Ecstasy and your eyes


Dec 3, 1999
i myself have noticed some of the sparkles that some of you seem to be getting in your eyes every now and then, and it has only been getting a little worse. Does anybody know anything about whether or not E affects your eyesight in the future or anything like that. I wonder cause when I was writing both of my exams tonight my eyes lost there complete focus and I couldn't hardly read any of the questions. I even wear glasses when my eyes start to hurt from studying, but the glasses didn't help at all. My eyes still hurt alot and it was very hard to focus on what I was reading and writing.
Not even the doctor has the answer to this
The doctor
The angels came to visit us, but we only know them when they are gone
I can't answer your question, but I have noticed that my eyes are having trouble focusing. I was studying for an exam and taking notes on the material when all of a sudden the piece of paper seemed distant. It almost hurt. I had to work at keeping my composure. I don't know it its from E or lack of sleep. Its been about a week and it really hasn't gone away. From the research I have done on various websites and books there are no real documented effects on the eyes but I'm sure there is a possibility.
If you find an answer to your question let me know.
Doesn't hurt for me, but i have very good vision. No long-term negative effects, either, but that's just me. Usually the most effect i get out of it is my eyes rolling back in my head during the peak. A lot of my times, i'll just sit out and kick back, close my eyes, and let them relax. Maybe smoke some herb to relax the ocular pressure. Mdma will definitely make your eyes pop out a little more. Always worth a try.
But otherwise, people's eyes look beautiful on e. I love picking them out of a crowd.
Hmm I think it has some thing to do with the pressure on the eyes... and i am up for laser surgery next week ... damn ...
Any one here with LASIK done? Any thing change with E usage?
the sparkles as if you got hit in the head? Yea I got that after a few months of intense parting. I even started getting it when I played sports. I think it had to do with lack of Sertonin. Now that I have laid off a bit, it has gone away
wow, i did see sparkles for a little bit too. it would happen out of nowhere, but now i see no side effects because i moderate . i do it only 1 or 2x a month now.
this happens to me alot the few days after i role. The funny thing is i had a psych. experiment were my prof was to monitor my eye movement and measure my short term memory. I had roled a few days b/f but went i went to do the experiment my eyes wouldnt focus so we couldnt continue. He said its common i smokers and drug users. Lets just say i said i was REALLY tired. Hehehe opps.
I do not have a professional background of the type that would enable me to give you an informed, well-qualified answer, however I have in my own research read shitloads about E and its real and possible affects upon the mind and body and I have never read - or learned of - anything that suggests the possibility that eyesight could be affected by MDMA.
I think you're okay, but if it concerns you it would be prudent for you to get it checked out. Your eyesight is pretty important, so they say.
- Patrick
Hi miss apple ... yeah I know what you mean ... for Christ's sake I think MOST OF us do ... For me, I often find the exercise of posting to be a major struggle in
i know what you are talking about. the same thing happens to me on occassion. the first time i rolled, i was ok, until a few says later when i had to drive 5 hours home alone from the cape. my eyes started wiggling like crazy and i couldn't see. i couldn'd focus on the road, which was really scarry, since i was alone and didn't know the roads at all. i've also had this same problem sitting in class, with intense roll backs. i'm wondering it it was caused by the flourecent lights? and this class was like 15 people around a table. good thing no one noticed i was rolling! as far as permanent eye damage, i don't think there has been any studies on it. since mdma is a schedule I drug, it is nearly impossible to do studies. it's good to know though that your teeth are wearing down from it! (there was a study on this).
"I'll say give it up, I'll say never stop, you'll keep reaching for reaching for the top"
No sparkles, but for up to a week after rolling my night vision is terrible. It's hard to make out details, like everything is grayed out.
I like to do G on the comedown and it really brings on the eye wiggles even if I didn't get them during the roll. Must have something to do with muscle relaxation.
No sparkles, but for up to a week after rolling my night vision is terrible. It's hard to make out details, like everything is grayed out.
I like to do G on the comedown and it really brings on the eye wiggles even if I didn't get them during the roll. Must have something to do with muscle relaxation.
No sparkles, but for up to a week after rolling my night vision is terrible. It's hard to make out details, like everything is grayed out.
I like to do G on the comedown and it really brings on the eye wiggles even if I didn't get them during the roll. Must have something to do with muscle relaxation.