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  • EADD Moderators: axe battler | Pissed_and_messed

EADD Heroin discussion v.21 -- Big shout out to kkattastic :)

Is it not related to hydration levels altering the appearance of the connective skin, rather than the nails specifically?

My nails do appear to grow faster, I'm unsure of the reason. I usually keep my fingernails clipped very short & they do seem to not need clipping for a while when I am using gear on a regular basis but as soon as I go maybe 4-5 days without using then the length of my nails really do seem to grow quicker and need clipping again. Tis a mystery to me.
It helps to consider that "one more hit" from the charred remains of a rock after a session is far less pleasurable than being able to occasionally extract an entire session for free.


Very true. Unfortunately, rational thinking and smoking crack do not go hand in hand...
I just cant wait till next week the gear over in the east is back on par (I think divali played a part in the slight bashing) I was there last fri(?) and it was back to sandy looking gear 40/45 % I reckon one .15 bag and im feeling the glow and I was only using 3 bags a day....just wish I could get weight like before still things change fast trouble is I have to spend a min of 30 quid with the fella to get a g and it could be absolute shite or his normal7/10 stuff

On a happier note a mate who had an enforced holiday for 18m is back enjoying life - hope to meet up soon (you know who you are) ; )
Just got my g from the darknet and whoa, fucking potent as hell, has kicked my ass!! was 1.26g too which is nice =D

Have smoked prob 5/6 lines and I'm warm and comfy with a big grin across my face
is it expensive on the DN? never been down that route - seems like a lot of hassle but spose if you end up with good food ...all well n good
I don't even know how the dark net works, or how to 'get there'.
I'm sure Google is a valuable tool when trying to find the way into Narnia.
its always next day delivery, well for me, i'm not gunna say anymore but yeah, its reliable as hell, always good quality and don't have to mix with any unsavoury characters so yeah, its all good!

One thing worth mentioning, A mate of mine who is a long term user (15 years ish) has said that the gear he gets online is very potent and always makes him die of withdrawal every morning after using it the night before whereas the street gear always holds him a good 20ish hrs, he puts it down to the fact the gear on tor is relatively uncut, whatever the street gear is cut with it keeps you help a lot longer whereas the high isn't much to write home bout,
the darknet gear has a soaring high, everyone I know who uses street gear is blown away by this stuff and always die of rattles from it!
Be fucking careful jumping between street and DN.
One very simple way for the user to artificially create the purity issue that kills people frequently.

i dont think they put anything in street gear to make the high last longer (though i might be wrong), it sound like the dark net stuff you get might be a fentanyl analogue being sold as gear - though proper heroin shouldnt hold you for 20+ hours either....i dont know. god all this talk of super strong H is making me want to smash up my wagon a bit - i've never bought off the dark web before and i'm drooling reading about it!
i dont think they put anything in street gear to make the high last longer (though i might be wrong), it sound like the dark net stuff you get might be a fentanyl analogue being sold as gear - though proper heroin shouldnt hold you for 20+ hours either....i dont know. god all this talk of super strong H is making me want to smash up my wagon a bit - i've never bought off the dark web before and i'm drooling reading about it!

Yeah i'm not sure either man, just going on what those guys were saying, the high from the street gear was nothing special either, they said it was avg at best but it held them WAY longer than any darknet stuff, nah the stuff i get has been labtested too, no fent in there thankfully!

Who knows what they put in street gear, i wouldnt be surprised if there is some weird analog opioid in there tho, like even during that drought a few years back, people were saying the shit did nothing to them but it staved off withdrawals, so there is something put in there to keep ppl held over.

And sorry for mentioning all this haha I can imagine how you feel reading this, i get the same when i'm not using it hahaha

Am fucking high as a kite at the mo lol
haha that's alright man, enjoy yourself! i actually did a cwe on some paramol before so i'm still indulging occasionally in moderation. i know for a fact if i got into that lovely bobby you're imbibing i'd be rocking n rolling for a couple of months or until the money run out. just dedicate a toot to ol' smacky.
:D i shall do!

I actually find the way i'm using is limiting me well, I buy once every few weeks, just a gram at a time and will use codeine to stave off withdrawals, haven't suffered at all from it, a gram lasts me a couple of days then will have like 300mg of codeine when i feel a bit shaky when i wake up after i've run out, one dose of codeine and i wake up next day as normal, no withdrawals or anything, I think its cuz the heroin metabolites leave me body as im high on codeine then i dont get any withdrawal from the codeine.

I've been doing this for a good while now and am yet to suffer! I'll never need anything stronger than codeine and i'm sorted!

If i had a street dealer that would all change though!!
1/2life of heroin is 6h which is why most users inject x4 times a day - I found when smoking it holds me longer at least 12h before the sniffles. Don't really understand the dn gear putting you in to wd so quickly unless it ws an analogue of fent which has a v short 1/2 life 3 h or so. Only one way of really knowing and that would be to get some and see whats in it.
I dunno either man, just going on what a few ppl i know have said, they all love the gear, rate it very highly, way nicer than the local food they can get but it packs an awful rattle, My mate thinks it's prob some cut in the local gear that keeps them ticking by whereas the dn gear gives a proper good hit but doesn't have legs.

The stuff i get from the vendor i use has been labtested, cant remember the exact % but there were no active cuts, think it was a caffeine/mannitol/paracetamol cut (which is pretty standard so it seems) It's defo nice though, best i've had on the darknet bar one dutch guys stuff which was labtested at 91% pure!! that shit was unreal, so so strong, absolutely coated the tooter too, had to brush my teeth after a smoke as id literally have bits of gear stuck to the enamel!