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I have no parents: I make the heavens and earth my parents.
I have no home: I make awareness my home.
I have no life or death: I make the tides of breathing my life and death.
I have no divine power: I make truth my divine power.
I have no means: I make knowledge my means.
I have no magic secrets: I make character my magic secret.
I have no body: I make immortality my body.
I have no eyes: I make the flash of illumination my eyes.
I have no ears: I make sensitivity my ears.
I have no limbs: I make timelessness my limbs.
I have no strategy: I make 'unshadowed by thought' my strategy.
I have no designs: I make 'seizing opportunity' my design.
I have no miracles: I make right action my miracles.
I have no principles: I make adaptability to all circumstances my principles.
I have no tactics: I make emptiness and fullness my tactics.
I have no talents: I make ready wit my talent.
I have no friends: I make my true self my friend.
I have no enemy: I make unawareness my enemy.
I have no armour: I make benevolence and righteousness my armour.
I have no castle: I make silent mind my castle.
I have no sword: I make absence of ego my sword.

- Ralph Blum
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Dr. Jeffery Martin has produced some of the most detailed studies on the subject to date across thousands of subjects who claim to have reached a state some describe as enlightenment. His analysis is rigorous and uses modern psychological and physiological test, including EEG's. He has been able to make some generalizations about these states of consciousness from his data. He uses the less charged word persistent non-symbolic states to describe enlightenment, which is probably a good idea since enlightenment has a lot of baggage.

The following paper summarizes some of his findings:

His website for the work contains a lot more stuff

His EEG findings should be really exciting when they are reported in honest. From what I've heard the brains of these people seems to display very different activity patterns but his findings are still preliminary.

I've taken a few hours to go through the various texts and a few videos from the Web site. From the perspective of someone who feels 'enlightened' is what he talking about a match for enlightenment? I'm asking in case my wording sounds odd but is he really studying Enlightenment and do his subjects actually agree with his conclususions?

I will certainly give him props for managing to get different religions represented in the same study. Imagine if religions learned from each other rather than claim a full understanding of everything, if he is credible or at least recognized by the various factions maybe working from a position of co-operation might be what is supposed to happen with religion.
Yeah there is huge gap between these two. Hawkins is putting enlightenment up past being able to OBE at will. Jeffery Martin is applying the term PNSE and swapping the term enlightenment.

Do they represent different viewpoints? PNSE seems like a very early state to me compared to Hawkins enlightenment description.
From the perspective of someone who feels 'enlightened' is what he is talking about a match for enlightenment?

Glad you took the time to check it out. It's really interesting work and I like his approach. I'd love to know if "enlightened" people dig his work too. I want to see this from their point of view too. It's really interesting to hear what arises when these different viewpoints on enlightenment interact, compare notes and submit themselves to examination. He's a good moderator. It would be really cool to watch him interact with these people. That's kinda what he did here. Since the goal is truth, well, something good will come of it in my mind. That's why I think it is really valuable.

On a personal note, I met the guy and we chatted for a bit. He struck me as a debunker in some ways because a lot of the ideas I had floating around in my head he systematically shut down and cast doubt on. No offense taken, sting was felt but he helped me consider it differently. I respect his viewpoint because he casts such a wide net.
Very interesting points and discussion......

I do think when you do "finally" reach it (LMAO) and become enlightened all you can do is laugh your ass off at the cosmic joke being played here ......

Once you truely awaken sadly you cannot undue it .... Like opening Pandora's box;

But why would you ?

I really do find it intriguing and interesting how the intellectual mind tries to wrap it's way in trying to understand that which cannot be understood ....

To me elightement was more like coming to the already present realization NOW through awareness that not only are you the ONE(the energy or conciousness that serves as the non -dual substratum of the universe) but so is everyone and everything that exists or will ever exist in all levels of reality and dimensions everywhere ...

We are basically just fucking with ourselves .....

But seriously the more on the path I've become and the more awareness I get I realize truly in my normal human state of every day conciousness

I TRULY don't know SHIT.....

Perhaps the joke is the secret to enlightenment is there is none.......

I do know from direct experience there is some serious next level alien(not even remotely human) intelligence running this 3rd dimensional illusion.....

Almost as if this alien intelligence enjoys incarnating itself as a human to have this experiment of duality because it can and why not ?

-end rant
No, not that kind of research, but looking up quotes by the best writers is one of the best ways to find gems about a topic.
Yes, I understand. Was just picking at you.

Quotes are awesome. Afterall, they're just bits of words spewed from another person's tongue that can summarize anything as long as the said person is versed in the thing (s)he speaks about it.
I thought I would post an abridged version of the Hawkins scale of different consciousness levels, which he goes into in more detail in his books and I found very enlightening to read. I've almost been through the whole range, I think. Well, the highest levels only on drugs.

According to Hawkins, this is one step above death. At this level, the primary emotion one feels is humiliation. It’s not surprising that this level, being so close to death, is where most thoughts of suicide are found. Those who suffer from sexual abuse are often found here, and without therapy they tend to remain here.

Not too far from shame is the level of guilt. When one is stuck in this level, feelings of worthlessness and an inability to forgive oneself are common.

The level of hopelessness and despair; this is the common consciousness found among those who are homeless or living in poverty. At this level, one has abdicated themselves to their current situation and feels numb to life around them.

Many of us have felt this at times of tragedy in our lives. However, having this as your primary level of consciousness, you live a life of constant regret and remorse. This is the level where you feel all your opportunities have passed you by. You ultimately feel you are a failure.

People living under dictatorship rule or those involved in an abusive relationship find themselves at this level. There is a sense of paranoia here, where you think everyone is out to get you. Suspicion and defensiveness are common.

Desire is a major motivator for much of our society. Although desire can be an impetus for change, the downside is that it leads to enslavement to ones appetites. This is the level of addiction to such things as sex, money, prestige, or power.

As one moves out of Apathy to Grief and then out of Fear, they begin to want. Desire which is not fulfilled leads to frustration which brings us to Anger. This anger can cause us to move out of this level or keep us here.

According to Hawkins, since the majority of people are below this point, this is the level that most people aspire to. It makes up a good deal of Hollywood. In comparison to Shame and Guilt, one begins to feel positive here. However, it’s a false positive. It’s dependent upon external conditions such as wealth, position or power. It is also the source of racism, nationalism, and religious fanaticism.

This is the level of empowerment. It is the first level where you are not taking life energy from those around you. Courage is where you see that you don’t need to be tossed to and fro by your external conditions. This empowerment leads you to the realization that you are a steward unto yourself, and that you alone are in charge of your own growth and success. This is what makes you inherently human: the realization that there is a gap between stimulus and response and that you have the potential to choose how to respond.

Neutrality is the level of flexibility. To be neutral, you are, for the most part, unattached to outcomes. At this level, you are satisfied with your current life situation and tend not to have a lot of motivation towards self improvement or excellence in your career. You realize the possibilities but don’t make the sacrifices required to reach a higher level.

Those people around you that are perpetual optimists - this is their level of consciousness. Seeing life as one big possibility is the cornerstone of those operating here. No longer are you satisfied with complacency - you strive to do your best at whatever task you’ve undertaken. You begin to develop self-discipline and willpower and learn the importance of sticking to a task till the end.

If Courage is the realization that you are the source of your life’s experiences, then it is here where you become the creator of them. Combined with the skills learned in the Willingness phase, you begin to awaken your potential through action. Here’s where you begin to set and achieve goals and to actively push yourself beyond your previous limitations. Up to this point you’ve been generally reactive to what life throws at you. Here’s where you turn that around, take control, and become proactive.

The level of science, medicine, and a desire for knowledge. Your thirst for knowledge becomes insatiable. You don’t waste time in activities that do not provide educational value. You begin to categorize all of life and its experiences into proofs, postulates, and theories. The failure of this level is you cannot seem to separate the subjective from the objective, and because of that, you tend to miss the point. You fail to see the forest because you’re tunnel-visioned on the trees. Paradoxically, Reason can become a stumbling block for further progressions of consciousness.

Only if, in the level of Reason you start to see yourself as a potential for the greater good of mankind, will you have enough power to enter here. Here is where you start applying what was learned in your reasoning and you let the heart take over rather than the mind - you live by intuition. This is the level of charity - a selfless love that has no desire except for the welfare of those around them. Gandhi and Mother Theresa are examples of people who were living at this level. Only 0.4 percent of the world will ever reach it.

This is the level of saints and advanced spiritual people. As love becomes more unconditional, there follows a constant accompaniment of true happiness. No personal tragedy or world event could ever shake someone living at this level of consciousness. They seem to inspire and lift all those who come in contact with them. Your life is now in complete harmony with the will of Divinity and the fruits of that harmony are expressed in your joy.

Peace is achieved after a life of complete surrender to the Creator. It is where you have transcended all and have entered that place that Hawkins calls illumination. Here, a stillness and silence of mind is achieved, allowing for constant revelation. Only 1 in 10 million (that’s .00001 percent) people will arrive at this level.

This is the highest level of human consciousness where one has become like God. Many see this as Christ, Buddha, or Krishna. These are those who have influenced all of mankind.
Mapping Your Vibrational Frequency

We can see that at the bottom is guilt and shame
measuring at 30 and 20. As you rise up, you
reach anger at 150. The reason why anger is much
higher is because anger is a moving energy that pushes you above apathy.

There are two great spiritual growth barriers that Dr.
Hawkins has pointed out time and time again. The
first one is at 200 and the other is at 500. 200 is the
level of courage and moves humanity from
destructive and harmful behavior to a lifestyle that
serves and benefits. Right now, the average level of
energy on Earth is around 207.

The next barrier is around 500, which is the level of
love. When you vibrate at this level life becomes
drastically different. Love, joy, and abundance are
suddenly within your grasp. Pain, stress, and struggle
seem to melt away and you become a magnet for
what you truly desire.

But if you are vibrating below 500 (and sadly most
people are), then this should become your new
target. This is the level you have to achieve if you
want to create the life you desire.

But here’s where things get even better. Dr.
Hawkins has discovered that your energy doesn’t
just affect you and your life, it affects those around
you too. One person operating at a level of 500
(love) can lift 750,000 other people above 200.

Keeping this in mind, when you surround yourself
with high vibrating people, you will feel better
about yourself, more optimistic, less stress, and
It gets kinda interesting when Hawkins starts using that scale to measure the vibration of things like books, music, other spiritual teachers, different drugs, etc. magic mushrooms test at 565 for example. Not sure what you do with a statement like that. I got mixed feelings about that approach. Should be pointed out it is a logarithmic scale. Someone should try reproducing some of his numbers. That's how I feel about those things.

Gotta say though, I enjoyed his book on surrender and some of his videos. He makes a lot of sense most of the time when he talks about spiritual topics.
What do those numbers mean? Are we talking hertz? What part of a human is vibrating? Is there some kind of source for these numbers?

It seems pseudoscientific...
^ I think that may be the issue with trying to relate to most things spiritual. We have no scale, we have emotionally loaded words, each various group uses a different context to describe nearly identical phenomena.

While I have only the Christian doctrine to filter my world view through I can see and agree with most of Hawkins ideas. It is simple enough to read the scale of enlightenment and see where we really are or have been. The numbers may need some explaining for me but again I can understand the simple fact one person consistently being "Gandhi like" will have a staggering effect on those around them with a ripple that last long after them.

I think putting a scale to it actually is only to try and show the perceived arc of difficulty in achieving each state of consciousness.

Vibrations I would guess at as a 'feeling of vibrating or lack of it' like drunk me vibrates at about 2 regular me higher and stoned me much higher. But to put a number on it needs a means of detection other than my consciousness and I can't see how that is done. So I'd guess it is arbitrary in both regards to it being an actual vibration and the frequency applied.

Even not being able to understand the scale i do understand the meaning but it would help all us stuck at the "Reason" level if you could pop us a link that explains the idea of Vibrations and the scale.
^That's true. It makes sense as a sort proportionate weighting of various emotional values, but I just wonder what is meant by:

measuring at 30 and 20.

Emphasis mine. I'm genuinely curious as to what is being measured, using what and by whom.

One person operating at a level of 500
(love) can lift 750,000 other people above 200.

This suggests that there is some logic or mathematics behind this and I'm interested to know what.
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I'm no expert on that, I just know he developed it based on some kind of Kinesology. His books "Transcending the Levels of Consciousness" and "Power vs. Force" gets into it in more depth. His work isn't available for free, but they're only like $10 at ebooks.com

Hawkins was very respected as a doctor in psychiatry and modern researcher of consciousness and even given a knighthood for his work. Not everything that tries to explain spiritual things in a scientific way has to be dismissed as pseudo-science. After all, everything that exists has to have a science behind it, and that also applies to spiritual things.

I even think there's a well-developed science behind it at this point and it just haven't been academically acknowledged or released to the public. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.