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Edibles taking ages to act


Apr 2, 2022
Took over 4 hours to work..but one pill was enough to nearly floor me.

Anyone else felt that edibles take too long to work?
Edibles vary greatly based on the type. If you took a pill with pure concentrate that will take much longer than cannabinoids which are mixed with a fat of some sort.

Unlike the MDMA, with THC you want something fatty in your stomach. So go ahead and eat that pizza if you have to ;)

Took over 4 hours to work..but one pill was enough to nearly floor me.

Anyone else felt that edibles take too long to work?

Takes me 3 hours with traditional edibles. With nano encapsulated and/or water soluble THC edibles 15-20 minutes, 5-10 minutes if consumed via drinking. And there’s these dissolvable THC strips that start to affect w/in. 5-10 minutes.

But with traditional edibles and say I’m watching 2 CFL games on a Friday night, I’ll start eating 1 10mg edible every 50-60 minutes.

Also with the water soluble drops you can constantly redose and little (if any) burnout.

How to fix the issue? Just do it everyday and it will correct itself. I honestly don't even think about the wait anymore. There isn't one.

I had the same issue for several years and that all changed after using edibles consistently everyday. In the beginning, Delta 8 took even longer than delta 9 to kick in so I was very aware of THE WAIT. It use to take anywhere from 1 to 4 hours to kick in.

It's a non-issue now that I use it everyday. I would have never guessed but I'm able to get relief within 10 minutes of eating a regular delta 8 edible. I can usually start to get the threshold feelings within 5 minutes. It's not placebo because I do this everyday of my life now. I think it's because I know what to look for better and my body is also used to it and digest it better than it used to.

I seriously thought the only way to get relief that fast with an edible would be water-soluble, but it's just not true. I can 100% get relief within 10 minutes with a regular edible and all I did was do it everyday.

Edibles vary greatly based on the type. If you took a pill with pure concentrate that will take much longer than cannabinoids which are mixed with a fat of some sort.

Unlike the MDMA, with THC you want something fatty in your stomach. So go ahead and eat that pizza if you have to ;)

No point in eating a pizza if gonna get munches later. Save it for then.

I've got half a capsule left cause a full one was too much the last 2 times.
If you want the edible experience without the 3-4 hour wait, try Ripple dissolvable THC! It works fast and hits hard compared to standard edibles. The downside is the cost. I know we can't explicitly discuss prices, but Ripple costs 2-3 times that of standard gummies. Hopefully this isn't crossing the line into pricing, apologies in advance if it is. The medicinal 55mg gummies also work quite a bit faster than a standard edible.
If you want the edible experience without the 3-4 hour wait, try Ripple dissolvable THC! It works fast and hits hard compared to standard edibles. The downside is the cost. I know we can't explicitly discuss prices, but Ripple costs 2-3 times that of standard gummies. Hopefully this isn't crossing the line into pricing, apologies in advance if it is. The medicinal 55mg gummies also work quite a bit faster than a standard edible.
I’m quite okay with discussing prices of legal products. I think it helps shine a light on how the Cannabis industry is evolving and is a form of economic harm reduction (saving money).

Yes, I’m familar with the Ripple dissolvable THC. Tried it as soon as it hit the Canadian market. But the price was nasty. Pretty much in line with the cost of a 10mg edible . They’ve now got (maybe you mean these?) Ripple flavoured packs in Koolaidy types (grape, orange, berry).

It’s not Ripple but you can also get THC/sugar packets and THC/salt packets.

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I pulled out 1 ziploc of THC banana bread from the freeze

I’m quite okay with discussing prices of legal products. I think it helps shine a light on how the Cannabis industry is evolving and is a form of economic harm reduction (saving money).

Yes, I’m familar with the Ripple dissolvable THC. Tried it as soon as it hit the Canadian market. But the price was nasty. Pretty much in line with the cost of a 10mg edible . They’ve now got (maybe you mean these?) Ripple flavoured packs in Koolaidy types (grape, orange, berry).

It’s not Ripple but you can also get THC/sugar packets and THC/salt packets.

The UK needs legalise cannibis

Then mdma
Took half a pill tonight and only took an hour to work as had empty stomach. Still felt a bit anxious n similar feelings.

Downers not for me I don't think. .can't stop pacing the room. Took a few whiskys to take the edge off.
you might want to switch to this kind of thing (sublingual gels) https://www.kinslip.com/shop
or maybe xmg drops or Emprise's Hyper Nova - all of which are water soluble emulsions that hit way faster than other oils and edibles.
These hit in 20 minutes while a toke hits in 5 minutes and most edibles take an hour or 3
you might want to switch to this kind of thing (sublingual gels) https://www.kinslip.com/shop
or maybe xmg drops or Emprise's Hyper Nova - all of which are water soluble emulsions that hit way faster than other oils and edibles.
These hit in 20 minutes while a toke hits in 5 minutes and most edibles take an hour or 3
How long do they last
Takes 2 hours to hit.... milk bevarage...but acts all day.It's ok,but not for daily consumption for me
you stay high for the same duration as smoking plus about an hour when you use the water soluble products that I listed.so 4 or 5 hours and then slow fading
you might want to switch to this kind of thing (sublingual gels) https://www.kinslip.com/shop
or maybe xmg drops or Emprise's Hyper Nova - all of which are water soluble emulsions that hit way faster than other oils and edibles.
These hit in 20 minutes while a toke hits in 5 minutes and most edibles take an hour or 3
I tried kinslips, they gave me a really nasty high and made my mouth sore too. Kinda buzzy and nervous, just negative and I really never react to cannabis that way. I didn't like them at all. I find if I eat the edible on an empty stomach it kicks in harder than if I have eaten, and faster too. Kanha are nano, and hit fast on an empty stomach. The hybrid is more on the sleepy indica end though. I really like Elefante gummies, they are not nano or fast onset, but hit quite fast and the high is good.
Allstuff - no shit, sherlock. More drug, stronger effects. As for the dry mouth, just brush your teeth, chew some gum. Drink some water!
Allstuff - no shit, sherlock. More drug, stronger effects. As for the dry mouth, just brush your teeth, chew some gum. Drink some water!
Yea I drank water. Just saying it's not a nice feeling and the whole point is to feel good.
Most drugs have some side effects which are not so pleasant - opiates make people puke, shrooms nausea...weed dry mouth. None of it is a free ride.