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Drug test on Monday

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Aug 25, 2011

So after being in Australia for the last 2 years, I've just got a job here in England... If I can pass a drugs test on Monday 8o

I last took MDMA and acid last weekend, I'd be right in thinking that I won't show for that right? However my main worry is weed.. Up until 3 months ago I was smoking about 2g a day, for at least 7 years. I quit 3 months ago, but have had the occasional puff of a joint/bong... Probably my last time being about 5 weeks ago.

What are my chances of passing? Is there anything I can do between now and then to improve my chances? It'd be so annoying to not get the job after barely smoking in 3 months

So after being in Australia for the last 2 years, I've just got a job here in England... If I can pass a drugs test on Monday 8o

I last took MDMA and acid last weekend, I'd be right in thinking that I won't show for that right? However my main worry is weed.. Up until 3 months ago I was smoking about 2g a day, for at least 7 years. I quit 3 months ago, but have had the occasional puff of a joint/bong... Probably my last time being about 5 weeks ago.

What are my chances of passing? Is there anything I can do between now and then to improve my chances? It'd be so annoying to not get the job after barely smoking in 3 months

If you havent smoked daily in 3 months you are golden, the odd toke/ bong here n there wont build up in your system, if i was you id pop to boots n buy a few drug test piss strips and check for yourself, if all clear = excellent, if dirty then plenty of exercise to sweat it out n PLENTY of water, you should be sorted though mate

Good luck!
I know this isn't relevant as its more applicable to stims BUT I'm a contractor or used to be anyway. We get tested regularly. I had a bit of a prob with stims of the cathinone variety as well as the amphetamine variety.
I've tested positive many time and still got a start! ;)
I buy some chesteze tablets from boots and hand half a pack in my pocket. I play dumb when the test dips and just say 'ohhh I'm on these, I know they have caused problems before because of the ephedrine in'. They look on google and apologise and on my way I go :)

Not sure what you can do about weed though :/

Good luck either way
i mean worst comes to worst you could say u were in amsterdam for a mates stag weekend and toked on a spliff, if its positive i mean, but the fact u aint blazing regular is a good thing, unless you got a shitload of bodyfat the odds are in your favour :)
Cheers pal, given me a bit of reassurance. I'm pretty skinny with a fast metabolism, so should be sound hopefully
I got tested having been a daily smoker for years, but not had any in a month, but had smoked a couple of joints in the two days beforehand and I tested negative. I'm not saying this will happen to you, just giving my experience. I am also pretty skinny with a fast metabolism.
You should be sweet on all fronts. Piss tests dont test for acid, e's are gone in 3-5 days depending on your metabolism and a few tokes of weed weeks ago wont show up. You can relax
I'm fucking disgusted at this. I am aware that American multi - nationals with operations based in the UK have been doing this to prospective and current employees for a few years now but it appears that domestic employers are now pre-emptively doing this as part of their pre - employment checks , who to be fair have generally avoided this sort of action as they used to recognise ones right to a private life and have traditionally only take such action if they identify it as a potential problem in an individual employee, and even then it is treated as an occupational health issue as a pose to misconduct.

Welcome back to the UK Dan, where folk can roll into work on a Monday morning still impaired form ingesting ethanol for 48 hours straight, but don't try and have a splif unless you have 3 month holiday afterwards to recover from such immoral behaviour.

Fucking disgusts me. I know that it is critical in some roles where you have hundreds of lives in your hands but if this is going to become standard I am going to have to find myself some sort of business course and become self employed because even following my successful rehab (I cant even entertain the fact that I wont 'graduate' form the course) I have no intention of ever giving up smoking cannabis on a weekend, as I don't particularly enjoy alcohol beyond an occasional pint or 2, and as such it has beome and always will be my standard weekend poison of choice.

PS - Despite what I have stated I expect and hope that you will pass as you sound like you have made every effort to provide a clean sample, so good luck with today and the job - Stee
I'm fucking disgusted at this. I am aware that American multi - nationals with operations based in the UK have been doing this to prospective and current employees for a few years now but it appears that domestic employers are now pre-emptively doing this as part of their pre - employment checks , who to be fair have generally avoided this sort of action as they used to recognise ones right to a private life and have traditionally only take such action if they identify it as a potential problem in an individual employee, and even then it is treated as an occupational health issue as a pose to misconduct.

Welcome back to the UK Dan, where folk can roll into work on a Monday morning still impaired form ingesting ethanol for 48 hours straight, but don't try and have a splif unless you have 3 month holiday afterwards to recover from such immoral behaviour.

Fucking disgusts me. I know that it is critical in some roles where you have hundreds of lives in your hands but if this is going to become standard I am going to have to find myself some sort of business course and become self employed because even following my successful rehab (I cant even entertain the fact that I wont 'graduate' form the course) I have no intention of ever giving up smoking cannabis on a weekend, as I don't particularly enjoy alcohol beyond an occasional pint or 2, and as such it has beome and always will be my standard weekend poison of choice.

PS - Despite what I have stated I expect and hope that you will pass as you sound like you have made every effort to provide a clean sample, so good luck with today and the job - Stee

Cheers for the kind words Ste :). Your right, I wouldn't feel impaired at all after smoking a joint or two, but give me 5 pints and there's no way I'd be able to work. Actually they've put back the test for another day, which is good news, not that an extra day will make much difference. Gonna neck a load of water in the morning and hope for the best.

The guy I spoke with today shit me up, saying that there's no way of passing the test if you've smoked weed in the last 3 months. Still he's bound to say that isn't he.
I've only ever had one job in my life where I was drug tested and it was working as an accountant for a pharmaceutical company back in 1997...

The woman says to me "are you on any drugs" to which I replied "only morphine and temazepam"....

She nearly shit herself but I must have passed cos I got the job...
I would guarantee you will pass the test bro. That 3 month shit is bullshit. 6 weeks for a heavy smoker...you had one puff five weeks ago. You will be fine.
I would guarantee you will pass the test bro. That 3 month shit is bullshit. 6 weeks for a heavy smoker...you had one puff five weeks ago. You will be fine.

This Dan /\ so you honestly have nothing to worry about. And its Stee spelt with two ees, not one. Ste is phonetically incorrect despite being the most common way its spelt 8o =D
I've passed a drugs test 3 days after smoking a spliff when i wasnt taking a heavy smoke due to a court case against me. Passed all drugs test but one which was down to MPA or some other RC that gave a false positive as meth. Weed if your a heavy stoner aswell takes forever to come out too.

Benzos are also a nightmare. MDMA, coke, etc all gone in 48hours.
Yeah I thought that too Fug..

Especially not "how can I effectively cheat a drug test" questions....

Guess the rules are subjective :)
yeah I learned that a while back :)

like, no sourcing. etc.
So we can do drug testing questions now? Alright, cool dumb rule anyway. lol
I think they may let this one slide, as there is no harm in asking such a question when the OP has obviously gone to the best lengths possible already to makesure that he is drug free and due to the importance of passing the test. What we don't want is discussion on how to 'beat' a test while still using by talking about minimum detection times with regards to various screening methods and drugs. I can't see the harm in the discussion so far, as one way or another it will be done and dusted by the end of the day. IMO the thread should be able to stay put, but as the OP's query has been answered to the best of the members abilitity it might be better to let it stand but for the mods to close it to be on the safe side.
Its a tough one Stee. You're right he's not saying "how can I keep smoking and still pass" but the very nature of posting about it at all suggests that drugs have been ingested that may cause the test to be failed.

I've no problem with it at all but sometimes I just don't quite get where "the powers that be" draw the line in the sand with these things. (or even if they do at all as oppose to just making it up as they go along). I mean we can either post drug testing questions or we can't.

Its a bit like "no price discussion" that turned into "some price discussion" or "no sourcing" that morphed into "mention the country of origin from the DN that gives away the source to everyone else who uses the DN"....

That sort of thing....
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