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DXM and Alcohol


Jul 16, 2010
So I'm thinking of that House episode where alcohol is used to prevent brain damage and whatnot from DXM. Anyone know the science behind this and whether it actually does anything?
yeah "ignorance is bliss" (pretty sure that's the name of the episode)
i think its just some gibberish the writers made up to put in there for more dialogue.
i did like that episode though.
Last time I did DXM I took a few shots afterwards cause of that episode lol. That and I was bored...
They make shit up on house. He takes LSD then Zoloft and it completely stops his trip. As someone who took Zoloft daily and then tried LSD I can tell you its bull shit.
I've heard tons of times that SSRIs reduce the effects of psychedelics so it doesn't sound completely made up, but don't think it works quickly enough to be an antidote even if it could cancel the effects.

I'm sure there is something behind the DXM and alcohol theory even if it isn't quite legit.
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Zoloft defiantly dampens the effects of LSD but it doesn't stop a trip like it did in house. I wouldn't put it past Hollywood writers to make something compleatly up just to fill an episode.
The fact that he took acid to relieve him of a migraine is silly, but the time they used shrooms medically was even worse. I'm still pretty sure they have a basis for the stuff they say even if a bit farfetched.