E makes me poop


Dec 15, 1999
hey, sometimes when I take E I feel like I have to take a big poop. It goes away after the E starts to set in. I was just wondering if this happens to anyone else? or maybe im just wierd.
"Can you picture what will be, so limitless and free desperately in need of some stranger's hand in a desperate land." -Jim Morrison
*LOL* i thought I was the only one!! it happens to me too... its like, instead of vomiting, i have to "go"... but its ok, cuz as soon as i have to make for the bathroom, i know im mere minutes away from blowing up..
Haha yeah it happens to me too. Kinda embarrassing. Also its annoying when you're at a rave and you have to wait in a big line a million times!
Just one of life's little e treasures, I guess.
"The spice extends life; the spice expands conciousness;the spice is vital to space travel"
Ha!Ha! I thought that I was the only one too! I almost always have to go after snorting E, but not always after taking it orally. Also, It always gives me a small case of "the runs" for a day or two after rolling. Weird, huh?
I always gotta piss like a racehorse. It's the water intake, I know, but it signals I'm about to blow up
. It's fun too cause the urinal at my favorite club has an A/C vent right above it and it feels so good
I'm always "backed up" for a couple days afterward. Guess it's due to dehydration. Oh well - gotta take the bad with the good...
E PLURibus unum
I have no comment to this thread except for the fact that I can't get this topic name out of my head - "E makes me poop, E makes me poop, E makes me poop."
I'm making the millenial forecast. Y2K's club anthem will be "E makes me poop."
Yes!!!!I'm not the only one. one time I needed to take a shit so bad, I started grabbing flyers because I didn't have toilet paper. Luckily I found some, that could have been a real mess.LOL!!!!!!
Wow I guess there are alot of us E poopers out there. I am guilty also. It's weird tho cause when I first started rollin this neva happened but for the last year and a half....everytime....jus like clockwerk.
Uhhh... hrm.
I'm glad I don't have this problem. Very glad.

~*~ Ashke ~*~
Well i'm one of the lucky ones also, I never have this problem. How disturbing!
However, I do have the runs for a day or so afterwards, so perhaps I'm not as lucky as I thought! Sometimes the day afterwards I need to urinate a lot more than usual too - and it's not because of the water intake because I don't drink hardly any water while I'm rolling. In fact, I don't drink hardly anything at all - ever.
But back to the topic at hand...or maybe enuff has been said!
Yer, i must say... i dun quite get the poo thang heheeheh...
But i do get the runs the day after *EW*
oh.. anjele is my flatmate (jusy in case any of u diddnt know)
and we end up the next day like bashing each other up to get to the toilet... what a grossout... okay mebbe thats too much info

[This message has been edited by SassY (edited 12 January 2000).]
I also found this feeling when I drop but I find that if I eat a medium size meal 2-3 hours before dropping I don't get that feeling.
I find Immodium takes way too long to kick in, and only seems to relieve the ickiness a tad, not prevent it. I take a couple of painkillers with 8mg codeine phosphate in them, and it works wonders...I take them before I pop my pill, to stop any such inconvience
(and remember what your parents always said on long car journeys: "you should have gone before we left")

[This message has been edited by E Bee (edited 12 January 2000).]
MAN< You don't know how gald I am to hear this. I thought I was the only one. It is how I tell if a pill is gonna be good or not.
I nice healthy poop a few after a pop a pill is usually an indicator of the evening i have in store. hahahahahaa.
McBeaver, I start to yawn a lot too, it's how I know I'm on my way! I also have a tendency to walk in circles, usually around someone, if I'm at a house when I start to blow up. Only at a house though, in clubs I just get to dancing. I've never had the poop problem, although my roommate has, and it's always so funny, because she'll have started rolling and she'll have to go to the bathroom, and she's so chatty, so she'll just tell whoever she's talking to "I have to go poop, I'll be back!"