Drugs and Steroids

I'd say abstain totally because during pct and post pct, you gotta eat a lot and train hard to keep what you got from the cycle. In the end, recreational drug use and aas don't mix well.

Exactly. If you are going to run a cycle and have the dedication to train, and eat properly have the dedication to abstain from any rec. drug use. Go out have a good time but do it sober. Nothing wrong with having fun while sober. . . and its easier said then done I know.
I'd be careful of anything that screws with your heart rate and blood pressure, is liver toxic (if taking orals) and in general overdoing it with any kind of substance.

So let's say you're on a test only cycle, a pint with your mates once per week is fine, getting wasted every second day isn't. If there's orals in there even that pint could be problematic, not for most people... but this is a harm reduction site so.

Or let's say you're on a cycle that puts your bp on the top range of normal... doing heavy stims on top of that isn't going to be healthy.

This is from a health perspective.

Then there is also the question are you getting the most you can from your cycle. Because if you're to high to train half the time...
Why do you have to pull with one size then inject with another?
Well for two reasons:
1) drawing with larger gauge needle allows for quicker drawing. Injecting with smaller gauge minimizes scar tissue.
2)switching needles allows you to inject with a fresh needle that will puncture the skin and muscle much easier. More sharp=less trauma=less scar tissue and post injection pain.
Random 6-year old thread revival: pick a thread, any thread, and ask a question!
Thank you in new to this site. I just took my first injection of test. I'm 47 and have lost 50 pounds this year. I started working out to firm up but not getting much in growth with just protein. The trainer at golds told me at my age I need help with test. OK I did it but what anti estrogens do you recommend? Also I have hcg to help with testicle shrinkage. I hope I did enough research. Thank you for your help.
Thank you in new to this site. I just took my first injection of test. I'm 47 and have lost 50 pounds this year. I started working out to firm up but not getting much in growth with just protein. The trainer at golds told me at my age I need help with test. OK I did it but what anti estrogens do you recommend? Also I have hcg to help with testicle shrinkage. I hope I did enough research. Thank you for your help.

You should start your own thread in the steroid section. It will be a little more organized than continuing in this thread. Also, post your stats (height, weight, years training, age, current cycle in dosage and all AI & SERMs you have on hand.)