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Dumbest you've done to get high

This is kind of long, i've done some stupid shit and i've seen lotsa stupid shit go down.
I've smoked a teabag, a long time ago, i thought i was the only one. It doesn't get you high. In middle school kids used to snort pixie stix, i tried that once or twice. That, also, does not get you high. When I was 8 i used to habitually huff my asthma inhalers, i didn't know any better. Let me tell ya, that shit gets you high as hell if you spray it like 25 times . I used to be a mini-thin(ephedra) addict. I snorted zoloft, it burns. I'm not the only one who does stupid shit though. This girl i know sprayed Raid all over her weed because she heard it gets you high. My neighbor went on two-week robotussin and freon binge. And the lowest of the low....he smoked cigarette butt tobacco out of a tinfoil pipe for like a week. Oh yeah, this one time he told me to come over and drink some shroom juice, this was back when i didn't even do drugs. So i went over there and he gave me this glass of nasty kool-aid. Plus, he forgot to add sugar so it was extra gross. I chugged it and he told me it wasn't shroom juice, it was the water he just finished boiling his pipe in. Resin tea. I can't believe i was such an idiot. Me and two other individuals smoked Vicodin out of a spoon. That's all i can think of right now, I've done too much ignorant shit i don't even remember half of it.
i sumtimes chop my weed with oregano, tea, italian herbs etc, and i get shit for that.
Freon? WTF, never even heard of it.
ive got a mate whose snorted panadol and washing powder cause he had no pills, and smoked the dried inside part of banana peels.
All when very young...
Nutmeg, bananna peals, peanut skins, galangal, morning glories...no real horror stories, just bad tasting with either little or no effect or wierd uncomfortable effects.
I have since tried things that taste far worse, but at least they make up for it afterwards.
I've done the head-rush thing where you pass out. You know when a friend pushes at you chest when you hold your breath.
Then one time was a bit scary because I didn't wake up and started shaking while on the ground. I remember dreaming about a place where I used to hide when I was little. Then I woke up and my friends were worried about me because I had been gone half a minute.
I stopped doing that after this incident.
A couple years ago me and my friend/roommate were totally out of weed, so we scraped the hell out of every smoking device we had. We ended up with a little ball of resin that was about as big as 2 matchheads or so, so maybe 3-4 small hits at most. I was handing him the ball and it fell out of his hand and into the couch cushions. We freaked out because we were fiendin for that little bit really bad, so we flipped the couch over and looked all over for it. We must have looked for an hour, and it was the kind of couch with the recliner built in, so there were a bunch of mechanical devices in there that made it hard, but eventually we found it! It was like finding a needle in a haystack.
That was pretty dumb looking back on it, and that's probably the most crackheaded thing I've done for such a little buzz...
Originally posted by Thirdeyeopen:

That is so funny, you wouldn't believe how many people I know who have got bunk acid that way.

heh, the only time I've ever been bunked was by a black guy on haight street.
I would say the air duster for computers is bout as low as I have gone, and thats not healthy, you can tell while doing it, one time me and friend did clean out our waterbong but it was kinda worth it, we got a ball of resin the size of a big marble and smoked it for bout a half hour and got really baked, so I don't knock the we scrapped the bowl for resin stuff,
Ive smoked catnip before.
it got me quite sleepy.
This was in 8th grade, before I had ever even seen weed in my life, and we did it to be cool.
didn't even have real rolling papers for it, hahah.
Yeah, I'm a loser :-X
you know when youve been up all night and really need a cigarette?
well i would often be up in the art studios doing work til the wee hours and sometimes not have any smokes. so i would poke around the sand ashtray for discarded half-cigs.
I used to wonder how people discovered drugs before they knew anything about them, but now I know... they just take shit, compulsively, for no reason whatsoever.
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I've also gone the asthma puffer... bored in maths at school and got right off my brain... but couldn't stop shaking afterwards tho...
And last week, was drunk and bored so me and a couple mates huffed some spray paint out of a plastic bag... pretty dumb.
Not doing anything like that again... just recently realised I DON'T need drugs to have a good time out... big step for me, and I think i'll be alot better off now...
The dumbest thing I've ever done is probably sniff glue. Back when I was at school, sniffing glue became the "in" thing.
None of us had a clue about it, until one day these people came into our school to give us a big lecture on how sniffing glue was really dangerous, and that we should never do it.
Of course, we all wanted to know straight away why anyone would even think of sniffing glue if was as dangerous as they said, so we began conducting experiments.
Damn, that shit was weird.
chroming, spraying silver paint into a bag & inhaling the contents. but i was on the end of a week long prescription binge & i don't remember ever doing it, i've seen the pictures tho :0
fuck that - solvents are WACK!!!! :D
When I was about 10, I rolled nutmeg in a4 paper and tried to smoke it :(
I also tried smoking dried bannana skins. Thinking at the time that they would get me high.
I've done butane a few times but luckily never got into sniffing glue or huffing freon or any of that shit.
I've done load of crack and coke while whatching TV by myself. I think thats pretty stupid looking back on it.
"The dumbest thing I've ever done is probably sniff glue."
Now I wanna sniff some glue
Now I wanna have something to do
I'd have to say huffing gas was the worst for me. We used to do even when we had better drugs. Man we were stupid
Inhaling freon? Shit guys, I use that stuff to cool my computers CPU!!
"Craziest" thing I've done is rail caffeine tablets. It hits me faster and a bit harder then eating them.
I obviously had a very quiet childhood compared to you lot :D :p