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Ecstasy/MDMA not working after 2 hours?


Aug 8, 2018
Swim swallowed half, snorted the other half of that After an hour of the swallowed one not kicking in.. swim has another one.. should Swim take it? It?s been 2 hours.. swim ate ramen before swallowing the first one, Swim isn?t entirely certain if they?re real.. but has friends that rolled on the same x, what?s happening? They are Yellow Hello Kitty pills
Don't take anymore. Just wait it out - if nothing happens you've simply got bunk pills. However, some bad pills can take a long time to come on and if you just keep taking more you risk serious health problems or death. Best wishes mate...
Do you think it?s possible they?re just taking a while to kick in? Swim has never taken X/mdma before but had tripped on LSD 30+ times, not really sure what should be happening.. the most swim feels is awake
You don't need to use 'swim' here mate, just talk normally. Yes, they could just be taking a long time to kick in. It depends on various factors such as the hardness of the pill, whether you have a full stomach and your metabolism. More importantly, it may not be MDMA. I don't know if you've ever heard of PMMA, but it's a cheaper MDMA substitute that gives similar effects, but can take a couple of hours to start working, so the temptation is to take more. However, PMMA is not as forgiving as MDMA and can be dangerous if you take too much. I suspect you've just got crap pills, maybe containing caffeine if all you feel is 'awake'. Put it down to experience and don't risk taking anymore just in case. Believe me, if you had good pills you'd know about it by now...
Ahh alright, damn I?m so dissapoonted right now because whatever it is is making me wide awake which is annoying because now I can?t sleep either.. it?s weird because it?s making me pee a lot and when I go to urinate it?s kinda hard to ? It like takes longer to start the stream.. I have no idea but this is very weird to me. Once again I?m having zero buzz whatsoever and it?s been atleast 3 hours
Yeh, sounds like you've got some shit (but not dangerous) pills. Possibly full of caffeine, ephedrine or even a very low dose of speed. The fact you're not enjoying it speaks volumes. That ain't MDMA.

Furthermore, if your mates reckoned they 'rolled' from the same pills, then they're either lying bastards or stupid pricks - possibly both...
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^^^I remember my junkie buddy was desperate one time and had some caffeine pills that looked kinda like ecstasy. People that bought those "rolled" on them too, most don't know what a real roll is supposed to feel like..

Yea those sound like bunk pills. I'd get yourself a test kit so you can find some better shit in the future.
