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Dissociatives DXM and LSD


Sep 23, 2013
Veteran user of LSD (nearly weekly for the past 8 years until getting clean from my DOC) and Ketamine (Almost daily save for dry spells and being broke). Do not mean to seem like I'm bragging about these amounts and lengths, if I wasn't in deep shit I would not have used like I did. I am 24 and use of Nitrous since I was a young impressionable 16 year old with a full time dealing gig. Eventually destroyed everything when lockdown hit. A 3000ug LSD successfully saved me aside from bankrupting mostly due to Nitrous Oxide addiction earlier this year when I had planned to buy a gun and end it during thanksgiving. Been happily clean with a few small (50-100 charger) slip ups between and no interest in continuing, curiosity killed the cat lol.

How is DXM and LSD? I have years of experience combining LSD with Ketamine and Nitrous concurrently or in pairs and have tried various RC's including MXE and DCK along with 3-meo-PCP and O-PCE, my fave used to be rectal DMT and MXE :p . I am not afraid of bad trips, moreso just want to hear your opinion on the experiences and how it may contrast. DXM was the third drug I ever willingly tried at 15 after DMT and Cannabis but never went beyond 2nd plateau even to this day with occasional robitussin bottles here and there. Recently took 750mg (I am 106kg for dose perspectives and puked out after an hour. ) and puked all over my bathroom wall. Went ahead and bought five robocough 450mg shots and will be getting half a sheet of gels too! I plan on taking a shot and a half then taking 2 gels which is around 700mg and 600ug.

How is the combo (LSD and DXM) compared to my familiar substances and is there anything I should be aware of? Does anyone prefer this to my aforementioned dissociatives? I'd love to know and start a convo on the subject with people that have experience with both. Hope you guys are doing well this morning!

BTW I've lurked here for almost 10 years and thank the community especially the "Nitrous Oxide Life Changing Problems" thread for getting me to where I am today. In Highschool I was convinced I'd be the anti Steve-O but obviously no matter how hard I functioned and kept it together, the Jenga would fall eventually. I still use LSD as much as I can (Being an adult sucks, I need sleep for some reason /s XD) still use Ketamine occasionally and have fun with Cocaine and other uppers occasionally. Last but not least I still use alcohol sometimes even after detox as I was using it to desperately stay clean from Nitrous, at my worst I could spend $2000 in 3 1/2 days. Cannabis is and always will be daily. I have a spondy on my L5 and the back pain is excruciating.
@FractalMe Ive heard dxm and lsd can be really good - i think theres a guide i read on here where it says to dose one of them at X amount of time before the other to get them to peak at the same time. Use less of each then if you were to do them by themselves obviously...
Sounds pretty intense if you can get to 3rd/4th dxm plateau while peaking on the L.
I fucking love lsd and k 👌 add some nitrous or dmt/changa during the peak and thats a top shelf experience every time imo.

Ive never managed to get past 2nd plateau on dxm either, i always puke too. Its the syrup. I always wanted to get the dxm gel capsules, never found them.

Have a good trip!
i mixed dxm and lsa the other day, and i have mixed dxm with shrooms, and dxm and san pedro lots of times.
i highly recommend it

they both would potentiate each other, so lower your dosages the first time and see how you feel, wait a week, then do more
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I've combined them before and I'm actually doing this very combo again tonight or tomorrow night. :)

The first time I ate ~200ug LSD and 480mg DXM (I'm about 150kg, so that much dxm gets me to lower 2nd plateau at most). I took it about an hour or two after my LSD peaked and it actually made me trip harder than the LSD's peak.

The second time I ate 800ug LSD and during the come up took 480mg DXM, followed by another 480 about 45 minutes later. That was kind of overboard. It's the first and only time I thought to myself "this was a mistake". The LSD/DXM combo gives me quite a body load, and it was super intense. Were I not a so experienced at meditation (sober and tripping) and using psychedelics it would have been all bad. Thankfully I just told myself that I had to let go and quit fighting and just experience the ride for what it was. If you go too far overboard on the DXM, your memory is likely to suffer, so make sure you take that into account.

You should know that I've experienced 900-1000ug doses of LSD before, AS WELL AS high 3rd, low 4th plateau levels of DXM, so needless I was very experienced in both substances on their own before I went ham on their combos. The body load can be quite uncomfortable and your chance of experiencing ego loss increases several fold. This particular combo isn't the same as candy flipping or hippy flipping, it's like a totally different substance in the doses I mentioned. Lastly, I have a natural tolerance to every tryptamine I've ever tried. In general I have to eat double the LSD my friends do to have the same relative effects.

This time I will be changing up the timing and dosage a little. I'm thinking like 240mg DXM + 300-400ug LSD. I'm going to try taking the dxm first this time and them the lsd as soon as I start to feel the dxm. The idea is to try to arrange it so just as I'm coming down from the dxm peak, I'll start feeling the lsd. Ideally the peaks won't coincide, but be adjacent to one another essentially not experiencing a "come down" from the dxm peak, but more of a transition from peak dxm to peak lsd.

This is a very potent combo and it's extremely easy to accidently go overboard. In this case 1+1 doesn't =2, it's more like 1+1=4 or 5, lol. Sorta like mixing opiates and benzos, but without the likelihood of death. It sounds like you have plenty of experience with LSD, but if you've never gone 3rd or 4th plateau on dxm, you should consider trying that first because the experience will help you handle the combo if you go overboard. Just be careful and make sure you are in a safe place if you try it. Other than that have fun. :)
Mixing psychedelics with any disso (including cannabis) does increase adverse reactions, and reduce psychedelic-induced health benefits such as neurogenesis, leave the dissos alone
  • Hmm...
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Mixing psychedelics with any disso (including cannabis) does increase adverse reactions, and reduce psychedelic-induced health benefits such as neurogenesis, leave the dissos alone

That doesn't mean there isn't still value in doing it, whether physically, mentally, or spiritually. Had there been more information about this particular combination back when I did it, maybe I wouldn't have gone so far overboard. Where did you hear about the reduction in psychedelic-induced health benefits? Do you have any sources? This is new information for me and I'd like to see the data. :)
I would definitely get in a comfortable space with DXM first before dosing LSD since it's the DXM that has some of the nasty side effects.

Get the side effects of the DXM out of the way first that way you have a clean launching pad to take off with the LSD.

Last time I did both, starting from a level 1-2 DXM with a light LSD dose, it was like total control of the trip because I could step back from it all and basically observe myself tripping, and then there was the extreme "motion euphoria".

Goddamn I can't wait to do this now that I think about it. I love level 1-2 DXM effects but the initial stage nausea sucks and prevents my motivation to do it but in rare occasions.

(just advice, could be wrong for you)
I cant contrast to other disso + LSD combos
But, I have combined dxm + LSD/prodrugs (1cP and 1A or ALD 52) a number of times. Given I enjoy dxm, it seemed like a logical launch pad, and it did not disappoint.

Admittedly, I had a high tolerance to dxm at the time and my doses were reflective of that. However, despite the tolerance I still often get nausea with high dose dxm, so in almost all experiences I would often split the dose of dxm in two, seperated by an hour (which apparently also alters the ratio of dxm:dxo due to metabolic factors ... but if I am to be honest I never really noticed much difference in my dxm only experiences when dose splitting). Anyways, so Id dose the LSD and the second dose of dxm at T1:00.

These dxm+LSD trips have been some of the most intense experiences Ive had in all my (almost 20) years of tripping. Sometimes difficult.

As others have mentioned, the dxm greatly potentiates the LSD so go lower on doses of each.
And, if your prone to nausea Id recommend splitting the dose of dxm or try peppermint gum (idk but its always helped me)

Anyways, have fun and report back if you try this
How is DXM and LSD?
It's a surprisingly decent combo, they potentiate each other greatly so I advise you keep your doses lower than usual. DXM really changes the flavor of the visuals and gives the LSD some very strong OEVs and CEVs.

You should probably have some benzos or APs on hand with this combo because a challenging trip would last well over 10 hours.

Overall I enjoyed it but it's not something I would rush to repeat any time soon, it was a very strong trip and a bit challenging to stay in a positive mind space during it

200ug LSD + 300mg DXM was very strong experience - I do not advise anyone take more than this unless you know what you're getting yourself into.

Also this combo had some very unique visuals. It was hard to focus on anything at all, whatever object I was looking at would "disappear" into the background. Weird.
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These dxm+LSD trips have been some of the most intense experiences Ive had in all my (almost 20) years of tripping. Sometimes difficult.
Agreed. I've only done the combo once as I don't particularly like DXM in general, but that one trip was up in my top 5 strongest and most challenging trips I've ever had in my own 21+ years of tripping. It's really mind melting in a way LSD by itself isn't. Absolutely a challenging trip combo.
Mixing psychedelics with any disso (including cannabis) does increase adverse reactions, and reduce psychedelic-induced health benefits such as neurogenesis, leave the dissos alone
Based om what?
I doubt there has been any clinical trials on this.
Based om what?
I doubt there has been any clinical trials on this.
some people on this forum hold psychedelics very highly, almost Godlike, and think they have magical healing powers, infallible if you will.

I also don't follow his comparison as if we look at ketamine it's very well known for it's neurogenic properties

That said... neurogenesis isn't necessarily always a good thing.
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some people on this forum hold psychedelics very highly, almost Godlike, and think they have magical healing powers, infallible if you will.

I also don't follow his comparison as if we look at ketamine it's very well known for it's neurogenic properties

That said... neurogenesis isn't necessarily always a good thing.
I guess it depends on how you define Magic.
Im one who dabbles in studying the occult, and psychedelics have def a history in various forms of magic rituals.
But im also trying to understand the scientific approach and i usually dont want to give a metaphysical explanation if it can be avoided.

In what situations are neurogenesis bad?
Im thinking toumors or something similar that we dont want to give any advantage...

I know growth hormone can speed up some forms of cancers.
It's just a speculation of mine, I suspect neurogenesis is somehow involved in things like psychedelic psychosis and adverse events related to psychedelics. It would explain what happened to me.
Yeah i guess neurogenesis could be involved in the feeling of rebirth etc..
However like you say, a new reality might not be easy to handle or a positive thing per say.
Based om what?
I doubt there has been any clinical trials on this.
Uh, there doesn't need to be.
It's because your stirring up your neurochemistry even more, Dissos are even in general, kind of fucky, Now imagine 50mg of DMT on top of that.
It could lead to AMPA-hyperactivation for an example, furthermore, dissos and psychedelics are kind of opposite drugs in general (despite the fact that they have some similarities), just think about what downers and stims do to your heart when combined
Uh, there doesn't need to be.
It's because your stirring up your neurochemistry even more, Dissos are even in general, kind of fucky, Now imagine 50mg of DMT on top of that.
It could lead to AMPA-hyperactivation for an example, furthermore, dissos and psychedelics are kind of opposite drugs in general (despite the fact that they have some similarities), just think about what downers and stims do to your heart when combined
So you are speculating based on what you presume is some kind of reaktion of mixing these compounds?
I do agree that dissios can be "fucky" however use and abuse are quite different.
Ive abused ket in periods so i would know.

But as someone who studies science i find your pre assumed notions quite irrational and dumbfounded.

Like where is the bodies?
I know alot of people who done these combos and noone is a looney toon or veggie yet.
Actually most people who work up to handle these combos are quite strong minded and have a great base of mental power.

I do admit its a trial by fire and shit can always go South.
However my experience is that most people who go bonkers of psychedelics are people with a stim Habit aswell.
But just my pov, i dont have any fancy term to try to make My point.
Uh, there doesn't need to be.
It's because your stirring up your neurochemistry even more, Dissos are even in general, kind of fucky, Now imagine 50mg of DMT on top of that.
It could lead to AMPA-hyperactivation for an example, furthermore, dissos and psychedelics are kind of opposite drugs in general (despite the fact that they have some similarities), just think about what downers and stims do to your heart when combined
I don’t think downers and stims do anything specifically bad to your heart when mixed, I do it all the time, and have for a decade, and I can bike 6 mile s in 32 minutes, my hearts fine. I use dissociatives mixed with psychedelic s regularly both to get high and Treat Depression,never noticed any bad effects, sometimes it’s overly intense, but I have narcotics to take along with the hallucinogens to treat that. I’m told that I look perfectly healthy, all my organs are fine last I checked too.

It sounds like this is just your personal opinion, if it hasn’t been proven, it’s not a fact. Did you have a bad experience on disassociatives?

Also, dmt sounds wonderful on top of some dxm or ketamine, though I would probably do more like 5-20 mg since I would already be on the dxm or ketamine.
I haven't found DXM and LSD to be a particularly good combination. Dissociatives and psychedelics usually go hand in hand, but DXM and LSD don't synergize well IME. DXM is better mixed with tryptamines.