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EDM Festival October - Advise Newbie


Aug 13, 2018

few questions I was hoping someone could help with. A friend of mine is planning to attend a EDM festival in Amsterdam in October he/she was planning on rolling the Friday and the Saturday.


1. Is rolling 2 days advisable? He only ever rolled once before - generally was good experience but nuseau but nothing major.

2. 5-HTP I assume he would not take 5-HTP after the Friday before the second day roll?

3. Is there any way of checking the pills before purchasing aside from checking pill reports or testing? He has heard the pills in Amsterdam can be quiet strong 200mg.

thanks in advance for help.
Rolls should be spaced 1 month apart, at minimum, suggested time is 3 months though.

So obviously back to back nights is a big HELL FUCKING NO.

yeah, only take the 5-htp when you know you're not going to be rolling within the next 3 days. so after the 2nd day (although when you read this I hope you convince him to not re-dose a 2nd day in a row)

You can get away with a few back to back nights of MDMA without feeling the damage that you are doing but if you knew the hell that some people get caught up in you would never even think about trying to risk it.

imagine never feeling happiness for 2 years. That's like 700 fucking days. Now, is feeling a whole lot of happiness for 2 days in a row really worth 700 days of no happiness?

the odds of it happening are low, especially for people new to MDMA. the point is that this drug is unlike other drugs when it comes to making mistakes. it is VERY UNFORGIVING. You should respect it or it will fuck your world up.

EVERYTIME you do MDMA, do the harm reduction practices to a mother fucking T. and that def. means not going back to back days
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Rolls should be spaced 1 month apart, at minimum, suggested time is 3 months though.

So obviously back to back nights is a big HELL FUCKING NO.

yeah, only take the 5-htp when you know you're not going to be rolling within the next 3 days. so after the 2nd day (although when you read this I hope you convince him to not re-dose a 2nd day in a row)

You can get away with a few back to back nights of MDMA without feeling the damage that you are doing but if you knew the hell that some people get caught up in you would never even think about trying to risk it.

imagine never feeling happiness for 2 years. That's like 700 fucking days. Now, is feeling a whole lot of happiness for 2 days in a row really worth 700 days of no happiness?

the odds of it happening are low, especially for people new to MDMA. the point is that this drug is unlike other drugs when it comes to making mistakes. it is VERY UNFORGIVING. You should respect it or it will fuck your world up.

EVERYTIME you do MDMA, do the harm reduction practices to a mother fucking T. and that def. means not going back to back days

thank you for the advise will tell friend to stick to booze first night
thank you for the advise will tell friend to stick to booze first night

Thank you for listening. I appreciate it and I wish you both the best of times. When done properly MDMA is as much a benefit to life as a wife, a child, a great career. I just want people to enjoy it in the best way possible and not fuck their self over.

peace homie
Both I and others close to me have been taking mdma for years with many sessions back to back. I have the exact same tolerance now as I did as a kid (if anything less) which is indicative of zero damage being done. (Tolerance and neurotoxicity go hand in hand.) I'm also rather successful as is my partner (she's been using it for 10), I'm more emotionally stable than ever, it's pretty apparent two days in row isn't really all that bad after 14yrs of taking MDMA.

It's more important that you stick to a set number of times per year, consume antioxidants during/after your roll, stay cool, keep below 200mg, and never redose past a booster. Two days in a row is far less important than those rules. Three days in a row is just stupid and draining though, you can protect yourself from the toxicity but your serotonin will drain from each experience.
