Easier to just throw everything away?



Thinking about turning to heroin. Don't think I can be bothered with life anymore.
Don't use heroin - that will be the worst decision you ever made. What's going on that you feel this way?
That's why most people start. If you read this board you will have a hard time finding anyone that is better off on herion. It makes everything worse eventually but if you make it out alive and trust me, with your state of mind you will become full blown addicted, you then have to go through getting off it. I wish that on no one.

Edit to add - It's a piece of piss to throw everything away. But that'll help noone.

What drives you to want to try this in the first place? I ended up on opiates for the simple reason that I LOVED getting fucked up on drugs. I just really liked being high. I thought I'd be the one not to end up addicted, not because of any great life problem I was running away from. Then opiates became my great life problem.
Listen to the guys above. Whatever problems you're having in life now, heroin will only amplify after a short short period of apathy.
What's going on that's pushing you like this? Feel free to PM me, I've been where you are.
Don't do it, this video sums up heroin/opiate addiction and abuse. It's seriously something you will regret and that you should not get into. A lot of people overdose and die from heroin, and a lot of dope is cut with fent. Stay safe.

Nobody is going to tell you this is a good idea. Me neither. Dont do it! It will NOT make a thing better. Not one thing. You may feel 'good' very very temporarily but son after everything left standing now will crumble and burn. Rhis is coming not from some person who doesmt know shit about the drug but from a recovering heroin addict.

Note, these comments in this thread are not from ppl with no personal history with the drug but from people who have crossed heroins path, and wished thwy hadn't. --there is a more beneficial, successful way to go about this. Think about it some more. Please.
I'll try to make this short: When I was 30 I graduated from college, got married and moved back to my hometown near my family with my (now ex) wife to begin our new life. Within that first (and only) year of marriage I filed bankruptcy, was unable to find employment anywhere. Long story short, because of being bipolar with horrible anxiety problems I felt so worthless that I ended up leaving my wife to throw away everything to begin using heroin with a girl I knew online. It was my way of trying to kill myself because I simply gave up on life. She was an iv heroin user and I had her shoot me up our first day together - moved out of state to live with her. My first ever opiate experience was iv heroin.

Needless to say, I continued using daily and lost everything that I still had left over the course of the year I spent in that relationship. I then returned home, to an empty bedroom, no wife, no friends, etc. I've spent the past four years stuck on suboxone, rarely leaving my house and bedroom. All of my issues with depression and anxiety have worsened and I've lost any hope that I had when I was younger during my pre-heroin/opiates years. I would never wish this on anyone!! Please think about the effects one choice can have when you're down and don't give a fuck. You really don't know how horrible things can get if you head down this dark lonely dead end path.

"I've been thinking of the things that I missed, situations that I passed up for this..." - Elliott Smith
^It is never to late to start on the path of self-forgiveness and understanding. The mental health issues come first. Do not give in to hopelessness. Hopelessness is the worst drug out there.
Life is always gonna be a bother if you let it be one. Actually it will undoubtably bother you some of the time, just as some time you will bother other people. That does not mean you are bad or they are bad or you are good or anything or one is bad or good. Morality has absolutely nothing to do with it.

The guy who introduced me to heroin was a real piece of shit. A real piece of work. He had no person insight. He was a good person at heart. Everyone is. But he was only interested in himself when it came to our interactions. He put up with me. He showed me how easy it is to get away with stupid shit. It is really easy to.

One day I was talking with my buddy and I ask him, "What do you want out of life?" He basically replied, "money." That made no sense to me. For me, I'm thinking, "happiness," I want to be happy. Perhaps not happy, but comfortable. I see this same friend now, and he looks so uncomfortable, I see little insight. I don't judge him for it. I love him even more.

But I cannot deal with other people's problems. Their vulnerability ceased to interest me for any reason long ago, except that we all are vulnerable in our own ways.

We all have talents.

We all have gifts.

Find a niche. Hid that nut in the ground somewhere nice this fall where you can remember to dig it up in the spring. Food is so much tastier and nursing when you're hungry.
Yea personally listen to all of them. I wish I never turned to hard drugs. It may seem like a wonder drug and cure all but trust me it doesn't last long. The physical w/ds I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, and addiction can turn you into a person you wouldn't even recognize. If you have mental health issues, which imo you seem too, heroin will make it worse. Speaking from experience your life will be even worse off with it. I lost everything to it at one point. Perhaps even worse for people like me (and perhaps you) is the mental toll it can take on you, with the amount of guilt, shame, and disappointment at yourself you can quickly rack up. Not to mention my anxiety goes through the roof alongside my depression when you kick.

like someone else suggested the mental issues usually start first, so I'd seek therapy, talk to a friend, or find some sort of support during your troubled times. Best of luck man.
heroin is neither a bad nor a good thing. but what i can tell you is this: heroin will not make you forget about live.
opiates create the circumstances that you try to escape from in a new and more extreme way. you think you have it bad now?
then try heroin and it will teach you a lesson. (actually it is not really heroin but the things that come with it).

you are asking if you should try it, so you are hesitant... you are aware of the consequences and you see what you can get yourself into if you try heroin. you see what is coming with it so remind yourself of it and save yourself this lesson - if you can.

you must be very desperate if you consider to try heroin... but no matter how bad you feel now, depression can be beneficial. it is your mind telling you to reflect your values and to change yourself. that's a lot of potential!!! you have to break down before you can reorganize yourself on a higher level. see it as you see winter - it is just an episode in your life and it will pass, you will get through it. you are healing.