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DXM several hours after dosing MPA?


Mar 15, 2013
Not sure if this belongs in PD or OD, so feel free to move...

Hi guys, the past few days I've been taking 3x10-20mg of MPA in the mornings to help keep me motivated to do my writing work. I notice a type of comedown about 2-3 hours after a dose in which for about an hour or so my concentration ability is messed up. This then gradually goes away and is followed by seemlingly never ending plateau of residual stimulation, I don't mind it so much as I can get plenty of work done during that phase. It does get annoying at night when I'd like to sit back and relax for a bit, but my mind is just like "No, let's find something else to do!". I was wondering if it's ok to take some DXM say 8 hours after dosing MPA? I'm hoping it'll sort of space me out enough that I can wobble around the flat, maybe make some music or watch a movie. It'd be a low level 2 trip I'm shooting for (250mg) as I can't afford the day after effects of high doses at the moment.
could potentially cause hypertensive crisis. you'd be the guinea pig. i wouldn't personally risk it.
This is a very bad idea. I suspect MPA may be a more potent MAOi than amphetamine itself, if it's true, then you could even end up with serotonin syndrome. Other than that you risk having heart problems as DXM may potentiate adrenergic effects of MPA as well.
I've done DXM with extremely low doses of stimulants that I didn't think would effect it (such as 10mg of methylphenidate/ritalin) and felt like my heart was gonna bust out my chest. don't do it.