Dropping Out Of Highschool?

its 4 damn years of your life, suck it up, everyone else does. think about it like this, when you are 50 none of this crap its gonna seem like such a big deal as it is now and once you've gotten older and wiser you will say "what the fuck was i thinking?"
I was kicked out of high school and court ordered to get a GED when I was 16, and I don't regret it, America's public schools are bullshit. I'm taking courses at my local community college now and I don't worry about not having a diploma.

I love to learn but really, FUCK high scool.

Of course that's just me and I don't want to reccomend that anyone else drop out, do what makes you happy, just make sure you have a real plan that you can stick to.
Here is my little story..

During the middle of my senior year, a lot of bad things happened. Don't want to get into it, but life at school was unbearable. So this is what I did. I got my parents to come with me to talk to the administrators and tell them that it would be better for me to do my schooling at home. I told them I could not bear school anymore, it was causing me to want to commit suicide every day. I said I would drop out if they didn't let me do home study, and while I didn't mean to threaten, if they let me do home study at least that way I would get my diploma.
They agreed. So I went on homestudy, which is incredibly easy...you take home these pamphlets and once a week you go in to see your worker and do your testing (insanely easy work)...you have PLENTY of time and can get a job/do whatever you want while doing this.
I didn't even want to go to my graduation ceremony, and because of this, I was done with high school three months earlier than anyone else.


LOL...never regretted it once. High school is horrendous unless you are one of the few "beautiful popular people"..and I was glad to tell my school to kiss my ass.
I dropped out of school when I was halfway through grade 12. One of my best friends had died the summer before going into grade 12, so i was really depressed. I became a huge stoner and was failing all my classes because i didnt do jack shit...i didnt have a lot of friends, and the ones i did have were just like me, so we always cut class and smoked up. I was incredibly depressed.

I dont regret dropping out at all. There was no way i was going to pass...and if i did, it was going to be barely scraping by. I was just not ready to graduate, and grow up.

I got a job and worked, partied all summer, had my fun. When september rolled around, i was ready to go back to highschool and finish. It was great because i was actually ready to learn. I quit smoking pot and actually got good grades, and met some cool people. The gradding class i was with the year before was NOT a nice group of kids, but these kids were really nice, and much more mature.

If you just want a break from highschool, but plan on graduating..then yeah, take a break. Not everyone is ready for everything at the same time...i didnt grad till i was good and ready. But DO graduate eventually, whether its through homestudy, or whatever.
MynameisnotDeja said:
High school is horrendous unless you are one of the few "beautiful popular people"

I wasn't one of the "beautiful, popular people" and I found high school to be a perfectly adequate experience. I even *shock* ENJOYED some of it.

Interesting to note the direction this thread has gone though ;)

In a way, high school is a microcosm of society. You'll be dealing with similar people in the real world so view it as an anthropological lesson ;)
I enjoyed high school quite a bit too. I think that my junior year ranks as one of the best of my life. Had we not moved I don't think my mental health would have detiorated as such, but like I said, things tend to work out in the end.
All right. If I'm on some drug I can tolerate school maybe it's because when on, say, DXM i have no ego. I'm at peace with myself, basicaly. In the "real world"- in other words, when I'm not tripping things are so stressful. I have no joy and life feels so fake.
There are other options instead of dropping out. I took home and hospital where ones a week a teacher would come to me and tell me what my work was for the week. *I was sick thats why I got that.*

Next year (senior year) I had taking "homeschooling." I went to my school and saw my teacher twice a week to take test and the rest of the week was free to do homework and work. Even though I didn't work.

Both a lot less stressful and I didn't have to deal with teachers with powertrips and just the general public at my school

Or test out and get your GED or if your State offers it an early exit exam test that will give you a diploma if you pass. I know you have to be 16 and have a parents permission in CA.
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littlecunt said:
All right. If I'm on some drug I can tolerate school maybe it's because when on, say, DXM i have no ego. I'm at peace with myself, basicaly.

You're in an altered state - you're not yourself let alone at peace - all you're doing is avoiding reality and the issues before you. It's given you a false sense of secuirity if you believe this.
I have a bunch of realtives that dropped out of school. They feel like shit that they did now. They have crummy jobs and not enough money. Some were wise and got a GED. They went to college, and now after graduation they are doing better. A lot of them are just regretting that they just didn't hang in there and just get it done and over with while they were there. Some are making a lot of money, but they had to work damn hard for it. On the otherhand some other members are fucking crackheads and addicted to heroin. So, now choose what direction you want to follow.
Life is as fake as you want it to be darlin'. I dropped out of school because I knew I had the strength to pull through and motivate myself to achieve great things and go farther in life. It's what I always wanted and hoped for myself. High school was just not a part of my plan, but that doesn't work for everyone. You've got to figure out what works for you amidst the confusion of being a teen :\. Good luck - there is a lot of personal bullshit to cut through before being able to get your shit together and see clearly who you are, where you're a goin' and what exactly it is you've got to bring to the forefront of this crazy world and what you want to change.

Half the time you may not even know what these things are until your dead, who knows, but life goes on and you gotta stay afloat. Fight the things that are worth your energy. Don't try to fool yourself though because as most people find it only works for as long as you can keep it up, then you gots a load of work to catch up on and a lot of reflecting to do. DXM is not the answer to your problems. There is more out there that you can find which will bring you inner peace. Knowledge is your best defense over any old bull crap, don't forget that.

best to you
I would have to say suck it up. Most people can't stand those jails but you gotta go threw it for a good chance to stay on the road ahead of you
Well, im kind of in a hurry, so i didnt have time to read a lot of the posts here, so im sorry if im repeating anything here....

I personally didnt dropout of highschool, but i know quite a bit of people that did. And honestly, a dimploma and degrees and all that nonsense means a good job if you go into the career feil such as doctors, blah blah blah. But if you have a good head on you, and dont get lazy you can achieve whatever you want; school or no school. My boss dropped out, and shes making A LOT of money right now. MY bf dropped out, and he works for a very high end audio and video store and he makes big bucks. except for one person i know, everyone else that dropped out does quite well for themselves. im not saying that everone should drop out, cause its a different case with everyone, but thats a dicision you have to make on your own. just dont get lazy and fuck it up, whether or not youre in school.


best of luck with whatever you choose.
I just wanted to add that life after high school just means a HUGE and DIFFERENT set of problems.
MynameisnotDeja said:
I just wanted to add that life after high school just means a HUGE and DIFFERENT set of problems.

too true!

Thanks. I know drugs aren't the answers to my problem. Im really confused right now and maybe doing drugs isn't the best solution. In fact, it's only making things worse. I feel really stupid for drinking cough syrup.

I'll really consider all the great replies on here. I will keep you posted. Cheers!
littlecunt said:
I feel really stupid for drinking cough syrup.

who hasn't said that at least a few times?
i'm sure you'll figure things out, sometimes we all have to fall down and get up a few times before we figure out which way we need to go... it's just crazy how we always know the answers to our questions, we just never know how to listen to ourselves confidently...

LOL. i dropped out of High school a term before i would have finished so i could smoke cones all day.. fuckin good choice i reckon

OK im being sarcastic and taking the piss out my stupid stoner ass self. i feel sad about what i did. but its ok. schools not for everyone, you can find another way as many others have suggested.
I know alot of people who dropped out of school that have succesful jobs lives familys etc and they are happy. SCHOOL AND UNI IS NOT THE BE ALL AND END ALL. all you uni buffs are implying that education and money is all that matters. perhaps some people find studing really fucking boring. society still has places these people. perhaps cunt might enjoy being a labouring man.

some one has to do the "shit work" if it must be called that. its just as important as the suit jobs

we cant all be lawers ... .fuck who would want to anyway.

I myself am a visual artist. thats why i left. no use for school in my life i just went head on with it and even had arguments with my art teacher!!!! yeah! it felt as though My liberated imagination was not welcomed..... i just need to find where it is. I can totally understand you when you said school isnt your thang.. so go find your thang. society can accomidate everyones thang. no matter what that thang may be

of course what do i know im a penniless pot head. take the advice of all the good little grads who did exactly as they were told
trippingmonkey, i agree with the you whole heartedly. money really doesn't mean anything to me. why, even when i have money i don't know what to spend it on. things are over priced, food and shelter are necessary and they should be free. they aren't, which is why i have to work.

i am a visual artist too, it's how i express myself. sitting in school, you will usually just see me doodling unable to concentrate on the jibber jabber that's going on around me.

I totaly agree with you. it's like, most people go to school because they think it's all they have. they are told to see to it that they get a "real education" by the law and by their parents, by the school board. they don't question, they just do. as if they're programmed to follow directions and not question their authority.

i don't know, either way, what is important to me is being happy.