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Drugs fuel terrorism

i think this thread is a perfect reason to do meth weed instead of any other drugs(h, e, c)

i mean, most of its made domestically, so we are really just helping out our neighbors right? :p

Whenever someone tries making this argument I point out that it's the illegal nature of drugs that results in the terrorists making money, and if drugs were legal they'd be distributed by legit companies and all that money would be taken out of the hands of terrorists and violent organized crime.
Of course all the stupid people then dig in to their stupid fantasies about 6 years old buying cocaine at the corner gas station, junkies shooting up in front of them and their kids at the playground and dropping dead, and seem to think a few more people experimenting with drugs is far worse than anything terrorists do.

great post!
In Lebanon the drug money goes to certain groups so definitely it would support terrorism.

But the hash farms and opium fields are not "terrorist controlled" it just may happen that the farmer of a particular field supports a certain party, Hizib'Allah, Phalangists, or whatnot, and of course some of the proceed goes to his party.

What I find ironic is that a lot of the ecstacy in Lebanon will have Hebrew characters on it and reputedly comes from Israel smuggled by Hizib'Allah (enemies of Israel)


I'm sure Israelis have contacts who are members of every political party in every country of the world. Demand for MDMA is global and ever increasing, and Israel is the biggest or one of the biggest sources of MDMA in the world. Hizib'Allah conducts commerce with Israelis so to be surprised that drugs are no exception is silly.