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Drug Dreams [merged megathread]

i have altho i classify them as nightmares as im drug tested regularly and dont partake anyway....
We need to bump this cause I KNOW ya'll have some crazy ass drug dreams....

I just dreamed that one of the marshmallows in Lucky Charms cereal was now Tramadol!

LOL, that would be magically delicious, huh?
i dream about drugs A LOT
coke, ecstasy, pot, ketamine, acid, etc.

always make my cravings just intensify which is annoying as fuck
once on a sobriety kick i had the most vivd dream that i can remember.
it was my birthday and i was sitting home with my dad, i looked up an escort on craigslist and arranged a meeting that was in a local park. after i drove up to the spot i called up the hooker and she gave me directions to where shes at. when i got to the house someone motioned me to come up the stairs so i walked up to her room. when i walked in i saw her, she was a very hot friend that i used to hang out with alot. she was completely naked on her bed.

after a little chat, she put clothes on because we were going to go to a different house. when we got to the house i saw a bunch of people and some guy handed me a large glass container that was sorta pear shaped. inside the glass was a whirlwind of smoke. he said " hit this" as soon as i did i felt like i was higher than ive ever been before, it was incredible. it felt like i was at this party with the girl (the dream had completely shifted and it was no longer about screwing an escort) for hours getting high and when we ran out of this magic smoke i started hitting empty pipes for resin....after a couple of resin hits i woke up.
i must have stared at my wall for 5 minutes after i woke up feeling this great euphoria as i recalled my dream.

i wish i would dream about drugs more
the most vivid and strong using dreams i had happened to me the first time i went to rehab
i used to wake up in the night sweating so bad and wishing that it wasnt a dream

i cant really remember any of the dreams exactly, but just that they happened almost every night for the first two weeks that i was in there
yeah I've had very graphic using dreams the two times I've gotten clean. I had one the other night and it was so realistic. my best friend and I were in my car driving forever to cop and I very vividly went through all the motions of fixing and hitting my favorite vein and I woke up right after I shot up...I was dying to go back to sleep haha. oh in rehab last year I dreamed that I was smoking crack all night long which I've only done twice so it was weird for me to dream about that, usually I dream about h.
The worst is waking up, being so happy, thinking your dream was real and you really do have the bag of drugs from your dreams.
Only to realize it was the dream and that your still broke and don't have shit! Doh.
One time i had some crazy dream about roling a joint w my best friend on some garden like place.
It was really cool.
for some odd reason i tend to have a lot of drug dreams
recently its just been about MDMA and rolling.

I had a dream that i came in contact with 100 pills and they were all pipes :(
it was a bad dream

last night i had an odd dream that ill leave most of the details out of but i dreamt i had a blue dolphin on me for some reason.
Sometimes I get the drug nightmares, where its raining OxyContin but they won't crush up to snort, they gel if I try to IV, and I choke if I try to swallow them.
In rehab I woke up over and over furious like a fucking dog in a cage gettin poked with a knife,every time i would dream I was shooting a fat shot of dope and wake up in the shitty rehab bed I wanted to fuckin cry and scream at the same time. Night after night. now I am going to probation on Thursday. I keep dreaming that its wednesday and I just used a lot of dope and Ima piss dirty and go to jail with no bail.
I remember my first kick from poppy pod tea, I had obtained a case of like 75 and binged on them till they were gone. I was unlucky enough to experience my very first (and far from last withdrawal) and I recall sleeping fine the very first night. The 2nd day I went to work and had a hell of a time, I had to sit down like all the time it sucked.

Got home that night and found out pretty quickly that no matter what I did I absolutely couldn't sleep, I had RLS (actually the only time I've had to put up with that shit) and didn't manage to sleep till the early morning hours. I dreamt that a box of poppies had arrived at my house and I was delighted that I wouldn't have to be so sick anymore.

The relief felt so real too, just that feeling of knowing you'll be well soon was a fucking gift from god. I walked around w/ the box for the 20 or 30 minutes that the dream lasted trying to figure out a way to prepare some tea but I couldn't seem to get it to happen.

Finally, I woke up sick again and drenched in sweat. Worst feeling ever, hands down.
I've never felt high in my dreams. I was always seeking the drug an never actually got it.

Last dream was me buying heroin bags and finding out that they are all completely empty.:(

Can't remember the other dreams but they've been the same.

Wish that I could actually find the drugs and get high in my dreams.:X
I used to dream about heroin all the time, probably about 3 times a week for 2 months. Weird stuff, mostly scoring it and running off to go do it all excited, and it would end. I remember getting a huge brick, about the same size as a kilo brick of weed but it looked like light tan putty. I must mention that I'd never done Heroin before I when I dreamt about it, only some morphine which I imagined it felt like with much more sedation and euphoria.

Sometimes I'd do it and it wouldn't be as good as I was hoping or I'd fall on the floor and everything would fade to black, I'd start to really panic and once woke up after one of those with sleep paralysis, unsure if I was still dreaming or was awake, and when I could eventually move I'd gasp for breath (if you haven't had it, it feels like you can't breathe because your chest muscles are paralyzed - but under control of the autonomous?, I think, nervous system. Fuck, I hate that shit! Only happened once with heroin dreams - which was almost a statistical inevitability given how often I had it at a stage.

But my H dreams were when I was in severe pain, and I would visit BL and hear all these stories... Made me drool. Even obsessed with it.

I don't really dream too much any more, sometimes I do and it never, makes sense at all. I'll only remember for a little while - and then it's gone. Especially after finally doing opiates in large doses, I wasn't too impressed. But I probably haven't found the right one or the right, ummmm, chemist or doctor, yeah.

I did once dream, that I was super-wasted on Midazolam and when I woke up, I was! Shit you not! ... Weird. But since I had a box of them in the cupboard that seemed emptier, it's probably explainable, so I won't call Ripley's just yet.

Actually my favourite thing to do was keep in the twilight zone in between being awake and asleep with the TV on softly to add some background noise. You get to see how creative your mind can really be - if you remember it and write it down. Whatever it was, I just remember it was good. The same special effect as being on the edge of amp psychosis except your smiling and enjoying the show instead of quivering in fear. Except you're seeing birds and butterflies and fluttery clouds instead of satanic apparitions with glowing green eyes chanting in the dark waiting to take you off to their master - even though it could be the same audio coming out in both instances (which normally is in sync with the visions).

I have strong senses when I dream, actually feeling intense pain / pleasure, and obviously emotions (isn't physically induced so it's not surprising to me). Being high or feeling unexplainable feelings is what interests me the most. Unless I realize that I'm dreaming, then the sensation goes away. Which is sometimes really frustrating, other times not so.

I've dreamt of being on acid and X or both the most, out of all drug dreams I've had, but can't remember too much about them. Especially when I was younger and couldn't always do whatever I wanted, when I wanted. I craved them more then (15-18) than I do now.
Once had one of those short, well-remembered dreams that happen when you wake up and snooze off again. I was driving on a road I know well, when very suddenly I was tripping massively on LSD. Pretty scary, but I woke up after a couple of seconds.

Had a couple of dreams where I dreamt I did ketamine or coke (which I didn't try yet). However, I remember feeling something of the coke, but I don't remember exactly how it felt :)
When I was heavy into coke for a period, I had a dream I load the pipe anxious as fuck..about to light..flick..fuck I woke up. sweaty. dam

Thank god that doesnt happen often
For the first few months of my incarceration last year I would have these extremely hedonistic drug/sex dreams that were very realistic... and then I'd wake up and "hey, where'd my mound of heroin and my nekkid woman go? Oh..... fuuuuuuuuuuck."
Seeing this very similar patterns and themes in you guys and myself makes me want to look at this further.

oddly enuf, when I have these "stash dreams" is when I have drugs in waking life. maybee I just cant wait to try out the new product with some peeps, or sell it. ( I'd see old pills, weird pill. Stacks of self separating blotters). I would think to expect to get these dreams in times of 'no-drugs'. then the idea of the wish fulfillment, is obvious: the desire to get high/ do drugs/ have drugs, and the feelings of joy just looking onto my stash.

when I acquire large amounts of drugs in dreams, I have gotten real close to getting them in me. once to the point I just fumbled the pipe, and the weed turned to liquid and oozed out of the pipe as I worried about how much of a fool i looked like). This I have a strong feeling that it is very similar to the psychic mechanisms going on when you feel the need/desire to run, but you are stuck. Your brain requires the sensation of air moving past the face, and the sensation of your legs moving to confirm and truly belive that you are running. Much the same way that you know what a high is like, but especially with wierd pills that you haven't tried in waking life and have no memory of, your brain knows it doesnt know what the high will be like and thus avoids it. Also, not having the sustance in you, again can be related to your brain expecting the effects, doesnt experience them, and avoids it. Although this is not always the case..

This one's a good example from last year said:
I can see baggage sorting at an airport, most likely. I can see a hangar.
Packages arrive at where I work and D is carrying some product and I tell him out of suspicion to hold onto the burrito he had. In it was two little heat sealed bags of cocaine. I weigh them on my scale and they come up at 1.150. We were so happy.
Suddenly I’m in the lobby and I see C walk into the bathroom with a freezer bag full of pink “Louis Vitton” X tabs.
Lots of little bags of X and cocaine are turning up, I’m getting real excited to get off work, get home, and get mashed. Work…..oh shit, I wake up and realize I unconsciously turned off my alarm and went back to sleep. Another shift missed.
At this time of my life I had never tried cocaine, and pink louis-vittons, were only mentioned by a friend a couple days prior.
I know I use "your brain" a lot, but sometimes can be substituted with "your subconcious"
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