of clearing these misqualified emotions, and therefore the cycle has continued. This is an aspect of human nature that is not addressed or resolved.

We are not judging this behavior; it is a pattern that has engaged all humans for ages. When a negative or misqualified emotion or experience is felt and not expressed in a healthy way at that time, it then becomes stored in the physical form within the cells, tissues and organs of the body, your bio-computer. It is also energetically stored within the energy body.

These dense vibrations and frequencies of negative misqualified emotions of fear, anger, hatred, guilt, abandonment, not being loved or seen etc. become what has energetically been called the shadow self, the part or aspect of oneself that is repressed or denied.

You have been taught that it is not appropriate to express your anger or any other misqualified emotions. What you and others have done has been to control, inhibit, contain or bottle-up this anger or fear or other negative emotions and experiences.

Emotions that are repressed, denied or ignored can be triggered or activated easily by a similar emotional vibration or frequency. So when someone expresses anger, it often activates any repressed anger in the other. If fear is invoked by someone, any fear that is repressed will be activated in the individual and their personal shadow or the collective shadow.

Consider the possibility that emotional frequencies can be contagious. Anger will more often invoke anger, fear will invite and stimulate more fear all because individuals have not been informed how to clear or transform these negative emotions or energies. You have not been taught that you are an alchemist. This awareness is a part of the unfolding evolution.

This is a truth that you are here to anchor. You truly are here on this planet, at this time, to uplift these misqualified negative emotions and vibrations that have held humanity in the limited belief of being powerless.

These dark and misqualified impulses are usually hidden and suppressed within the subconscious of each individual. As a multidimensional divine being of light, you are meant to transform them. You feel an emotion and if it is misqualified or is a low, dense negative emotion, you are to shift that by expressing the emotion in a healthy manner, owning these feelings rather than suppressing or constraining them.

You can use sound to clear or express these dense frequencies, or use many of the other energy tools that are available, instead of storing these vibrations in the energy field and the physical body.