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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(DXM/750 mg) MY experience


Apr 6, 2011
Hello Everyone im going to start off by saying that this is my first trip report.

This is the time me and my friend both took 750 mg of pure dxm each. I extracted it the night before and let it harden. then I gelcapped it. there was also a sitter that was sober lets call him "sitter"

me: male age 16 weight 150. non smoker has done almost every drug besides crack pcp and meth. this was swims third time taking dxm.

friend: male age 16 weight 120. also has done lots of drugs. smoker. first time taking dxm.

8:00 pm - both start off by smoking a small amount of weed. then both start taking 750mg each.

8:10 pm - both are finished taking pills. then both start watching ren and stimpy. sitting on couch.

8:30 pm - weed is begining to wear off.

8:45 pm - both begin to notice minor effects- slight euphoria, dizzyness, and a slight body high.

9:00 pm - former effects get much stronger and new effects such as flanging, draging, paranoia, detachment, and impared body functions kick in. friend starts a playtrack that will continuasly play music videos.

9:30 pm - new effects kick in difficulty recognizing people or objects, slight blindness, dreamlike vision, difficult to comprehend language, delayed reaction time, decision making impairment, feelings of peace and quiet, bad motor coordination, short-term memory loss. I am going in and out of reallity and friend thinks he is flying a space ship.

9:40 pm - I think a snake crawled out of my mouth and am not startled. I attempts to talk to freind but he is still in space so I dont want to disturb him.

10:00 pm - friend is battling allians in space sitting on the couch. I start watching friend with ammusment. freind is completly obliviose to me. I think kurt cobain walked threw the tv.

10:20 pm - I am talking to kurt cobain about heroin and friend is back from space and has returned to reallity. I am obliviose to friend at this point.

10:40 pm - I apear to be making a mental grocery list and friend attempts to walk with little sucsess. he is unable to sucsesfully get off the couch. so he returnes to space.

11:00 pm - I returns to reallity and feel as if fire is in my belly. friend is in space. i flang into the bathroom with no memory of going there as if I telleported.

11:20 pm - I am in the bathroom leaned up against the bathtub. Friend is a jedi and is battling stuff while sitting on the couch.

11:30 pm - I seem to have finally realized that I am in the bathoom for a reason and throw up all over the wall but i interpet this as breathing fire. friend is crying at the loss of his best friend yoda.

12:00 am - I crawl into kitchen grab a fork and mint ice cream, then I stumble onto the couch next to friend. moving to me feels like swimming or fluttering threw the wind.

12:10 am - I am just holding ice cream and a fork like a retard and friend is staring blankly at the ceiling.

12:20 am - I concludes that I am unable to eat the ice cream and I let go of it and it stumbles to the floor I also lets go of the fork. then I went to friends room and i fall asleep on his bed.

12:50 am - friend notices that I am gone. he grabs a blanket and falls asleep on the couch.

7:30 am - friends's dad wakes me friend and sitter up. sitter had cleaned the puke off the bathroom walls. me and friend are still a little high.

After this I have done dxm about 70 times and have never had a bad trip.
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no about five hours before i had a small meal. and lol to the link. althought i consider 750 mg a low third platue ive taken 1300mg before and that was an expierance it was like being somewhere else physicly but your not there like i was in space walking and punching planets for great cinimatic explosians it was like i was there nothing like dreaming. but it lasted 11 hours and in the realworld i was just in a coma.
Please edit your report and remove SWIM, dextrodoctor. We do not use acronyms here on bluelight.
every trip is different, maybe because it was your first time extracting pure dxm or it could of somehow been stronger than what it was, if you have done pcp i would find that way more fun than dxm, since with dxm you have to drink so much cough syrup, or take so many pills, or in your case go through the process of extracting dxm etc. I've never done pcp, but i have done ketamine and all three of those are very similar, if you can get your hands on ketamine that would be the best for you, trip wise and health wise. If you have done dxm alot of other times without extracting them than its basically pointless, to take so much of something to achieve that high. I used to mess around with triple c's one of the worst ones you can take it's real name coricidin, and i used to take like 16 of them i hated taking all those pills just to get high. and if i extracted like them, i wouldn't like the whole process of extracting them, gel powder etc. I have used alot of drugs in high doses, but the highest i went with dxm was 450 which is alot, but nothing too much, only because triple c's were real bad for the body, and after 16 pills i had trouble breathing, and as always would vomit. lol good luck.
well the gel caps held 150mg each so it wasnt that maney pills and it was pure but i have never used cought syrup or tripple c's tripple c's fuk u up imo. i always used mucinex dm extra steanght i would xtrac 50,000 mg at a time. and pcp fucks you up in the long run. as for ketamine i like it but i hate injecting and it reminds me of the days i did heroin so i prefer dxm swallow 5 pills and go at it.