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Drug documentaries on TV / Internet

Heroin Story.

I found this randomly yesterday, it's pretty good. About a guy who starts filming heroin addicts then falls back into addiction himself. It shows him going through ibogaine therapy, which I found really interesting.
Did a search, this didn't come up, so...

Drugs, Inc.: Hawaiian Ice


In Hawaii, which has one of the highest rates of crystal meth users in the nation, National Geographic Channel cameras follow along on a raid to a drug trafficker's house to discover a woman who continues to deal crystal meth while her husband is in jail.
Drugs, Inc.: Alaska Heroin Rush


Alaska has a dark secret: it has one of the biggest drug problems in America. We'll get a firsthand look at the effects of heroin and the withdrawal symptoms involved in using the drug. A heroin addict since the age of 11, 56-year-old Janet turned to prostitution to pay for her habit. 30-year-old addict Matt, who desperately panhandles for enough money to score his heroin fix. Meanwhile, gang member Bush shows off a loaded AK-47 he keeps under his kitchen sink as he cooks up a batch of crack.

^ This one's heroin, crack and alcohol really.
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Thanks for those links Poledriver and everyone else:) Keep them coming.

Did anyone watch the docus I posted few posts back called "To catch a smuggler" ? Its an awesome series that just came out. SE01E04, E05 and E06 just came out if anyone is interested in the latest episodes. They are all on The pirate bay, I would love to give u guys links but apparently posting torrents is not allowed here (Not sure exactly why) but anyway it is there to download:) Enjoy. They are really awesome eps:)
Breaking The Taboo - Film

Narrated by Oscar winning actor Morgan Freeman, "Breaking the Taboo" is produced by Sam Branson's indie Sundog Pictures and Brazilian co-production partner Spray Filmes and was directed by Cosmo Feilding Mellen and Fernando Grostein Andrade. Featuring interviews with several current or former presidents from around the world, such as Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, the film follows The Global Commission on Drug Policy on a mission to break the political taboo over the United States led War on Drugs and expose what it calls the biggest failure of global policy in the last 40 years..

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The DMT doco hosted by Joe Rogan? Im sure its already been mentioned here, butthat really hit home even though I watched it after I made love to DMT.
12/7/12 6:11 PM EST
Former President Bill Clinton says in a new documentary that his administration’s attempts to limit drug trafficking from Colombia “hasn’t worked.”

Clinton joined other world leaders — including former President Jimmy Carter — in filmmaker Sam Branson’s new documentary, “Breaking the Taboo,” which premiered Thursday at New York’s Google headquarters and charges that the global war on drugs is a failure.

“What I tried to do was to focus on every aspect of the problem. I tried to empower the Colombians for example to do more militarily and police-wise because I thought that they had to. Thirty percent of their country was in the hands of the narcotraffickers,” Clinton says in the film, which is available free online.
In the film, narrator Morgan Freeman says, “the U.S. spent billions of dollars funding military operations” in Colombia to cut of cocaine coming into America.
Clinton later says: “Well obviously, if the expected results was that we would eliminate serious drug use in America and eliminate the narcotrafficking networks — it hasn’t worked.”
The documentary was made before Washington and Colorado voted to legalize recreational marijuana, but its release comes as U.S. officials — including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — remain critical of its legalization. The Office of Drug Control Policy declined to appear in the film. Clinton said in November at a foreign policy forum in Washington that she was “not convinced” that legalizing marijuana would end violence related to drug trade.
Carter says he faced similar drug war problems as President Barack Obama and criticizes former President Ronald Reagan.
“When I was president, we had the same problems with drug production and distribution and consumption that we presently face. We tried as best as we could to minimize the emphasis on our criminal punishment, and I made a major statement to the Congress asking for changes in the law.”
He continued: “President Reagan and his wife [Nancy] adopted the drug program as the No. 1 issue for her to proclaim. She had a phrase: Just say, ‘No,’” Carter says in the film. “She made it clear that her prohibition against drugs included marijuana and everything else. So I don’t think that there’s any doubt that President Reagan made a profound impact then on the consciousness of our country, and I think that he also shaped the opinion of many members of our Congress.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2012/12/clinton-drug-war-hasnt-worked-84784.html#ixzz2EX6UB3o5


This is a brand new documentary and sounds very promising, I haven't watched this yet but I'm going to later this evening.
I watched it yesterday and it is indeed a good doco.

Hopefully it gets some positive attention. I believe it was produced by Richard Branson's son, so I imagine the budget for PR and promotion will be substantial enough for it to at least get a mention in mainstream media - probably just reporting all the statistics that drug use is on the rise then get Anna Wood's father to say "see, it's because we aren't locking up and killing the users of these, drug use is rising! Drugs are bad, mmkay. On a boat where people's job requires no drug use, they have only 0.01% testing positive - PROOF that prohibition works!". Doubtful they will report on the actual message in the film, they wouldn't want to stray from the status quo, or "taboo" and actually discuss or debate the issues at hand.
Was a good doco, good to some positive signs for drug-reform when such highly reagarded and powerful people are voicing their opinions.

"Rock star John Cale is no stranger to drugs - years of cocaine, heroin and alcohol abuse could have killed him.
Now the former Velvet Underground star returns to Wales to find heroin causing havoc in our communities.

Crazy for Party Drugs UK

Britain's drug culture is changing - fast. Cocaine and ecstasy are out and mephedrone, ketamine and GHB are in. Shot in Leeds over the biggest party weekend of the year - Halloween and Bonfire Night - this film gets under the skin of the new party drugs. We follow Holly, Tony and Oliver from the dancefloor to the morning after and, with unique access to the first specialist 'club drug clinic' outside London, we find out what happens to those who want to keep going even when the party's over.

On a certain torrent site.
Extreme Smuggling

Invites viewers to peer into the underground world of drug smuggling, animal trafficking and illegal gun trading. Each hour-long episode uncovers the sophisticated methods and radical techniques used by criminals who are willing to take drastic measures in order to turn a profit.

The first one is the drugs one, some pretty cool shit, I like the narco subs part and the soap.

On torrents.