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yeah that is THE only good prodigy dubstep remix....

mate, you're so right about that. i also hate 99% of those prodigy "remixes" that lurk around every corner on youtube - they're invariably worse than the original track.
I would highly recommend getting the "Echodub Loves Vol 1" compilation from the bottom of the webpage below:


It's provided for free by the label. It's all really original dubstep, none of the usual brostep stuff (not that brostep doesn't have it's place).
levictus - Cheers for that link mate! :) Gunna check out all their free albums ;)

Gunna have to big up Methodology Recordings.
I'm part of them, but they're putting out some really, really interesting Dubstep, 111bpm and general Bass-laden-music :)

I sincerely believe that they're going to be releasing some of the best Digi-releases in the near future ^_^
Staple Hill - Orbital Star (Synthony No 1, in D) [METHOD09] is a fantastic piece of music - 1 ~28min long track..... Fantastic....
Also, Dusk Ensemble has put out a utterly grand album on there :)

I hope to release an album in the near future on there also.It's Forensics that runs it, and he tends to lean towards the deep, layered-yet-minimal side of the genre - both in the tracks he produces and the artists that he includes on his Compilations :)
I'm loving his most recent tracks so much.. Hoping to do more collaborations with him in the future too.

Sorry for the self-promotion in there, but I'm mainly wanting to promote Methodology Recordings :)
yeah - thanks for that link levictus (i keep wanting to say leviticus!!!) - am dl'ing now... looks like there's a volume 2 for free as well. nice.
ne one who is down with the womp womp d/l Generation dubstep... it is best dubstep mixtape i've listened to in a while....
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Just saw Excision, Downlink, and Antiserum yesterday and holy shit, they all fuckin murdered it. Some of the best dubstep I've heard yet.
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