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Drug documentaries on TV / Internet

finer details, HA! dude, i wouldn't be posting that kind of thing in a public forum regardless of being charged or not. it just sends out all the wrong signals.

it's preserved all in it's wholesomeness through the reported threads section though;)
Such a fine story too :<

You are one determined motherfucker MrIbis, I'll give you that.
Ah, im all about a good yarn man. I guess the BL could do without my criminal mind ;)

Montana Meth

A doco following a group of teens addicted to meth, also interviews and stories from young former users...Just a warning, if you shoot meth this will make you crave a fat shot something chronic. I enjoyed this doco but I think a lot of that had to do with the drug porn bits :-/ Has some beautiful shots of Montana scenery also, for something more wholesome!

Montana Meth

A doco following a group of teens addicted to meth, also interviews and stories from young former users...Just a warning, if you shoot meth this will make you crave a fat shot something chronic. I enjoyed this doco but I think a lot of that had to do with the drug porn bits :-/ Has some beautiful shots of Montana scenery also, for something more wholesome!

Well that was thoroughly depressing...
Well that was thoroughly depressing...

It is, bleak and fucking depressing....so is meth addiction!

The feel of the doco seems to quite accurately mimic the excitement then emptiness unique to the drug's addiction...for me, anyway
OP what a thread, these links will keep me busy for days!!!:D
if i come across anything ive not seen covered here, will be more than stoked to contribute. Love these docos!!
Many thanks Psilo and all else who have contributed. I'dd add some but pretty much everything I've seen has been linked already.

Finding the stuff about trafficking to my liking. Not so much the addiction/nasty side of drugs themed vidoes. Keem em coming :)
Is there anything else on oxycodone/contin? I seen the oxycontin express and oxy: the hidden epidemic. Im thinking documentaries are just starting to come up now that oxy has really blown up.
Look for the series Intervention (the first one, UK one). Theres one of some kid in the UK injecting oxy's and nearly killing himself from addiction and bad or no filtering etc.

I dont remember anything else on oxys

Maybe theres a Drugs Inc or Taboo episode on it?
History channel, NatGeo chans, Discovery and Discovery Health & Home & BBC Knowledge are all great for drug docos. Check the guides for the month and if they have something new or not listed here and you dont have payTV then search usenet or torrent sites for it
Id like to start this thread for people who have information about upcoming drug documentary TV shows / internet shows. If you have any links or any info post it here.

We'll continue:

Locked up abroad (Ecuador)
Guy gets busted for importing cocaine. One of the best docus ive seen so far.

Locked up abroad (Peru)
2 girls used as drug mules getting busted with importing cocaine. Very good docu as well.

Locked Up Abroad - Venezuela

Heroin User
History of Opium, Morphine and Heroin

Ice Addicts
60 Minutes "Ice" Special





Would prefer docus on tv more as there are alot of related vids on youtube or other similar sites.

Keep em coming :)

I linked most of the banged up abroad ones and also locked up abroad. I also posted a few links on oxys few pages back if u search my name it should come up:)