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Driving with a After Glow


Jul 27, 2014
Hello, first post here :)

So here is my story, i went and saw Adventure Club (Rave) and i took a decent amount of MDMA, not cut, just mdma moon rocks that i crushed up and capped with good weight(good weight as in i knew how much was in it, unless my scale). The rave was yesterday from 4pm - 12am then i went to the after party/after rave from 1:30am - 6am. So when i usually take my MDMA, i dont set times to take the next one, i base it on how much im rolling. So i started the day at around 4:30pm with roughly .23g, then when it nearly wore off at 7pm (not fully sure i wasnt checking the time but based on the sun light) i took about roughly .22g. When that just about wore of for me at around 9:30 i waited till 10 then took about .2g . After the concert/rave we took a ferry back to Manhattan of the island, then took a subway to the after party and got there around 1:30 and at this point i was coming down fully so i bought a red bull, bought a bag of hot dog buns (potato bread) and managed to force my self to eat 2 (for carbs to keep me going). popped my last one which was roughly .23g at 1:25ish and went in to rage. This roll wasnt as strong but lasted me until 3:30 to 4am ishh so bout 2 and half our roll or so and just chilled for an hour or two enjoying music.

Now it is the next morning after this insanely fun night but very taxing night and i have work in an hour and a half. 12 hours since i popped my last one and about 21 hours since my first pop for that episode. i slept about 3 hours, (not very tired, of course cause of the molly) have healthy food, sugars, and electrolytes in my stomach. BUT!!! i still feel some of the molly, or what fellow MDMA users would call it (After glow). Slight after glow but i am not tired, and ready to go on with m life but do you guys think itd be safe to drive to work?

Also my tolerance to MDMA is higher then a average person, i take MDMA about 1x a month or at most 1x every 3 weeks at raves. Usually taking .5g spacing out .2 .1 .2 or .25 .25. in the span of 8 hour raves but MDMA definitely doesnt hit me like it used to, but of course College starts in a month so im done for a bit. Unless i decide to go to E ZOO ;).

Also as for the potency of the MDMA, i cant exactly tell you but taking .1g gives u a decent roll, and taking .2-.25 makes u feel amazing. anything over that for me make me get faded memory throughout the roll, alittle anxiety at the peak, stomach aches sometimes, really bad cotton mouth, and sometimes feels unpleasant. Most i took of this stuff was .5 at once and i remember very little of that day, apparently i was just staring at the fire works and lights, vibing really hard to music (but not dancing) and rubbing this water bottle i had lol. (At EDC NY 2014, during ADVENTURE CLUBS SET!) but apparently had decent self control, and could walk very well, talk decent. etc

Well let me know what u think of my driving situation.
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Hmm you took a shitton of mdma. You also got very little sleep. While you might not be directly under the influence, it is still a terrible idea to drive because your body has been through a lot.

Don't hurt yourself or someone else.

Also, tone it down with your doseages. The amount you took is insane and not healthy.
I'd say if you're not high anymore you should be good but it also depends on how caught up on sleep you are.. I.e if u been sleeping 1-2 hours a night for like 3+ days you could get very sleepy on the comedown which would at least slow down your reaction and worst put u asleep. .. be safe!!
If it's just a short drive in a familiar place you should be fine. I've driven rolling before and it's fine unless you're at the level of getting visual distortions.
If it's just a short drive in a familiar place you should be fine. I've driven rolling before and it's fine unless you're at the level of getting visual distortions.

Don't give advice like this. It goes completely against the spirit of harm reduction.

OP, when it comes to substances and driving, the general rule of thumb is that if you're feeling anything or you haven't slept, its a bad idea. Getting behind the wheel and driving on no sleep can slow your reaction time down just as much as drinking can and if you can avoid driving in that state, its for the best. I have done it and I'm sure most of us here have but I did have an incident where I thought the light was green and it was still red and I floored it into the back of the guy in front of me. Luckily there was no damage and I didn't hit him very hard (he didn't even pull over, just kept driving when the light turned green lol, I wonder if he was even sober) but it could have been very bad and since my pupils were still blown, if the cops got involved I would probably have had a drug test and a DUI.
^ while you may have been ok, it is a terrible idea to drive while rolling or under the influence of any drugs. You don't want to kill yourself or someone else.

DUIs are extremely expensive at best.
I wouldn't say that driving on the after-glow is particularly dangerous -- ie. not ideal, but it's an acceptable level of impairment IMO--obviously not scientific, but I would say that the afterglows I get from empathogens or psychedelics are less impairing than a legal (<0.08 ) BAC or a hangover.

That being said, like everyone else mentioned, driving while sleep deprived is very dangerous. I've done plenty of that myself, but only with stimulants on hand--if anything the afterglow would kind of be your saving grace in that regard (DARPA says modafinil can keep pilots performing at 75% of baseline after 40 hours sleep deprivation, for example), but be aware of the actual effects that sleep deprivation causes. It's not just about falling asleep at the wheel--your reaction time is way slower, you're more prone to aggressive driving or reckless behavior, your object discrimination is horrible, and worst of all you aren't aware of your own level of impairment. This part is important--chronic partial sleep deprivation (ie. getting a few hours of sleep, rather than none) basically has the alcohol effect in terms of making you believe that you're less impaired than you really are.

Good call on the taxi, always better safe than sorry.
Don't give advice like this. It goes completely against the spirit of harm reduction.

OP, when it comes to substances and driving, the general rule of thumb is that if you're feeling anything or you haven't slept, its a bad idea. Getting behind the wheel and driving on no sleep can slow your reaction time down just as much as drinking can and if you can avoid driving in that state, its for the best. I have done it and I'm sure most of us here have but I did have an incident where I thought the light was green and it was still red and I floored it into the back of the guy in front of me. Luckily there was no damage and I didn't hit him very hard (he didn't even pull over, just kept driving when the light turned green lol, I wonder if he was even sober) but it could have been very bad and since my pupils were still blown, if the cops got involved I would probably have had a drug test and a DUI.
Just being honest and realistic. Good call getting a taxi though OP
We have roadside saliva drug testing here and without a doubt you would have failed it.

Here in TX the highway patrol can just arrest you and request a blood specimen.. if u refuse they just get a warrant which is actually fairly easy for them

The grey area is whether or not the levels in your blood were intoxicating at the time.. but ya good call on a taxi.. the old saying goes "you may beat the rap but you won't beat the ride"
Here in TX the highway patrol can just arrest you and request a blood specimen.. if u refuse they just get a warrant which is actually fairly easy for them

The grey area is whether or not the levels in your blood were intoxicating at the time.. but ya good call on a taxi.. the old saying goes "you may beat the rap but you won't beat the ride"

Some Breaking Bad shit lol