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Bluelight Crew
Jun 18, 2003
How do you eat? Do you snack a lot? Graze like a cow? Eat one meal a day? Or do you eat 3 main meals a day?

My stepsister eats one full day of food, then she basically doesn't eat for the next 5 days... she admitted to eating a small breakfast on those days, but as far as other meals she goes without. She claims she isn't hungry on those days. While i find this really hard to believe, maybe it is possible that there are people out there that just aren't big eaters. I am a huge food lover - i have to hold myself back otherwise i wont stop. I make myself be a grazer because it keeps my metabolism going. But if i had it my way id be eating big hearty meals all day long.

Nothing like having a full belly.
i usually eat one huge meal per day usually a bunch of lebanese stuff my mom cooks

gotta comedown at some point
I snack a lot, but usually low fat type stuff. Meals are usually TV dinners (again low fat + I pay attention to protein & other nutritional points). Basically I don't care for food much, beyond stopping the rumbling in my stomach... altho I should cook more often to save money, at least some things are cheaper than $2.00 TV dinners.
I love food. But I don't eat as much as I should, or when I should. I usually go for one large meal a day with shitloads of grazing in between.

In all honestly, most of my eating is done late at night, stoned. I always prepare a larger portion for a second 'dinner' to eat then.

I really should get out of the cycle, but its comfortable.
I snack all day (you actually just reminded me i have lollies in my bag :D) then usually have a light lunch and one big meal at night. I seriously have the worst diet though, i pretty much lived like the guy out of 'super size me' did for about a year and a half. Im lucky i have a fast metabolism but eating that way can't be good for me!
I usually don't eat breakfast, because im too tired. Ill have something about an hour after getting too work, then ill have lunch, and maybe dinner.

So yeah, i generally eat early and then just have snacks through the arvo/night.
dfrs, please tell me you're not going to do a bowel movements thread next.
Er.. well how else am i going to full fill my curiosity of how everyone likes to take a dump? Stop trying to cover it up - you are curious too ;)
I prefer people ring me when they're right on the toilet, that way I've got up the minute coverage.
Protein shakes. Usually I can't be fucked eating more than three meals a day. Shakes help you keep that full feeling for longer.
I'm not a snacker at all.

I have a small breakfast and a coffee at 6am and don't eat again til 12pm where I usually stuff myself til I'm nearly sick. Then no food again til dinner which is around 6:30pm and quite light cos I can't be arsed cooking a huge meal just for me....
Unless I go to Muay Thai which means I probably won't eat anything at all after my lesson cos I'm just not hungry.

On weekends I eat more cos my boyfriend is usually around and things vary a lot then. If I'm cooking its usually too much and I eat my equal share - my boy is a strapping 6'4" and I'm a full foot shorter and weigh half as much - yet I can fit in as much as he does. Scary really isn't it? I'm such a pig! But f*ck I love food!
I don't eat breakfast, but I have a sumo lunch, and a standard dinner. I often snack on 1-2 sesame bars each day (yep, the ones you got from the canteen when you were in P.S.), and I also enjoy snacking on vanilla chai lattes and berries and melons and mangos.
drugfukkdrockstar said:
Er.. well how else am i going to full fill my curiosity of how everyone likes to take a dump? Stop trying to cover it up - you are curious too ;)
Hmmn... OK, but only if everyone agrees to post pics... 8o :D
I eat 6 - sometimes 7 - times a day like clockwork, you could time your watch by it.

breakfast 7.30, morning tea 10am, lunch 12 noon, afternoon snack 3pm, after work snack 5.30pm, dinner 7pm, desert (sometimes) 8.30pm. (the snacks are all small snacks, like a couple of apricots, or a yogurt.)

There's no way on god's green earth I could go for more than 3 hours without food, it's a blood sugar thing. I get headachy, cranky and distracted. I keep snacks everywhere (healthy snacks). Muesli bars and nuts in my handbag, crackers in my desk drawers.

I don't understand people who "forget" to eat. That would be like forgetting to breathe for me.
when I eat I put food matter into my oral cavity and masticate it via the use of my mandible. The food, sufficiently lubricated by the fluid from my salivary gland, is then pushed into my pharynx, my epiglottis oh so gently sealing over my trachea so I dont choke, where it is then shuffled down the esophagus via a series of spasms to meets its ultimate acidic demise in my stomach.

After this it begins its journey through my Lower gastrointestinal tract where...
I usually have a light breakfast, snack all day on mainly healthy things like fruit, veggies, yoghurt then will have a big dinner.
I used to eat like SLM (but not so cock-worky) but as I get older I find I need to eat less and less. Now that summer is here I'm only eating one or two meals a day and usually not finishing them. My fridge is full of leftovers that I wrap and take for lunch but I often end up throwing it away.
I always have something for breakfast - i never used to, but now i've trained myself to have some toast or a bowl of cereal. Morning tea is a snack, lunch is either salad, crackers and toppings or for a treat, something from the Bus Depot cafeteria across the road (BEST.FOOD.EVER). Afternoon snack is something small, some fruit, or similar and dinner is whatever.

I can't eat late, i get heartburn. Like beatlebot, though, as the days are warming up in QLD, i'm losing my appetitie. :\
I used to eat 5 or 6 smaller meals a day, my metabolism was through the roof speed wise.
Since I have gotten older, it seems to have slowed down quite alot, and due to that I have become quite fat hahahah

My problem is though is that I become hypoglycemic, which normally entails hyperactivity, aggression, dizzy spells, lethargy (and mixed with a good dose of ADHD I become quite angry and evil)... so I have to snack, normally on protein to keep myself in check.

Always eat breakfast. Have to, I cannot function without it, I normally have 4-12 weetbix (depends on the day lol, more like 4-6 these days though), but if I have that at lets say 7am, I'm hungry and dizzy by 10. So I eat again :|
And if I eat too late I get sleep paralysis, especially from chocolate I have noticed.


I'm f'ing normal hahahha