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Because JWH can cause some people to have a dramatic raise in BP to unsafe levels causing increase blood flow throughout the body. Not saying that unhealthy living wasn't also playing a factor. I know for me it caused high levels of BP and I was super healthy exercising 5 days a week.
been there, done that. substituted cannabinoids are one of the most retarded things ever created, and most of them turn you into a right dope.
Just curious if anyone has recovered by now.. I went through this Ann now its going on 4 months and feeling better.. its induced anxiety and it takes time to heal.. worst experience of my life..
Well its not dp or anything.. is more psychological anxiety now.. I don't have physical symptoms anymore.. its like more of a mental thing.. I just want to know who recovered 100%.. this shit sucks... I know its induced anxiety that's playing a role on this.. what about birdman? Haven't heard from him. Did he recover? I hope you are recovered soon 1969... thanks for the reply..
I know what you mean about the anxiety for me its like my body is in a permanent stress/anxiety mode that causes physical pain and issues with my cognitive function. Could you tell your story and give some more info on your symptoms also were did you have anxiety before, any meds you were taking, family history and what you smoked a prepackaged blend or pure jwh?
I got anxiety from spice shit... a girl introduced it to me and couldn't believe it was legal.. I then asked the smoke shop about it and he said it was natural herbs.. well at the end of December they put a banned on them and decided to quit.. I had withdraws do a month or so and now and physical anxiety.. heart racing, anxious, sweaty palms etc.. I can go on and on.. how about u? I would like to know who recovered? I never had prior health issues or mental issues.. obviously people recovered if they are not posting on this forum anymore.. I have to stay positive.. thanks for your concern...
Quick question? How is it six months for you and you have been on here for almost a year and a half.. I just want to make sure I'm talking to someone who really has been through this.. to me it doesn't add up to me about you.. people who don't have prior anxiety problems should subside with time and especially physically.. at least it did for me.. just don't jerk my chain with this dude.. you still have been vague about my question in ny earlier post as I have been in detail.. anyone who has been through this pls help.. thanks...
Trust me I am not jerking your chain this was no good for me and yes for me it all started with a bad trip I had on it October 9 2010. For me during the first week or two I had insomnia, extremely bad anxiety, depression, depersonalization and a racing heart. I would wake in the middle of the night feeling like I was having a stroke. After about 3 weeks the insomnia went away, but the depression and DP was still there (as for the anxiety I still had, but I could control in uncomfortable situations). After about a month I was feeling about 90% better, but I still had this feeling something was wrong and I felt like I was in a haze all the time (brain fog). To date I feel like I haven't improved from the 90% I still have the brain fog which effects my cognitive function and memory. Believe I regret ever doing the shit in the first and who knows maybe it is all in my head or I have genetic disorder were I am predisposed to mental illness. For you though I just sounds like you are going through withdrawal symptoms which will be normal and you will be fine. Just do activities that take your mind off of it, exercise, sleep, good diet and some supplements. Also I haven't heard much back from anyone so it does sound like they got better as for me I am going to keep at it and try and find was the root of my problem is that jwh might have showed me, best of luck and you can ask me any question.

During the weeks this was going on I find this site and joined to ask question which was in the beginning of November last year. Also I did have minor anxiety issues and slight depression prior to this, but for me I could handle the feelings now it can overcome me. I also got over it when I started exercising and lost a lot of weight almost like it went away, but that bad trip from jwh brought it back 10 fold.
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Hey man.. I just had to make sure... after my withdraws is when the whole anxiety issues started to happened. I do workout and take a lot of vitamins and drink plenty of water.. its just feels like my mind is racing with bad negative thoughts and its affecting my daily life.. it wasn't like that before so I assume its going through a phase of recovery.. its very hard to deal with this and feels like you are going crazy( which is a symptom if induced anxiety).. I had a lot of songs stick to me like a repetitive loop and insomnia now.. which music or a clip of s song is there. It's weird man but I did slot of research on induced anxiety and these are all symptoms of this plus a lot more.. which a lot has subsided with time.. its just feels like I'm going crazy sometimes or I ruined my life because of this shit.. I hope u get better with time soon and I wish it wad now and not later.. I want to live it up again without any type of drug.. which was weed mainly but do to random drug test I was smoking spice... wrong choice... I guess my brain I'd mind is trying to rebslance itself and maybe that's why I'm feeling the way iam.. I hope so for our sake.. thanks for the reply..
Well it sounds like you are taking the right steps now I would avoid weed and stimulants until you feel better. I also know how you feel like you are going crazy, but trust me you are not it is just the anxiety making you feel this way. I would recommend finding ways to raise you GABA levels since they will help with anxiety. Find something that can pass the brain blood barrier that way you get the best results. Do you have health insurance?... if so I would recommend going in and just making sure everything internally is ok. If everything is good then it might be a psychological issues which cognitive behavior therapy might help.
I am still around guys, I lurk but try not to post. I am just over 4 months now. I am feeling a bit better, but not near 100% yet. I am still getting light headed/dizzy out of nowhere and still get anxiety. I still awaken several times a night although it is getting a little better now. I hope with some more time both our situations improve. Like Forums1969, I was fine until a bad trip on Dec. 24th, then it felt like I ruined my life. I wish I wasnt so stupid in doing this stuff for a year, but I cant dwell on my mistakes.

I try not to continue to read these things because it was taking over my life. So what I have been doing is trying to get involved in other areas and sort of forget about the last 4 months. It is still a struggle and I have talked to some people that have taken 10-12 months to feel normal again. I hope we all recover I really do. I cannot picture living like this for the rest of my life, its just horrible. No matter where I go or what I do I am always nervous now that I will either feel dizzy or have an anxiety attack, its messed up.

Prior to this I never had anxiety or any type of attack. I was a normal late 20's guy in great health. All my medical tests are still normal and think my brain is just still needing to rebalance itself, at least I hope it can recover. Sorry for not being around, but I do check this site almost daily still, but instead of checking 30x, I only check once lol. I sort of became obsessed with the sites due to trying to figure out how to get better. I am taking one day at a time and hoping to put this behind me. Good luck.
Hey birdman1967 you said you had a bad trip like me... did make you pass out, hallucinating or did you have closed eye hallucinations? Did you just feel terrible the reason I ask because for me I passed out and I was awake, but I had this very negative thoughts running through my head. Like I was in hell and that I was going to be like that forever I also had some closed eye hallucinations. For me when I wear my contacts or when my anxiety is higher then normal I get pressure behind my eyes and pain sensations in my head. I also always feel like I'm in a haze (brain fog) almost like a dream and that I'm just floating around wanting to die.

At this point I have thought about a few things to try hypnosis, cognitive behavior therapy or lastly make it so I have a good drug trip that way I can get my mine off the negative feelings.
OD'ing on jwh gave me a mild heart attack: tach up to 180 for over an hour, chest pain, and numbing in left arm.
I drank cool water, had ER on speed dial, quit the shit and told everyone i knew to as well.

Before this it gave me some sort of recurring heart murmur--possibly due to breathing deprression?

Nasty Stuff; brownies are great, but any high dose gave me splitting headaches. felt like i had some sort of knife prodding my lobes...not fun lol.

Science knows whats actually going on during the decomposition reaction when the stuff is burned--it's really harsh on the lungs/throat. carcinogen through that roa much?
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Birdman1967 I read through the forum on the other website and I was wondering if you kept on the SSRI? Also what jb_cn_2000 I believe that it will just take some time to feel normal again.
Never went on the SSRI. I didnt want to have my brain become dependant on anything else. I havent taken a Xanax in about 45 days as well. Been trying to fight through everything on my own will. I talked to about 5-6 people over the phone who went through this and they all stated it took 6-12 months to feel better. Here is to hoping they are correct.
Oh, if I knew they would make me feel normal and I was only on them for 6 to 12 months I would take. I'm with about being dependent on them and with my mental state as is I don't think I could handle anymore issues. It seems like this Shit can fuck you up like they were saying for 6 to 12 months for it has been just over 6 months and I do feel better, but back fps normal. Here is to hoping that they 6 months I will be happy again.
So an update I started taking Piracetam, Acetyl L-Carnitine/Alpha Lipoic Acid, Magnesium, Zinc and B complex in liquid form. Since doing this I started to see an improvement from the first day my mood was better and I didn't feel off at all. Today I felt a little bad, but that was due to not getting enough sleep and girlfriend issues. I am going to keep up on the regiment and see what happens in a month. Also I was talking to someone who was saying how they had anxiety/panic attack issues which was causing them a lot of problems. They were prescribed a SSRI for a certain amount of months and they stated they felt so much better. Maybe it is something I can look into later in life, just thought I would put that in.
hey there yall,

i just wanted to give an update on myself since i have gone through the same thing a few of you are going through relating to anxiety after use of synthetic marijuana. i posted in a different thread on bluelight about 7 months ago when i was feeling especially bad.

ill start with a little background on how i came to be afflicted with the condition. i was smoking various blends from the local headshop for a few months. daily i would smoke these blends, mostly two or three times a day. i started to develop anxiety while i was still smoking but figured it was due to circumstances going on in my life. i was interviewing for jobs and i had just gotten married to my beautiful scottish wife who just obtained a green card to live in the states. in early may of last year and on my 2nd week of my new job, i started to have severe numbess on the left side of my body along with heavy anxiety. my thinking was that i was having a heart attack but it slightly subsided over the course of a few days but was still pretty bad.

after this i started to have constant anxiety, insomnia, pressure in my left arm and left side of my head, depersonalization and tension in various parts of my body like my neck and shoulders. i spent loads of time on the internet frantically trying to find out what was wrong with me and believing all types of ridiculous things had happened to me. eventually i went to the doctor and they scared the shit out of me even more when she told me that i could possibly have ms. it wouldnt be until 2 weeks after she said that i would have an mri to make sure. as you could imagine, those 2 weeks sucked. eventually the mri came back negative and i was pretty damn relieved but i was still feeling all the original symptoms but at a slightly less degree. at this time it was probably about 2.5 months into the condition.

during all of this i was eating very well, exercising daily and taking b vitamins after the doctor told me my b12 and folic acid levels were low. this was probably due to the fact that i am vegetarian but low b12 does cause anxiety in certain individuals. also, i started going to neurofeedback sessions which relieved a good deal of anxiety. i dont feel like going into the details of neurofeedback right now but check it out if youre interested. basically your brain is hooked up to a few sensors that are connected to a computer. then you either listen to music or watch a movie and when the computer detects that your brain went out of optimal "in the moment" mode then it skips the music or movie which causes your brain to scan itself and correct any abnormalities. you are conditioning your brain to always be in the same "based in the here and now" state that meditation is aiming for as well. some call neurofeedback "turbo meditation".

i was slowly getting better as each month went by but it was really hard to shake the thought that i might always slightly have this condition for the rest of my life. even though i read from several other people that they eventually got over it, it was still impossible for me to be totally convinced that i would shake the condition fully one day. right now it has been a year since i first caught this and i would say that i am 99% recovered. i know a year seems like a long ass time but this thing can take a while to release its imprint on you. most of the time i feel perfectly fine but every few days i get a slight pressure on the left side of my head or in my left arm. that is pretty much the extent of it and i know with a few more healthy months, i can fully be over this.

if you are out there and are experiencing this horrible condition, try not to worry so much as hard as that might be. eventually you will feel back to normal. i would know. i went through a horrible, horrible year and i am so thankful that i am sitting here right now not feeling like how i was many months ago. one thing i must say to the few people who said they still feel the same as they did a while ago but are taking other drugs or drinking, stop! they might temporarily relieve your symptoms but you are not training your body to function in a natural, healthy way so it will not try and rebalance itself.

godspeed to all and TRUST ME, you will get better if you try to live a healthy and natural life. we have all been taught a valuable lesson from this. respect your body and dont mess around with synthetic rubbish.

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