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DS - Advance Wars: Days of Ruin


Nov 15, 2007
Any of you all have a DS by chance? Any of you all play some Advance Wars?

I never played the GBA games, but I picked it up on a whim for my DS back when I first got my DS a few years ago. Hell of a game to pick up...easily one of my favorite games of all time to be honest. I have put in over 300 hours of play myself. I turned a few of my friends on to it and both of them are between the 250 and 300 hour mark as well. Then my wife got hooked and she picked up her own copy...she now has almost 300 hours put in to it as well. I can't count the nights we would sit around together (sometimes just her and I, other times there would be 4 of us) and play maps against each other and just have it out. We all would play for hours...incredible game. Truely amazing...and really...it can be hard as fuck too (although I have read that the GBA versions were even more difficult).

So the 23rd was my birthday. I used a little b-day money and picked up the new Advance Wars: Days of Ruin. Honestly...I have yet to take it out of the celephane and play it I am kind of scared...I know it will consume my free time to no end just like the other one. And I'm still working on all 120 stars in Mario Galaxy and I am picking up Sonic and The Secret Rings tonight. Plus...my boys are asking for my help in Metroid Prime 3. So I'm scared to unwrap it and start playing as it will steal me away from my family and everything else for a while

But does anyone else here play it? It has some online functions...and you can play online. Curious if anyone here would be up for a match in the near future.

I'm just a junkie though...

I almost started playing it last night, but I went to bed instead. I'm sure I will probably start playing it tonight or this weekend and then post my initial thoughts...but if it's just more of what was already previously done...then I know I will be incredibly happy.

In Advance Wars:Dual Strike, you got the war room. With skills off, 2 co maps, I have an S on every map. Skills on, same thing. S with every map. 3 CO maps is what I have been working on with no skills. I have an S on all but 4. 2 of those are an A rank and the other two I just haven't tried. 4 CO maps...I have 2 S's in there...and haven't really tried the others. I have spent and sunk too much time in to this game...ahaha. But I'm not alone. My wife's game is pretty close to the same state as mine concerning the S ranks and the War room.

Looking for challengers and people to add to my friends list if possible.
i played advance wars on the GBA, and man, that was the sorta game i had to make sure i had a good like 4 hours of free time before i even started.

a single level can take forever if you make just one little mistake and then you spend and hour scrambling to not let the computer just overrun you.

christ, now i gotta dig out my GBA and hope the game is in the thing when i find it.

edit: found it! it was in there! do you see what you've done to me??