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Effects/behavioral changes of animals by drugs


Oct 2, 2010
Effects/behavioral changes of animals by drugs (study, not trash talking drugs)

I have been rather interested in how certain drugs affect animals, i have no intent on harming any creature by use of drugs. I'm only asking for the sake of research and knowledge.

How do certain animals react on cannabis, LSD, shrooms, MDMA, etc.

My intent on this reasearch is to see if animals are more "like us" than we realize. If they can react close enough like we do that may mean they feel more emotion than we had thought before.

If you have knowledge on the reactions/behavorial changes of animals while under the influence of drugs post a reply.
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Theres a rather disturbing video of a cat under the influence of an obviously massive dose.. it's just sprawled on the floor with no idea whats goin on.. its horrible.

There was an experiment done with elephants.. they seemed to take longer baths and make squeak noises with their trunks? I dunno if it was squeak noises but some kinda noise.. Seemed to have no ill effects on them.

There was another experiment where they shot fckin loads of LSD into another elephant which then died after it's throat muscles closed up. This was after it collapsed and was then given a amassive dose of anti-psychotics.
First of all never give your pets recreational or in fact any drugs. Most of them are extremely toxic to them because of different bodily systems. Tylenol or acetaminophen kills a cat really fast in 100% of the cases even if one pill was injested.

But if you wanna hear what just happened to my cat 2 days ago go to my thread here-->
http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/showthread.php?t=529497. He was hallucinating harder than I ever have after ingesting some stimulant.