Drugs and Steroids


Dec 26, 2006
Okay! So im starting up a cycle on Testosterone Enanthate and Dianabol

What i was wondering was what chemicals could i use if i chose to have a night out, it will be a v rare occasion while im cycling but i still wanna be able to have a bit of fun every now n then.

I know alcohol is a big no especially with dianabols due to stress on the liver, and stims will compromise any gains made, alcohol will do the same as well.

So what could i do for a night out? I was thinking G possibly but im not too sure and LSD i thought would be fine however i dont wanna go out clubbing tripping balls. Any help guys?
GBH/GBL, benzos and opiates are considered the least detrimental to gains and with the least stress on the body. LSD would be also (but isn't much of a party drug...)
i know people that drink alcohol, smoke weed, sniff coke and take xtc pills when on roids.

no joke either

who knows if they will live past the age of 30, look good at the moment though lol
Um, smoke a bowl bro. How come no one mentioned weed? That is about the only substance I could recommend. How could you guys recommend opiates or benzos? I could never get around to working out the day after usin an opiate or benzo, unless it was an extrenmely low dose, both of them have nasty hangovers. Just do a j when your done workin out, it will make you eat like an animal. Or possibly some jwh-018, that shit gives me mad munchies. If your using opiates or benzos I don't think you should be using steroids. JMO
weed has nasty effects on your lungs....

I smoke but as a bbing drug its not a great one. I always feel fine after opiates unless I've really overdone it. I agree that benzos will make you lethargic the next day- but I'm assuming the next day would be an "off" day...
Nah weeds not a party drug either if i smoke it i just want a girl a fuckload of movies and junkfood haha

Anyone know what may happen if i have a drinking sesh while on the dianabols or test?
i know people that drink alcohol, smoke weed, sniff coke and take xtc pills when on roids.

Arnold himself famously smoked a joint in the documentary Pumping Iron. I doubt he made a regular thing of it though. Needless to say, the coke and ecstasy is not going to help you achieve what you're going for with steroids. The rest phase is when your muscles grow, and you're not going to get much rest doing those drugs.
Yeah like i said but it would only be once or twice during the whole cycle, mainly aiming to stay away from stims. More just worried about the drinking and dont wanna turn into a G head
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Give me a break. Are you serious? You wanna post a source? I have never heard that before. I mean, I know some lazy stoners with bitch tits, but I wouldn't say its breast tissue, just fat from eating like shit and being inactive. I highly doubt a little weed would make you grow breast tissue.

Edit: Especialy if your running an anti-e along with your test, If your saying weed raises estrogens.
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Nah weeds not a party drug either if i smoke it i just want a girl a fuckload of movies and junkfood haha

Anyone know what may happen if i have a drinking sesh while on the dianabols or test?

Liver Failure FTW. Nah, it probably won't fail, but with the d-bols already beating the shit out of your liver it isn't gonna be good. I bet you would feel like complete shit the next day, and have extremely elevated liver values. You could cause irreversible damage. It's people that do dumb shit like drinking on 17aa's that give steroids a bad name.
GHB and E are good while on cycle. You do however want to be very careful with your blood pressure. If you take dbol and test without an aromatase inhibitor, your estrogen may climb high and quick, and with it water retention and a potentially EXTREMELY high blood pressure may result.

If you add a drug to that, it might be just too much. So yeah, no stims, although training on meth is freaking awesome, G and E are fine, LSD too of course...
GHB and E are good while on cycle. You do however want to be very careful with your blood pressure. If you take dbol and test without an aromatase inhibitor, your estrogen may climb high and quick, and with it water retention and a potentially EXTREMELY high blood pressure may result.

If you add a drug to that, it might be just too much. So yeah, no stims, although training on meth is freaking awesome, G and E are fine, LSD too of course...

You kind of contradict yourself, mdma is a stimulant, not the same as straight meth, but it deffinatly has strong stim qualities. Also, training on meth is just dumb. It's only a matter of time until your heart gives. There was a reason for the ephedrine ban in 04, and meth is a hell of a lot stronger than ephedrine. Also, I don't think anyone eats on meth, it's possible, but who does? Your cortisol levels would shoot through the roof. You might be able to get some extra reps in, or hit a new max, but your muscles would probably be eating themselves, leaving you weaker in the end.
You kind of contradict yourself, mdma is a stimulant, not the same as straight meth, but it deffinatly has strong stim qualities. Also, training on meth is just dumb. It's only a matter of time until your heart gives. There was a reason for the ephedrine ban in 04, and meth is a hell of a lot stronger than ephedrine. Also, I don't think anyone eats on meth, it's possible, but who does? Your cortisol levels would shoot through the roof. You might be able to get some extra reps in, or hit a new max, but your muscles would probably be eating themselves, leaving you weaker in the end.

Dude, I'm not saying to use meth as a daily workout aid... I'm just saying it's a blast. You seem to have taken an opposing stance to my presence here...

And seriously your heart WILL give out if you have meth in your body and you go to the gym? Are you really really serious?
When it comes to Nolvadex, should i run it while im on my cycle or only if i show symptoms of gyno?

sorry for off topic
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When it comes to Nolvadex, should i run it while im on my cycle or only if i show symptoms of gyno?

sorry for off topic

Yes, you can use nolvadex during your cycle but only if you see some beginning signs of high estrogen/gyno...I would opt for the smallest dosage i.e. 10mgs to see what works for your body...

Nolvadex specifically binds to breast tissue opposed to other traditional SERMs...

Personally, I would dose .5mg ARMIDEX EOD...
Yes, you can use nolvadex during your cycle but only if you see some beginning signs of high estrogen/gyno...I would opt for the smallest dosage i.e. 10mgs to see what works for your body...

Nolvadex specifically binds to breast tissue opposed to other traditional SERMs...

Personally, I would dose .5mg ARMIDEX EOD...

Agreed, adex would be a far better option. A bit more expensive, but well worth it.

I haven't done any weed when I've been on a cycle but I would guarantee it's better than coke or extacy while on roids! I made the mistake of being on a cycle and getting talked into a carefree night out doing coke. I maybe indulge in small amounts of coke about twice a year at the most and yes for me anyways it ends up being a great carefree no stress night out that i think everyone in one way or another needs once and awhile. When I made the mistake of being on a cycle of test 400 and deca thinking one night wouldn't hurt and I didn't even bother to research it thinking no big deal for one crazy night out that i only do 1 to2 times a year and im in gret shape and like to think i take somewhat good care of my body other than when i cut loose those 1 or 2 times a year.Oh man though I really wish I didn't though! Steroids already put extra stress on your muscles and make your heart work over time but when u add coke to the mix oh man!!! I thought my heart was going to pop out of my chest! It dangerously increased my heart rate and my blood pressure from only half a gram too! So bad that half way through the night, I went and took my blood pressure and heart rate bc I could just tell from how I was feeling to how red my face got and how hard my heart was going that something was really wrong and that I could soon be in some serious trouble! Turns out I was right!! I got lucky that time around but let me tell u, I would never do that again even if it was a once and a year thing. Totally not worth the huge risk!! I later asked a medical professional and they confirmed that doing roids and coke together could very easily be a deadly mixture with how much stress it puts on your heart in a short period of time! Not to mention the long term affects with your liver or other organs but my main most serious issue I had is how hard it was on my heart for the short term. Totally totally not worth the huge risk of 1 carefree party night out that from what I've been told and researched could have very easily been my last party night!! Not to mention the lesser issues of loss of appetite for a couple days and not having the energy to keep with your work out plan for that week which is minor but still more cons on top of heart failure and long term affects on your organs and even your brain!! I would highly recommend if u still want to indulge in both drugs that u use coke when your not on a cycle and in my opinion be off your cycle for at least 3 to 4 weeks to cut down the chances of extreme stress on your heart.
I'd say abstain totally because during pct and post pct, you gotta eat a lot and train hard to keep what you got from the cycle. In the end, recreational drug use and aas don't mix well.