MAPS Drugs for "Acute Psychological Distres" in MAPS sponsored LSD/Anxiety protocol


Aug 30, 2005
Drugs for "Acute Psychological Distres" in MAPS sponsored LSD/Anxiety protocol

Dr. Gasser’s MAPS-sponsored "LSD/Anxiety protocol" and "The psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy in the treatment of anxiety associated with life-threatening illness protocol" in chapter "Acute Psychological Distres" mention that

"Lorazepam (Ativan) will also be available for on-site treatment of extreme acute anxiety if needed. Zolpidem may be given after the experimental session if the subject has difficulty sleeping. Benzodiazepines may be prescribed in the days following the experimental session, as a supplement to other non drug methods of reducing anxiety. Sublingual olanzapine (Zyprexa) will be available for treatment of psychosis or extreme distress that does not resolve with supportive care."

While I understand the need for such precautions and use of these substances, I wonder if there's any special reason why these exact substances were chosen? For example why short-term sedative like Lorazepam and not any other benzodiazepine with longer half life (like Valium/diazepam or Klonopin/clonazepam) that have less potential for rebound anxiety?
I'm guessing lorazepam was chosen due to it's quick onset. That & it seems to be the go to drug for acute situations in an inpatient psych setting. As such it may be formulary in the hospital the sessions took place in.

I imagine sublingual olanzapine was probably also chosen for rapid onset.
Zyprexa is often used to extinguish acute psychosis in the short-term.

It is received well and has less side effects if you're trying to anatognize dopamine, serotonin etc when compared with other anti-psychotics.

I'm not sure about the benzo choice. Klonopin is usually the safest due to long-half life.