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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

DXM+ DPH + Cannabis = INSANE


Jun 6, 2013
This is what I took last night:
500mg DXM
200mg DPH
[T +0:30] 1 bowl Cannabis

I have combined DXM and Weed before, and it has always been enjoyable for me. This is the first time I've included DPH in the mix. It started out normal, euphoria, and time seemed to go very slow like usual. After about 90 minutes, things started to get out of hand though.

I didn't think I would have any DPH hallucinations since I only did 200mg, but I was wrong. I have done 200mg DPH in conjunction with DXM quite a few times before, with no 'negative' side effects. I guess the weed REALLY potentiated the DPH.

After a while of watching TV, I noticed something strange beside the TV. What I saw was an outline of a human body, outlined in black. The inside of the body was clear though. After a while of looking at this strange.. thing.. to my suprise, this 'thing' turned into a humanoid looking person, but with the head of the devil, or a demon-head. This REALLY scared me, as I couldn't tell if I was just hallucinating or if it was real. I decided to just ignore the being, and continued to look at the television. After a while, the being vanished, but the clear human outline in black was still there. This is when my memory gets a little fuzzy. I remember seeing other beings as well, none like the demon/human, coming out of this clear thing. What I have put together is that this clear thing was some kind of morphing machine, that could morph into different types of beings. It was all VERY strange and scary.

I also saw spiders and various bugs crawling around my floor. It wasn't overwhelming, there was only a few at a time. This did kind of freak me out though.

Overall this trip was pretty scary, and I'm a bit reluctant to try this combination again. If you are going to try this combination, be ready for anything!
The few times I've done the DXM + DPH combo, I found that my favorite thing to do was put on some headphones and lie in bed with the lights all turned off. This makes for some insane visuals, both open and closed eye. The OEVs I experienced once made it feel like I was inside of some infinitely folding box that continuously overlapped until it took up my entire field of vision. I have experienced some great CEVs from DXM alone before and maybe some mild OEVs, but NOTHING like the kind I was seeing from the combination. The other crazy thing that time was, I was still feeling it when I woke up in the morning. I got up to go to the bathroom and saw my mom walking down the stairs and it looked like she was carrying a 12-pack of paper towels, but then when I looked back, it was gone...so weird. Anyway, yeah, this combination is not to be underestimated, and can truly produce some intense visuals.
The few times I've done the DXM + DPH combo, I found that my favorite thing to do was put on some headphones and lie in bed with the lights all turned off. This makes for some insane visuals, both open and closed eye. The OEVs I experienced once made it feel like I was inside of some infinitely folding box that continuously overlapped until it took up my entire field of vision. I have experienced some great CEVs from DXM alone before and maybe some mild OEVs, but NOTHING like the kind I was seeing from the combination. The other crazy thing that time was, I was still feeling it when I woke up in the morning. I got up to go to the bathroom and saw my mom walking down the stairs and it looked like she was carrying a 12-pack of paper towels, but then when I looked back, it was gone...so weird. Anyway, yeah, this combination is not to be underestimated, and can truly produce some intense visuals.

I agree, this is a VERY intense combo, and should not be attempted by anyone who is not experienced with both of the drugs by themselves. Another thing that sometimes happens when I combine these two drugs is that even though I am lieing in my bed or wherever, it seems like I am somewhere else. Like in my mind I am at my job, working as usual. It's not like I'm actually there, but it's still realistic and feels real at the same time. It's very hard to explain to someone who has never experienced, but it is a very very strange sensation. Incredible.
Cool trip report! Very interesting.. I've only had one dph+dxm trip and it was amazing. I found some of the hallucinations uncomfortable but I was very calm and didn't freak. I don't mind bad trips, they're as important as good trips in my opinion. Why experience only the good? You need the balance of the bad as well.. I hope that I have a trip like you described because it sounds like it would be a good experience. It might not be good at the time, but after the fact everything is good to experience.

Another thing that sometimes happens when I combine these two drugs is that even though I am lieing in my bed or wherever, it seems like I am somewhere else. Like in my mind I am at my job, working as usual. It's not like I'm actually there, but it's still realistic and feels real at the same time. It's very hard to explain to someone who has never experienced, but it is a very very strange sensation. Incredible.

I've read a lot of people getting this feeling and I'm very jealous. I've never had this happen to me but I wish for it.
Cool trip report! Very interesting.. I've only had one dph+dxm trip and it was amazing. I found some of the hallucinations uncomfortable but I was very calm and didn't freak. I don't mind bad trips, they're as important as good trips in my opinion. Why experience only the good? You need the balance of the bad as well.. I hope that I have a trip like you described because it sounds like it would be a good experience. It might not be good at the time, but after the fact everything is good to experience.

I've read a lot of people getting this feeling and I'm very jealous. I've never had this happen to me but I wish for it.

Try doing about 700mg DXM combined with 200-300mg DPH. That was my dosage when I got this feeling several times.