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DRUGS n FRIENDS...Growin apart, rippin u off, losin touch, gettin high, gettin by

Well.. where to start?

I got into drugs in general WAYYY before any of my friends did. We were all teenagers you know, skateboarding, going to the movies on the weekends, doing Jackass shit, snowboarding and sledding down the hills in the winter. Then we all slowly started drinking together. Bunch of young teenagers looking for a party or a place to drink; trying to find someone 21+ to buy us liquor/beer because we were all 15-17. Then came the weed smoking. I would say a few of my friends tried weed like 3-4 times but never touched it again as teens. I became a major pothead of the group. I had a job and was smoking with people from work and stuff and they didn't care. Didn't bother them. Then I got into my pills. Percocets, Vicodins, Klonopins, Xanax etc and they still really NEVER cared. Started trying anything I could pretty much do: LSA, Mushrooms, DXM, etc. Tried cocaine a few times and ecstasy, did not care at all. They did their drinking thing. We used to goto parties and drink, I'd pop some E or smoke a joint and nothing. Never got any shit. This went on till we were around all 18-19. I was the token drug guy I guess. I started selling a little weed and some Percocets here and there but they really never ever gave me shit. And we know OLDER friends who were 2-3 years older than us who were using heroin and stuff and they just kept their mouths shut about. They weren't going to tell them how to live, then again we never really hung out with them much.

It pretty much became a problem for me when I admitted to them I had a problem with painkillers. I was taking Percocets and Oxycontins a lot. Few times a week. I would go on binges and shit and I would tell them, I mean "hey guys I really don't know, I think I have like a drug problem or something I can't stop talking these pills." But it was kind of laughed off and like PARTY ON DUDE. Let's just get fucked up! Yea! The drinking and smoking continued, I was getting deeper into doing cocaine and Ecstacy more. The painkillers ramped up big time. Now I'm doing OC40's and Roxi 30's like nothing and selling, making money. They were a bit jealous of me because I also worked part time so I always had money to get what I wanted and my friends were broke whether they had jobs or not.

Well the tables turned when I was introduced to heroin, and it didn't take long for me to flaunt it around like I did all those all other years. And now some of my friends are smoking weed and popping E, tried coke a few times, some opiates a few times, etc. So they aren't strangers to drugs, they just were not on the level I was at. But after a few months and it went downhill with the dope, I started smoking crack and doing lots of more coke. Some friends went off to college so I didn't see them much, the ones that stuck around started avoiding me or attempted to calm my use down (but they didn't know how to approach the situation at 19-20 years old). Finally, when I started shooting up I really lost everything. I lost my bank account and most of my money, my friends really acted different around me and told me to chill out a bunch of times, I started hanging out with only people that used or I pretty much co-erced into using. Selling them oxy and getting them into dope. I was shooting dope and coke like nothing and would skip parties or meet-ups with friends to go cop and get high or I was too sick to deal with anyone. Kind of became real anti-social with my friends and just dealt with my friends that used (who are still true friends, but just so happened to use). Pretty much destroyed my relationship with my girlfriend of 3 years. We started using together and a whole bunch of shit happened and the drugs just ripped us apart. Now I lost her for good probably, I don't know. Really upsetting, depressing and shitty. Got me in trouble with the law a few times. So it really FUCKED up my relationships with friends. I'm still friends with them, but they act way different. They know they can't stop me and I'll do whatever I want no matter what but it's saddening how it happened. People told me and warned me and I thought I could listen just like everyone else, but nope. Ruined a lot of shit for me.
Such a kick ass thread to find! This rocks for me personally.

The first time I left home and got an apartment, my roommate was a buddy I met in high school - introduced to me through our moms. He had been through rehab and so had I - so naturally moms thought we should be clean friends together. What I didn't know in high school was that while I was clean, he wasn't and were both in leadership in the peer counseling thing while he was favored by the staff at the school for his ability to seemingly have the right idea, I was asked to leave because I took a stance against a "big brother" policy the group wanted to implement.

The cool thing with us is that we get along well and we relate well so I let him get away with shit that I wouldn't let anyone else get away with.

OK, so I haven't seen him in over 20 years and he shows up on facebook. We hook up, he's obviously made a wreck of his life while I own a small business and have a nice family. But I'm doin this oxy thing now so I ask him if he can get me some heroin ... "FUCK YEAH" ... so I drop him off at his place, hand him $200 - tell him to keep $40 for himself - he tells me that it'll be a couple of hours - long story short that money is gone! And the story made sense so fuck - OK whatever ... but he's got a line on someone else so I go for round two about a week and a half later ... another $200 GONE - jeezus Christ ... this is how that went down - I made the money drop with him that time ... I couldn't see who he was givin the money to, but he wouldn't lie to me, right!? We wait for the call ... it's getting late ... I gotta get home ... one day ... two days ... "that fucker riped me off" he said - "JEEZUS FUCKING CHRIST - well ... ok ... what now?" ... "well? lets hit the parks!" ... so after MANY more attempts at the parks, nothing panned out and thats that ... but one day, he hits me up and says, "My boss - he's cool - wants to score $1k worth of pot and turn it. The return will get your money back ... you want in?" ... "Well hell yeah I want in! ... put me down for $300" (GOD I CANT STOP LAUGHING AS I TYPE THIS) the next day we try the park thing again and so I said, "can you at least get me some oxy's?" - "FUCK YEAH I CAN" - "OK how much?" - "$150" - "here you go" (I should know by now, shouldn't I?) But then when the story started on that one, I said, "OK, WHAT THE FUCKS UP HERE?" and that shit stopped with one exception.

He always told me how easy it would be to get meth, and with the oxy's, its sometimes hard to work, so a couple of weeks later, I asked him to get me some meth, "LETS GO" ... Wound up at the gas station where the dude worked, gave him the $100, watched him walk into the station ... walk out .. go to the restroom ... walk out ... he handed me the shit, then took off, telling me he had a friend down the street and that he was just gonna walk there, so I took off and when I looked at the shit, I could tell immediately that wasn't meth - "DRATS - HE FUCKED ME AGAIN" - I bitched, I moaned, I left emails and said, "WTF, do friends do each other like that? HU? Quit FUCKING ME OVER FOR MONEY ASSHOLE!" etc. he apologized on that one and said it wasn't him or whatever. But he said he knew one other person and that it would be good shit an this time he was right! Nice little rock that worked ooooh so well in the veins!

So I love the guy somethin aweful and I feel bad for him cause he literally has nothing. No job, no family, no nothin! So what do I do? I ordered him up a brand new Dell Mini 10 for christmas because I think the guy should have SOMETHING to enjoy while everything else around him sucks. Fucker better not sell it!


My sister was a year and a half younger than me and when I got to be about 17 she got into the rave scene that she'd seen me be a part of and started going to roll parties and raves. One thing led to another and she got involved with pills (opiates), which was fine when her, my husband, and I were getting fucked up together, but we were very clear that we wanted her partying in a safe enviornment with us and not with some retarded teenagers with no sense of harm reduction. She was a good kid and we really didn't think much of it other than being bothered with some of her poor choices. She got into college with a full scholorship. Then things started to go downhill.

When we'd go over to pick up oxy and weed she'd often be so out of it that she didn't notice we'd arrived. Once we heard through the door that she was trying to tell our friend to lie about how much he had so they could take more for themselves. She started showing up to work high and lost her job, then dropped out of school.

My husband and I did the whole good cop/bad cop thing with her with me taking a firmer hand and him explaining that I was tough on her because I cared and expected better. It didn't have any effect. Not only did her addiction keep getting out of control, her behavior when she was high was ridiculous. One evening she came over so fucked up that we kicked her out of the house-- that night she went to a party and got jumped so bad she was hospitalized, and she still didn't learn her lesson.

Eventually she realized she had to get a grip on things, and decided to move back in with my mom. She got sober, and was planning on taking some time to reevaluate what she wanted to do with her life. The night before she was going to move back home, she ODed and died. She was 19.

I would happily trade getting ripped off, growing apart from people, hell, even never having another friend in my entire life to have her back. It's been several years and I still get angry and depressed when I think about it.
I would happily trade getting ripped off, growing apart from people, hell, even never having another friend in my entire life to have her back. It's been several years and I still get angry and depressed when I think about it.

Jeezus you just made me tear up something aweful! That is the worst thing I've seen in a while. I just wanna give you a hug right now!
I had a lot of friends way back, when I first started high school. We were all part of the hardcore/straightedge shit, so we got along great. Then about halfway into the year, I met some new friends and we all chilled, but then they told me about DXM (fucking triple Cs lol). I started doing that maybe 1-3 times a month, on weekends when we'd hang out. Nothing too serious, I didn't smoke, drink, etc. never ditched people to get fucked up or anything like that. But then my best friend decides he won't be able to maintain his XXXcore style bullshit if he hangs out with me. I slowly start getting left out of shit, never got called for anything, whatever.
After that, I got a drug rep at the school, rumours flying about, so people knew what I did and thought I did more. I'm sure that filtered out potential friends, but fuck 'em IMO. Though I think it scared off 90% of any girls I was remotely interested in heh.
No one's really fucked me over, my friend was buddies with a dealer and I knew him a little, I was stupid and fronted him $100 for bud, got ripped off, but that's about it. As a junior, I had my friend's dad scam me for $180 dollars in one night on a small crack binge. "I'll pay you back first thing tomorrow." Fuck that shit. Later I gave someone $50 for heroin and she took some of the whole purchase for herself, but that's OK IMO, she was doing me a favour and didn't short me too bad. Overall, nothing too major has happened except for losing friends a while back.
Such a kick ass thread to find! This rocks for me personally.

The first time I left home and got an apartment, my roommate was a buddy I met in high school - introduced to me through our moms. He had been through rehab and so had I - so naturally moms thought we should be clean friends together. What I didn't know in high school was that while I was clean, he wasn't and were both in leadership in the peer counseling thing while he was favored by the staff at the school for his ability to seemingly have the right idea, I was asked to leave because I took a stance against a "big brother" policy the group wanted to implement.

The cool thing with us is that we get along well and we relate well so I let him get away with shit that I wouldn't let anyone else get away with.

OK, so I haven't seen him in over 20 years and he shows up on facebook. We hook up, he's obviously made a wreck of his life while I own a small business and have a nice family. But I'm doin this oxy thing now so I ask him if he can get me some heroin ... "FUCK YEAH" ... so I drop him off at his place, hand him $200 - tell him to keep $40 for himself - he tells me that it'll be a couple of hours - long story short that money is gone! And the story made sense so fuck - OK whatever ... but he's got a line on someone else so I go for round two about a week and a half later ... another $200 GONE - jeezus Christ ... this is how that went down - I made the money drop with him that time ... I couldn't see who he was givin the money to, but he wouldn't lie to me, right!? We wait for the call ... it's getting late ... I gotta get home ... one day ... two days ... "that fucker riped me off" he said - "JEEZUS FUCKING CHRIST - well ... ok ... what now?" ... "well? lets hit the parks!" ... so after MANY more attempts at the parks, nothing panned out and thats that ... but one day, he hits me up and says, "My boss - he's cool - wants to score $1k worth of pot and turn it. The return will get your money back ... you want in?" ... "Well hell yeah I want in! ... put me down for $300" (GOD I CANT STOP LAUGHING AS I TYPE THIS) the next day we try the park thing again and so I said, "can you at least get me some oxy's?" - "FUCK YEAH I CAN" - "OK how much?" - "$150" - "here you go" (I should know by now, shouldn't I?) But then when the story started on that one, I said, "OK, WHAT THE FUCKS UP HERE?" and that shit stopped with one exception.

He always told me how easy it would be to get meth, and with the oxy's, its sometimes hard to work, so a couple of weeks later, I asked him to get me some meth, "LETS GO" ... Wound up at the gas station where the dude worked, gave him the $100, watched him walk into the station ... walk out .. go to the restroom ... walk out ... he handed me the shit, then took off, telling me he had a friend down the street and that he was just gonna walk there, so I took off and when I looked at the shit, I could tell immediately that wasn't meth - "DRATS - HE FUCKED ME AGAIN" - I bitched, I moaned, I left emails and said, "WTF, do friends do each other like that? HU? Quit FUCKING ME OVER FOR MONEY ASSHOLE!" etc. he apologized on that one and said it wasn't him or whatever. But he said he knew one other person and that it would be good shit an this time he was right! Nice little rock that worked ooooh so well in the veins!

So I love the guy somethin aweful and I feel bad for him cause he literally has nothing. No job, no family, no nothin! So what do I do? I ordered him up a brand new Dell Mini 10 for christmas because I think the guy should have SOMETHING to enjoy while everything else around him sucks. Fucker better not sell it!



seriously? i hate to sound like an asshole but you sound incredibly stupid. you've already lost $550 to this guy and now you're getting him a laptop?? he's gonna pawn that shit the first day of w/d's... i'm sorry to tell you this but he isn't your best friend from high school anymore, but a junkie. stop seeing him as the guy you knew 20 years ago, because obviously he's not. I would have never given him anymore money after the $200. god you're gullible, i bet in his mind you're just the sucker who keeps feeding him money. you lose $500, he gives you one good rock and now he's trustworthy again? really?
All of my friends are into (or have been into) drugs. I'm very open about my drug use, and I've now parted ways with the so-called friends who couldn't accept it. That said, I think it's always important to distinguish between a friend and a drug buddy. A true friend should stick by you no matter what, whether you continue using or decide to get clean. A drug buddy is only interested in you for the drugs. If you decide to get clean, chances are that a drug buddy will ditch you.
seriously? i hate to sound like an asshole but you sound incredibly stupid. you've already lost $550 to this guy and now you're getting him a laptop?? he's gonna pawn that shit the first day of w/d's... i'm sorry to tell you this but he isn't your best friend from high school anymore, but a junkie. stop seeing him as the guy you knew 20 years ago, because obviously he's not. I would have never given him anymore money after the $200. god you're gullible, i bet in his mind you're just the sucker who keeps feeding him money. you lose $500, he gives you one good rock and now he's trustworthy again? really?

You don't get it ... First of all, he's clean as in ... he doesn't use AT ALL anymore. I know this for a fact because I do spend a lot of time with him. SECOND of all, he is in the construction business and has been laid off now for like three months so he has no income at all. So yeah, he was taking advantage of me, but not for drugs, it was so he could pay rent and buy food. We had a talk about it and I've to the conclusion that I don't give a fuck about the money, because I'd rather see my friend not live on the street than worry about a few bucks.

I just put him up in a room for two weeks starting TONIGHT - cost me almost $400 for the two weeks, but we live in an area where the wind chill takes the temperature down to -10, so fuck no I ain't lettin him live in the streets!

I recently ditched pretty much all of my friends (drug buddies, as SweetP wisely made the distinction) because I am getting clean and they are all still junkies and whatnot. I don't really see anyone else throughout the day other than my family. Which is actually kinda nice as those buddies of mine were just getting further along in their own bullshit and starting to drag me down with them before I turned that shit around in a somewhat dramatic fashion 2 weeks ago.
As of right now I don't really have any friends I hang out with, and I couldn't be happier.
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I lost a year long relationship to heroin. Not to mention self control and hygeine.

2 friends of mine grew apart from me because of opiate use.

Benzo abuse has pissed off two friends enough they wont talk or hang out with me while on them.

I lost a lot of serotonin to ecstasy ;)
You don't get it ... First of all, he's clean as in ... he doesn't use AT ALL anymore. I know this for a fact because I do spend a lot of time with him. SECOND of all, he is in the construction business and has been laid off now for like three months so he has no income at all. So yeah, he was taking advantage of me, but not for drugs, it was so he could pay rent and buy food. We had a talk about it and I've to the conclusion that I don't give a fuck about the money, because I'd rather see my friend not live on the street than worry about a few bucks.

I just put him up in a room for two weeks starting TONIGHT - cost me almost $400 for the two weeks, but we live in an area where the wind chill takes the temperature down to -10, so fuck no I ain't lettin him live in the streets!


what about unemployment? man you sound like your new at this you should know never hand over shit till you got your product. you deserved to get burned here next time be smart.
My drug friend managed to use opiates for the past 5 years without ripping people off. He recently got into H (he always used weed and opiate pills) and started ripping people off. I knew him for a while and he went to school with my sister so figured he wouldnt rip me off. Well $150 later, I was wrong. He took off with my cash. I was stupid for trusting him and although I am pissed at him, I know hes sick and in a shitty shitty place. This is the 1st friend of mine that has robbed me for drugs.
To be honest, i am more " Social " when i am high...
I prob " lost " more friends, while not parting/getting fucked up with em....

ironic aye
It began when i met a girl in my Honors US History class, we hung out once, and immediately knew that both of us used. We had about a 2 year run together, just as friends...it was great. I guess the sweetest part was she bought everything, all the drugs i could want, i would have...

Then, She left for College in Alaska...she wanted me to go with her, had a plane ticket for me and everything. I decided against going.

After She left, there was a Lull in things...l knew i wanted more drugs so i looked for Dr's to give them to me, and i found one!

Then i met Rob. Boy, this guy had potential...but he got kicked out of his house for not having a job, so I let him live with me for a week at my mom's house. The first night i called him down to the kitchen and said "dude, i want you to watch me do this" so Rob stood right there and watched me cook up some Amphet. Sufate right on my Mom's stove...we tweaked for the next week, having other people give us their scripts and selling and getting totally drunk every night...As a result we both Failed our senior year of highschool. Both of us went back and I finished early, Rob graduated just last friday...but he's Homeless once again.

Now, there is Veronica. She's my girlfriend. She didn't used to take drugs, but once she met me i told her "look, your life is probably going to get a little crazy". We've been dating for 2 months and just about 2 weeks ago bought a house together. She loves pills, but knows her limits and helps me know mine. Since I've been with her i've slowed down a lot, and it's not too bad at all...

All in all, i have only lost one of my friends to drugs--or the culture--because he decided he wanted to rob me.
With drug use alot of my friendships have drifted apart but thats part of growing up does to you, I guess? I still have some good friends I have been friends with for 20 years or more, we did all party pretty hard at one time or the other but out of these long friendships nobody parties hard anymore, for the most part.

Friends and drugs go well with each other and equally as good without each other. I have lost many relationships due to drugs, mainly me being to fuct up to realize what great chicks they were and ending the relationship because if I really look at it I was not comfortable letting people get to close to me.

Lost alot of friends to drugs, permanently. Overall not to many fall outs except for all my drug using [addict] friendships I had to cut out of my life for my sanity. It was kinda strange or normal? where I lived there were different circles of friends and in those circles there was usually one dominant drug that those people would use. Circles would overlap and it was just a big clusterfuck of drugs, friends, and partying. The biggest, most dramatic change in the friends/drugs equation would be simply growing older and families start and drug ab[use] drops or stops. So you tend to lose touch/contact with some people.

When i got addicted to heroin the first time i basicly lost all of the people that i considered to be my "friends" mostly just by stealing,lying,selling them crap that didnt work etc and i really do regret it because i also lost a bueatiful girl i was with 5 years because of my dope addiction too, stealing from her, lying, the usual routine..

Luckily i have been able to salvage a few relationships and despite relapsing a few times i never lost the close relationship i have with my family although it is clear that it is changed forever. I later figured out the people i used dope with were only my friends because of our common interests and were never people i would spend time with unless i was chasing gear or they had and i didnt.

drug addiction fucks up your relationship hardcore.
Heroin kills friendships. In the 90s, I lost most of my good friends fairly early into my addiction and they generally fell into the following categories:

Non - Users: They slowly started to avoid me because they view heroin as the worst possible thing in the world until eventually there is just no relationship.

Users: I got into dope a little earlier than my friends so I was a known to be into drugs throughout our circle. My "friends" who started using, used this to their advantage in every way they could. I was ALWAYS the one who had to go to Newark to cop - risking my ass, my freedom, my future, etc. Then eventually when it became apparent that they would never have the balls to cop for themselves or me, I started charging them to cop and they tried to play the friend card...."Oh thats fucked up, you're gonna charge me for picking up when you are going anyway?"

They also started blaming me when they got caught by others for using, for stealing, whatever. When their parents found their drugs, they told them they were my drugs that I must have left there........and their stupid naive, gullible parents would believe them.

I also lost a couple of close friends to OD.

I hear ya man, I don't even know barley anyone anymore. I pushed everyone away that wasn't using and now everyone i did it with has either moved away to try and get clean, are dead or in jail.
growin apart, being ripped off, ripping som1 off, losing touch, getting high alot, getting high together, big time woman drama...thats the story of my life and so-called freinds. I have freinds right now that Ive had for almost 10 years, and I feel like I just met some of them. The shit thats gone on is crazy. Would of my best freind fucked my girl if they hadnt done the ecstasy I hooked them both up with ? was that bitch even worth me caring? No, am I still good freinds with the dude, hell yea...but do I wanna be, or is it just cuz he got the dope????? I'm true to my freinds but it aint like being true here where I live, it's really being out for yourself..and thats what most of my peeps are doing, there own thing. Thats cool and shit, but people around here really underestimate the wealth of a close freind, they only know fake. Alot of my freinds are slanging now, and we all know that money is the root of all evil, but they be thinkin its the road to happiness, and dont listen to me..I guess its all about living and learning for yourself. The true freinds I have are the ones I can kick it with and smoke a blunt and tell my worries and feel like I'm being heard. Alot of steroids goin around too, and I aint fucking with anyone whos in the gym everyday bulkin up like a bear before hibernation, and thats a close 75% of my closer freinds. Alot of lying and snaking goes on when your trying to keep a drug addiction back from people that know thats going on, and it hurts to see it.

a couple years back my homie came back into town, I wasnt expectin to see him back, he left to go have a family. but he came back like 2 years later. he told me the girl was trippin with his kids, but I later found out after a year of trying to help him get bac on his feet that he was smoking rox non stop!! I still got luv for him, but hes got bigger priorities than crack, and I stopped helping him. he ended up robbing some of his other close freinds (he never jacked me) and got chased out of the city...im sure he will be back, but thats crack for ya.

its the same story no matter where you go, alot of liars fakers and snakes its a shame to say some of them are my freinds, but I know I got my own back.