• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Drinking your own urine

maybe they are just deranged like every other religious fanatic

Or the more logical view is that they liked getting high on A. muscaria, and mitigating the damage from the toxins involved by a first pass through a shaman or reindeer is clearly beneficial if you want to trip on it.

They didn't have much else to use, what did you expect?

You don't have to be "deranged" to realize that this practice of their use of piss actually saved a ton of lives over time, as opposed to straight mushrooms. It made sense.

Obviously it's no one's favourite choice of drug source, but it works, though isn't really worth it for the most part.
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so basically, next time i take my dose, save my piss in bottles for when i run out to drink it and get fucked up???

sounds like a non-plan to me!

So what if i drank my piss after eating about 50-55mg of hydrocodone. Does that mean my piss would be full of Dilaudid since hydro is metabilesed into hydromorphone??
Does that mean my piss would be full of Dilaudid since hydro is metabilesed into hydromorphone??

No - hydromorphone is not the only metabolite of hydrocodone. You'd be lucky to recover 5-10% of the original dose. There'd be a lot of other shit in there too.
Ummm this is way over my head. Im leaving this Thread now:\ before it gets pissy!
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This might be a stupid question. i am for example addicted to MDPV and benzo's, so i take large ammounts everyday. if i stored all my urine and let it evaporate/stored my urine in a container. and then got clean and get my tollerance back to baseline. i could drink my pee and get fucked?

i heard about people on an amphetamine binge peeing in a frying pan for several days and boiling it, and then in the end they had amphetamine hcl. but dont know if its just a myth.

Is there any drug this could give an effective yield? i have a friend who consume 1000-1500 mdpv a day. if somebody with no tollerance drank he's pee would that person OD?

Im not going to do it. Im just curious.

also could you OD from drinking a junky's urine?
i could drink my pee and get fucked?
Given that you never excrete 100% of the drug unchanged, I would asy, no, it's not worth it. There'd be so much other shit in the urine that you would be wasting your time...

How about we don't encourage people to drink urine, on a harm reduction site? This is a fucking stupid idea.
How about we don't encourage people to drink urine, on a harm reduction site? This is a fucking stupid idea.

lol, urine is quite toxic if im correct, afterall your body just filtered out most toxins in there, correct me if im wrong but this idea is disgusting too.
It might be good idea for recycling MDMA. You could potentially supply yourself for a month with once nights dose by ensuring all urine is saved every day! Genius. Why nobody has thought about diverting the sewage from clubs and filtering out the stuff is beyond me. You could supply yourself with distribution level stock and get rich for basically free. I should keep this idea to myself but there are more clubs then i can handle so go forth and prosper friends, dont say i never share good info.
lol a pill is cheaper then a beer, but i suppose for americans its a good idea.
LMFAO...Urophagia cracks me up...

Sure, you could. I seem to recall there have been a few meth heads who recycled amphetamines out of their urine. Messy process.

The problem in a lot of cases is that your liver likes to tack sugar molecules onto any availiable 'handles' the drug molecule has, in order to excrete it. In addition there are all sorts of other competing factors (distribution to fat, liver metabolism etc) that makes this a generally bad idea for most drugs. You'd probably be lucky to recover 50% of your drug in an active form, unless you collected a whole day's of urine and extracted it.

Personally I would not make a habit of drinking my own urine. It's sterile, sure, but unhygenic and not very appetizing. Also, regular consumption can fuck with your salt balance, because the main route your body excretes salts is that way.

For most drugs this is probably not worth your time. The exception are really, really solid potent drugs like phencyclidine and gabapentin that "pass through" rather than being metabolised. I don't think recovering ~20% of an amphetamine dose in urine is worth trying to drink a cup of piss.

Didn't some dude get busted for a "meth lab" when his big piss bucket went up in flames or something like that? I thought I remembered reading something along the lines of that here on BL lol.
^^ Lol respect for creative thinking but you dont want to get caught since it means even the weed dealers will own your ass in prison. Or perhaps think you are insane and steer clear? Hmm.
Before penicilin was easy to make, patients urine was collected, the drug extracted and used again.
An excellent way to smuggle the stuff in. Nice.

Not really. Even looking past the headaches presented by processes of extraction, the volume of a given individual's bloodstream puts hard limits on how much may be smuggled (given that this person wants to live, so we're not smuggling drugs in cadavers)...even smuggling in a single dose of any compound is dicey, if marginally viable.
I think that we need to sweep discussion back into ADD territory.
