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Drug Dealers on the Internet

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Oct 5, 2010
What are some of the best places on the Internet to find local dealers?

I had no luck with 4chan.

Has anyone here actually found a dealer on the Internet?
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This is the most retarded thing ever...

If you advertise your drug on the internet in a unlawful matter, you should get caught, and let smarter people deal drugs... PERIOD.

You have got to be fucking kidding, right?
I'm not talking about advertising your drugs on the Internet. I'm talking about, for example, going into a chatroom, asking for drugs, and actually getting some.
I'm not talking about advertising your drugs on the Internet. I'm talking about, for example, going into a chatroom, asking for drugs, and actually getting some.

I just joined recently but from my understanding you can't even ask this. Trust me if you want something bad enough you will eventually find your own way of obtaining it.
I'm not talking about advertising your drugs on the Internet. I'm talking about, for example, going into a chatroom, asking for drugs, and actually getting some.

that isent going to happen lol surely nobody is that stupid
This is a horrible idea. If you don't end up getting yourself noticed by law enforcement, you're still very likely to find someone who will take advantage of you to make a quick dollar.

I have friends who met up with people they'd been talking to on bluelight, and get ripped off several hundred dollars, and one was even robbed at gunpoint.

And in that situation, what the hell can you do? You're not exactly going to call the police and say "Uh, yeah.. So I was trying to buy drugs from someone I met off the internet, and dude totally took my money!"

So please, don't do this. If you're having so much trouble finding drugs, I'm sorry, but maybe you shouldn't be using them.

There are plenty of things you can order off the internet, legally.. Pods, Kratom, etc.. Other than that, I highly suggest you wait until you find someone you can trust. Trust me, when you're interested in drugs, you always seem to end up finding people with similar interests eventually.

But ugh.. Please don't look for illegal drugs from people on the internet..

And yeah actually tried to find people to sell you drugs on 4chan? Are you serious? Do you know what a troll is? 4channers will have you curled up in a ball and crying..

Although, I'm wondering if the OP is a troll himself?
No need to advertise online anyway. If you have good shit those fiends won't leave you alone.
I have never had a dealer who didn't rip me off. My last dealer stole 75 dollars from me and stole 120 dollars from my friend.
...I have friends who met up with people they'd been talking to on bluelight, and get ripped off several hundred dollars, and one was even robbed at gunpoint.

And in that situation, what the hell can you do? You're not exactly going to call the police and say "Uh, yeah.. So I was trying to buy drugs from someone I met off the internet, and dude totally took my money!

I died laughing, spilled a fifth of vodka, spewed yogurt from my nose, and vomited simultaneously at this shit.

OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D
And it's a true story!

One friend tried to buy 30 hits of "LSD" that ended up being brightly colored cardboard ripped off a kleenex box.. I realized this when he showed me the acid, because the pattern on the "blotter" was exactly the same as the box of kleenex in my apartment!

So after realizing that I immediately thought he should take a taste of the supposed "2C-I" caps he had bought so many of... And yep, it was flour. Definitely.

He immediately called this guy back, who was long gone of course.. And the guy bragged to him about how many people from bluelight he had been doing this too! Incredible huh? My friend threatened to call the cops, and the guy was like "hahahaha, seriously?"

The friend that got robbed at gunpoint was just stupid though.. I shouldn't call him a friend, more of just a person I know. He got lulled into a suburb of chicago to buy I forget what, and pulled up to someones house where he was promptly met with the barrel of a gun, robbed, and sent on his way.

Funny, but sad too ya know? But that's why stupid things like that can get you in trouble.

Oh, and rofl about laughing, spilling, spewing, and vomiting all at the same time! Hahahaha..
I'm not talking about advertising your drugs on the Internet. I'm talking about, for example, going into a chatroom, asking for drugs, and actually getting some.
Yo go to 47th street and take a right into the alley. I'll be waitin wit what you need! Make sure to come alone and bring as much money as possible I gots lots of droogs.;)
4chan has nothing but pedophiles

go to the nearest "big city"
go to the shitty neighborhood
look for a guy in baggy clothes chillen on the sidewalk observing the cars and passerbys

approach him and say "so whatchu got?"

in cleveland, when im at stop lights.. i actually got these goons that walk up to my car and say "heyy u loooking for rock" or "i got 2 for 5's man 2 for 5's bro!" or "i got pillz, i know you get down!"

i really just wanna rob the ignorant fucks
Well atleast the guys being honest lol. But REALLY dude what you just asked is a big no no for this site. If you cant find your own dealer then drugs are not for you
...One friend tried to buy 30 hits of "LSD" that ended up being brightly colored cardboard ripped off a kleenex box.. I realized this when he showed me the acid, because the pattern on the "blotter" was exactly the same as the box of kleenex in my apartment!...

...So after realizing that I immediately thought he should take a taste of the supposed "2C-I" caps he had bought so many of... And yep, it was flour. Definitely...

...The friend that got robbed at gunpoint was just stupid though.. I shouldn't call him a friend, more of just a person I know. He got lulled into a suburb of chicago to buy I forget what, and pulled up to someones house where he was promptly met with the barrel of a gun, robbed, and sent on his way.

Do your friends chew on crayons and eat glue?

*Very uncontrollable and wheezing laughter.*
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